Good dam pally that can survive hell


New member
Jun 14, 2004
Good dam pally that can survive hell

well i have no idea what pally to make there are so many too choose from.. Almost every char ive made has never been "powerful" they always tend to be weak.. im just getting back on my feet after taking a break from d2 and i dont have much but i have some friends i could ask for stuff. i want to make a pally that gets good dam and can survive hell untwinked..i dont really want to make a hammerdin.. becuase i can never get them to do crap for dam.. lol and zealots arent the greatest.. i was thinking about a v/t or a pure smiter.. not sure which would be better though...and i was thinking about making an avenger because of the multiple elements and the resists to them.. can i get any suggestions? Oh, and if anyone has any spare/useless pally or any items on USEast NL i would gladly appreciate something to start me off...(i have no idea why i dont play l and nl.. but im wierd.. i might start to play a ladder char once i can find a char that will survive:p)
frost zealot all the way. the least item-dependent, most viable, non-hammerdin paladin i've ever played.
[exile] said:
frost zealot all the way. the least item-dependent, most viable, non-hammerdin paladin i've ever played.

thanx.. i even looked at that guide and it looked awesome.. :) ill have to try one
Umm...what do you mean by: "i dont really want to make a hammerdin.. becuase I can never get them to do crap for dam.. lol."

It's pretty much a fact that hammerdins are excellent PvM characters, mainly because at around lvl 85 your hammers will do over 4k magic damage that ignores resistances of demons and undead (almost every monster in the game). Do you have trouble aiming the hammers? When I made my first hammerdin back when 1.10 just game out I got kinda pissed off because it was so hard to get any hammers to hit a specific enemy. Then I realized that the hammers come out of the 10 o'clock side of your pally.

Personally I think hammerdins are the best first character to make if you don't have any gear. IMO they are also the best cowerz and Pit Runners.

BTW, why don't you just switch to ladder right now since you don't really have anything to lose? You will be mad at yourself later when you have a few godly items and you don't want to switch to ladder anymore.
i'll agree with grizzly, starting off in ladder is probably a good idea. get some items, then do a "L for NL" trade and you can multiply your wealth. but that's if you even still want to play in NL -- i've decided to stick with ladder completely.
[exile] said:
i'll agree with grizzly, starting off in ladder is probably a good idea. get some items, then do a "L for NL" trade and you can multiply your wealth. but that's if you even still want to play in NL -- i've decided to stick with ladder completely.

yeah ill still want to play in nl because i have a few friends who play it, but yeah i should start ladder..

and what i mean is ive heard of having your hammers do 1k by lvl 42 and when i made mine i was only doing 600.. i probably started maxing like vigor and BA over conc though..
the "max damage hammerdin" guide tells you step-by-step and level-by-level how to get the most out of your hammerdin. iirc the max damage with no +skills whatsoever is just under 4k.

i would still suggest a frost zealot though -- with a little leech and some half-decent resists (aim for a WHITE excep or elite pal shield, get a few sockets with the quest, shove in some pdiamonds), you're good to go. enemies slowed means you just might kill them before they touch you. :D
[exile] said:
the "max damage hammerdin" guide tells you step-by-step and level-by-level how to get the most out of your hammerdin. iirc the max damage with no +skills whatsoever is just under 4k.

i would still suggest a frost zealot though -- with a little leech and some half-decent resists (aim for a WHITE excep or elite pal shield, get a few sockets with the quest, shove in some pdiamonds), you're good to go. enemies slowed means you just might kill them before they touch you. :D

yeah ty... ill try the hammerdin guide sometime.. and maybe i will accually do good damage:p i want to start dueling.. but i got to get a char that can do it and the skills needed to be a good dueler:lol:
in that case, i would suggest neither a hammerdin nor a frost zealot.

most people refuse to duel frost zealots because the skill slows them down and they feel intimidated.

hammerdins require massive amounts of mana to be able to spam enough hammers to hit in pvp. because of the slow spinning speed, most people can just run out of the radius, wait for you to run out of mana, then come back and kill you -- or, if they know what they're doing, will rush right below you wehre hammers can't hit and kill you.

heck, i don't know WHAT would be a good pvp paladin exept for a zealot -- and those require quite a bit wealth.
[exile] said:
in that case, i would suggest neither a hammerdin nor a frost zealot.

most people refuse to duel frost zealots because the skill slows them down and they feel intimidated.

