Hello there,
I've been browsing this forum every now and then, throwing the occasional reply. I noticed quite a few people turned their faces towards Single Player. I'm a long-time SPF (Single Player Forum) member myself and have been on-and-off D2c both in SP and
I just recently started playing some D2C SC in SP again and wonder if any of the other SP'ers want to hook up. (Playing v1.09, missed the cow level and I couldn't live without the players# command.)
Edit: I do obviously expect a certain level of maturity (and 110% legitness.)
Hello there,
I've been browsing this forum every now and then, throwing the occasional reply. I noticed quite a few people turned their faces towards Single Player. I'm a long-time SPF (Single Player Forum) member myself and have been on-and-off D2c both in SP and
I just recently started playing some D2C SC in SP again and wonder if any of the other SP'ers want to hook up. (Playing v1.09, missed the cow level and I couldn't live without the players# command.)
Edit: I do obviously expect a certain level of maturity (and 110% legitness.)