grail info/utilities


New member
Aug 10, 2004
grail info/utilities

I just started playing D2 again recently after a 4 year hiatus. one of the things i always loved about single player was collecting the grail, yet i dont see any of the old info on here that used to be up. what ever happened to the grail collection thread? i also remember there being a very handy spreadsheet that helped you keep track of found items, is this still around and if so could someone point me in its direction?
Re: grail info/utilities


Your best bet is to use Flavie. It's easy and you don't need to do anything manually - it reads your characters and stashes and lists out what you have, along with grail % complete. Details are in the first sticky - the one that starts with HELP.
Re: grail info/utilities

If you look at the ATMA/Gomule/Mods/Help thread at the top, you'll find some links to stuff. People tend to use Flavie now. It's a java program that looks at all your ATMA stashes and puts everything into a pretty HTML file for you. You can look at the link in my signature to see what it looks like.

Edit: Double pwned.
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