Grand Charms - Skillers


New member
Oct 19, 2004
Grand Charms - Skillers

I posted this thread in general, but no-one has answered it so I thought I would try stats.

I heard that NM Flayer jungle is the best place for skill charms?

I did over 60 runs, found 29 Grand charms of that only 1 was a skiller.

Is this normal? Or did I have very poor luck on the weekend? What are the expected results?

I used a LF Amazon with 200% MF ( MF doesnt effect it does it?)

The other 28 Grand charms were all really low level and crappy.

I also re-rolled 3 Baal Grand Charms and wasted 150+ PGems and only got 2 skillers, is this normal?


I might of just had a shocking weekend, just want to know everyones feedback on Skiller hunting.
Gaza0469 said:
I posted this thread in general, but no-one has answered it so I thought I would try stats.

I heard that NM Flayer jungle is the best place for skill charms?

I did over 60 runs, found 29 Grand charms of that only 1 was a skiller.

Is this normal? Or did I have very poor luck on the weekend? What are the expected results?

I used a LF Amazon with 200% MF ( MF doesnt effect it does it?)

The other 28 Grand charms were all really low level and crappy.

I also re-rolled 3 Baal Grand Charms and wasted 150+ PGems and only got 2 skillers, is this normal?


I might of just had a shocking weekend, just want to know everyones feedback on Skiller hunting.

I'd say you've had some below average luck. Usually I get 1 skiller every 40 pgems or so. But then P Gems aren't worth very much and occasionally you can roll something godly.
3xbd said:
I'd say you've had some below average luck. Usually I get 1 skiller every 40 pgems or so. But then P Gems aren't worth very much and occasionally you can roll something godly.

Cool thanx for the feedback :)

Did u re-roll the ones Baal drops, or just any grand charm? am I re-rolling the wrong charms perhaps?

I got one skiller after about 50 pgems, then my second one 100 gems later, so I probably should of got one more skiller out of it.

How about the flayer jungle, anyone try that?
Everything what happened is absolutely normal.
A3 NM as a best place for GCs is a semi urban myth :lol: "Semi" because it is true after all - the best chance is here. "Urban myth" because this hcance is only very, very, very,... very slightly better than in any other place later on in the game. I can´t give you exact numbers just now but difference between A3 NM and A5 Hell is something like 1:300 versus 1:301. Just play the game EVERYWHERE.

To get 3 skillers after 150 rolls of Baal GC is something better than average I suppose.
sangfagel said:
Everything what happened is absolutely normal.
A3 NM as a best place for GCs is a semi urban myth :lol: "Semi" because it is true after all - the best chance is here. "Urban myth" because this hcance is only very, very, very,... very slightly better than in any other place later on in the game. I can´t give you exact numbers just now but difference between A3 NM and A5 Hell is something like 1:300 versus 1:301. Just play the game EVERYWHERE.

To get 3 skillers after 150 rolls of Baal GC is something better than average I suppose.
thx for info
since my char can't to hell baal i will just do it in nm A3 thx again
thanx everyone :)

I read somewhere that NM Flayer jungle was the place to be, so yeah, i think I just had huge expectations of finding 1 like every 10-15 runs :) So, finding one about every 50-70 runs is probably closer to the truth.


They seem to spawn with pretty average suffix's in the jungle too ; (
Gaza0469 said:
thanx everyone :)

I read somewhere that NM Flayer jungle was the place to be, so yeah, i think I just had huge expectations of finding 1 like every 10-15 runs :) So, finding one about every 50-70 runs is probably closer to the truth.


They seem to spawn with pretty average suffix's in the jungle too ; (

I like hellcows, I think you find a grand charm atleast every third run.
Those are the best when rerolling for skillers. I rolled some 20 skillcharms with them. About 2000 P gems though.
Very little suffixes are not possible in the jungle. Pretty much life, fhr, frw can spawn.. Anything useful actually..

From nm jungle to baal hell there are like 3 prefixes that complement skillers and other skills and can roll instead of them, so if I recall correctly what somebody said, its something like 1/20 against 1/21 in that forsaken fetish place :)
And, in exchange for a very minor reduction in "skiller chance" (too minor to be noticed, probably), you get the chance to find a lot of things that cannot drop in nightmare flayer jungle...