hammerdins require massive amounts of mana to be able to spam enough hammers to hit in pvp. because of the slow spinning speed, most people can just run out of the radius, wait for you to run out of mana, then come back and kill you -- or, if they know what they're doing, will rush right below you wehre hammers can't hit and kill you.

heck, i don't know WHAT would be a good pvp paladin exept for a zealot -- and those require quite a bit wealth.

oh i dont want this first char to be a dueler.. im talking later on and once i gain items.. :lol: i might try a ssing druid....but im not sure.. i might even try a asn for all i know :lol:
Go ladder. Make a dual tree sorc. When you are ready to hell (lvl 70+) do nm runs. When you'll start to have some decent stuff, make a hammerdin that can do hell mf runs. If you want to do some very specific (and very limited) runs in hell, do a single tree sorc.
[exile] said:
frost zealot all the way. the least item-dependent, most viable, non-hammerdin paladin i've ever played.

I agree....Only because my Frost Zealot is the ONLY character I will play now. I am ditching my lvl 90 Ladder Paladin. He has various runes and I am throwing him out...he just isnt fun.
Euro-Crash said:
I agree....Only because my Frost Zealot is the ONLY character I will play now. I am ditching my lvl 90 Ladder Paladin. He has various runes and I am throwing him out...he just isnt fun.

ok thats cool... is a frost charger kinda like a frost zealot? i made another thread aobut this.. but i wanted to know what would be better 1. PvM 2. PvP (i was told that ppl dont like to duel frost (namehere) because their HF but i still would like to know which would work better for the different types of killing. (people or monsters)
frost chargers are great for both, since with the slow enemy mod, you have a much easier time hitting your enemy. i personally don't like chargers because running before charging is unsafe -- see this thread .

plus, charging takes a lot more skill and experience with paladins than zealots, and since i have had a total of 3 paladins (fanat zealot, frost zealot, hammerdin) and MIGHT make an avenger, compared to like 10 barbs, i've never attempted making one...

i'm not sure about pvp though. it seems alright but the lack of AR (no fanaticism) could make it a lot harder.
[exile] said:
frost chargers are great for both, since with the slow enemy mod, you have a much easier time hitting your enemy. i personally don't like chargers because running before charging is unsafe -- see this thread .

plus, charging takes a lot more skill and experience with paladins than zealots, and since i have had a total of 3 paladins (fanat zealot, frost zealot, hammerdin) and MIGHT make an avenger, compared to like 10 barbs, i've never attempted making one...

i'm not sure about pvp though. it seems alright but the lack of AR (no fanaticism) could make it a lot harder.

ok i see your point i was just wondering if they would be somewhat of a good dueler.
dahaha wurmer, soliciting your own guide.

very nice guide, btw :thumbsup:

it actually is a good idea -- similar to dual-tree sorcs. you have double the chance of not getting monsters completely immune to you.

what i dislike is the fragile distribution of skill points, and because of only having a few points in zeal, your AR is kinda low...
SilverNyte said:
ok thats cool... is a frost charger kinda like a frost zealot? i made another thread aobut this.. but i wanted to know what would be better 1. PvM 2. PvP (i was told that ppl dont like to duel frost (namehere) because their HF but i still would like to know which would work better for the different types of killing. (people or monsters)

People who don't like to duel me are babies who need to have their diapers changed. I don't whine about fighting any other class...I don't think its appropriate to do so if they are using items/skills that are from the game.

As for Zeal vs. Charge...this is a simple answer: Zeal. You will find that even with low grade items you will have enough points in both Charge and Holy Shield with only 1 point invested. I have 1 point in each of the aforementioned and I am at slvl 15 for each.
[exile] said:
dahaha wurmer, soliciting your own guide.

very nice guide, btw :thumbsup:

it actually is a good idea -- similar to dual-tree sorcs. you have double the chance of not getting monsters completely immune to you.

what i dislike is the fragile distribution of skill points, and because of only having a few points in zeal, your AR is kinda low...

I dont have that problem despite focusing on Cold Damage and Physical Damage out put rather than Defense or another tree. Even with PI/CI's I have a merc who removes the PI part. Decrepify works wonders against PI/CI's...and it's great having a mercenary who I don't have to baby sit.

In PvM I find I have enough AR to combat Hell Baal (my merc is a Blessed Aim Act II Town Guard)...and more than enough to dispatch the Ancients. For PvP I have an AR over 20K. I believe this is adequate as well.
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