Good sorce build?


New member
Nov 21, 2004
Good sorce build?

I will be using full tals 2 sojs magefist travs and sanctuary.
skills thinking about maxing:
fire mastry
frozen orb
& Coldmastry
and getting 1 teleport and eshild

Kretschmer said:
Hydra kills mega-slowly. ES is a really bad idea without points in telekenesis.
if i have max block and resist then my mana shouldnt go down all that quick right?
That is not a bad build, but I would make a few suggestions. By maxing FM and FB, you are committing to fire being your main attack. This being said, I would not max cold mast. I would spend a few points there and let + skills raise it, investing the other points in Firebolt (another synergy.) Basically, fire is your main attack, with orb as a backup for fire immunes and a method of slowing monsters to keep them in hydra.

Depending on what you are planning for this character, 1 in ES might be plenty. I have a hydra/orb sorc that I use for MF. 1 in ES and 1 in Chilling Armor helps her get thru the durance of hate without dying as she teleports around the outside to lvl 3. I have to drink a blue pot now and then, but I am damned glad for it when I tele into some might enhanced dolls. I'm not saying you have to do it exactly the way I did, but I can say that the build I use is effective; she finished the game with no rushing, and soloed baal at lvl 78 with some fairly mediocre gear (occy, shako, smoke, and garbage.) Feel free to PM me if you'd like any more info.
Kretschmer said:
Hydra kills mega-slowly. ES is a really bad idea without points in telekenesis.

I worked out on skill calc that with top notch gear hydra can get 3k+ damage? If so that wouldn't be slow at all.

With enough points left over for secondary FO points
Estimated market value