But, it's probably like everything else in D2: people are checking ATMA to see which monster has the highest chance to drop something they want, and they keep trying to kill that monster over and over again... ignoring everything else.
Ignoring the fact that the best solution to finding items is not looking for them :)
For example: I was bored, was chatting a little on my home channel and then a guy asked for a nightmare rush... I said 'okay, I'll do it for free, have nothing better to do'... Then Andy dropped a unique ring (eh, nagel 28)... Meph dropped crap, but Diablo gave me HoZ186.
Myrakh-2 said:
But, it's probably like everything else in D2: people are checking ATMA to see which monster has the highest chance to drop something they want, and they keep trying to kill that monster over and over again... ignoring everything else.
In all fairness, the flayer jungle does contain a high concentration of extremely easy kills, all of which can drop a Skiller according to the Area Level.
Are charms found in the pits ,in act1(hell), worth rerolling, with the hope that a skiller will come up?

And is it possible that the skiller will give other stats too?
Myrakh's comment cracked me up, but there are certainly worse places to do runs than Flayer. The sheer volume of kills means you'll get your share of runes along the way as well.
A very nice guide on charms was posted in the SP forum and quoted on statistics recently. The reference is this. Be aware, however, that a contribution by Thrugg by the end of the thread significantly amends the lvl requirements for rerolling. So don’t forget to read the whole thread !

Two things I remember from other posts by Thrugg (an expert of the topic):
- the odds of re-rolling a NM Flayer Jungle GC into a skiller are 1/22 (which means 66 PGems on average)
- the odds of re-rolling a Hell Baal GC into a skiller are 1/23 (69 PGems) (not much of a difference, as mentioned by someone else above).

If the mod formula is identical on drop and on re-rolling (I am not sure, it’s only a fair assumption), then the odds of dropping a skiller in NM Flayer should also be 1/22.

So overall, I would confirm that you’ve just been a little unlucky with your 2 skillers from Baal GC at 150+ (instead of 138) PGems, and 1/29 skiller drops in NM Act3.
Taft12 said:
Myrakh's comment cracked me up, but there are certainly worse places to do runs than Flayer. The sheer volume of kills means you'll get your share of runes along the way as well.
Myrakh's comment cracked you up cause it was so true :lol: ... Black_Rose is right as well - you don´t find items you want, you just find anything.

I recently found 2*HoZ in Tower looking for runes
I found SoJ and 2*shakos looking for runes, jewels and grays in Fayer Jungle (mf +4%)
Andy gave me Gul when I was looking for rings
I found wf in River of flames making an Hellforge rush (the rune was Hel)... :sleep:

These probabilities are so little that you can hardly controll your finds. Runs are boring. Just stop "looking for xxx" and play the game. You will finally find good items anyway... or buy them for perfects.
sangfagel said:
Myrakh's comment cracked you up cause it was so true :lol: ... Black_Rose is right as well - you don´t find items you want, you just find anything.

I recently found 2*HoZ in Tower looking for runes
I found SoJ and 2*shakos looking for runes, jewels and grays in Fayer Jungle (mf +4%)
Andy gave me Gul when I was looking for rings
I found wf in River of flames making an Hellforge rush (the rune was Hel)... :sleep:

These probabilities are so little that you can hardly controll your finds. Runs are boring. Just stop "looking for xxx" and play the game. You will finally find good items anyway... or buy them for perfects.

Runs dont bore me :)

All my characters have all the gear they need, I just want to tweak them a bit more with skillers, in Particular my Rush Enchantress sorc whom I would like a few more fire skillers for.

It seems rune work and re-rolling mods is all I play this game for these days, I dont really item hunt any more, my mules are loaded with decent gear too, I think I will keep playing until Guild Wars comes out :)

I would never do Hephasto runs just to get a Zod, In fact I have never seen anything higher than 1ST drop
or kill Frosteinstien for Tyreals might , thats just crazy talk.

But doing 100 runs over a weak is nothing, and if the average chance for say Shako is doing Hell Baal 350 times, then I dont mind plugging away , doing 50 runs or so. Generally something nice will drop, even if u dont get the item u were looking for, then u can use that decent drop and can trade it for the item u were looking for.
Estimated market value