Going hardcore.


New member
Jun 22, 2003
Going hardcore.

I have just bitten the bullet and started up my first EVER hardcore character. My plan is to make him a skellieboner (e.g. 20 in Raise Skeleton, Skeleton Mastery, Bone Spear and Bone Wall) simply because I've never built a character like that before! Since this is my first hardcore character and I don't intend to mix and match from SC<->HC he will, perforce, be going untwinked too.

Wish me luck...
Good luck factotum! :thumbsup:

Either glory or insanity awaits :lol: Because HC can be pretty stressful at times :D But its all good fun when it gets your heart racing and you worry about whats round every corner ;)
GL! There's no going back :) But it's a whole new game, and much more exciting imho. Skellimancer is a good character to try first, too.
Hah, another one succumbs to the evil that is HC! :evil:

Good luck with your necro. That's a good starter HC character.
Good luck! It's well worth it IMHO to play HC. It's a lot more interesting when you know if you screw up that's the end :)

PS With a skellimancer you don't want to use bone wall/prison because it will interfere with the skellies, or did you mean a hybrid?
crazy_bear said:
PS With a skellimancer you don't want to use bone wall/prison because it will interfere with the skellies, or did you mean a hybrid?

The idea is for the skellies to kill pretty much everything, with me providing Bone Spear artillery support. The reasons for having Wall are threefold:

a) Boosts Bone Armour by a good amount.
b) Synergies Bone Spear so it'll actually kill something--still only around 500-600 damage per spear, I think, but hopefully that'll be enough against PIs!
c) In dodgy situations I can let the skellies run in, then cast a Wall behind them to help protect my weak pale butt. As somebody very clever said up there, the prime directive in Hardcore is: don't die! :)
Good luck in HC .

And for your build you can try to max spirit instead of spear. Damage will be to one target only but much higher like 1k+. Your choice :)
Hmmm...interesting idea, but Bone Spirit would also be double the mana cost of Spear, and I don't think an untwinked necro is going to have the mana pool to support it. Also, Spear > Spirit in places like the Maggot Lair.
Well you don't really need artillery support except Corpse Explosion when playing Skelliemancer. And bone armor is not really needed either because you will have alot of Meat shield in front of you.

But after all it's your decision and you shall always do what feels best for you, because that's what this game is about, having fun and trying out some builds.

Good Luck, and please join the SPHCL thread and post your progress in there.

Well using the marrowwalk "feature" bone armour is very effective, and only needs a point in. Its useful for those lost archers, or if you open a door and straight away find a hard hitter staring into your eyes. stopping that extra few hits getting through can make the difference between living and dying, especially in HC.
I won't exploit the Marrowwalk BUG, thank you, even if I'm lucky enough to find a pair on an untwinked character--should I BE that lucky, I'll put a point in Bone Prison before I ever put the things on.
factotum said:
I won't exploit the Marrowwalk BUG, thank you, even if I'm lucky enough to find a pair on an untwinked character--should I BE that lucky, I'll put a point in Bone Prison before I ever put the things on.

I would not do that. I have feeling that using this bug is not unfair. Why? They use the FE bug. :lol:
Hrus said:
I would not do that. I have feeling that using this bug is not unfair. Why? They use the FE bug. :lol:

My feelings exactly :lol: I normally have some issues against bugs, but when theres a massively game-changing bug like the FE bug, I see no harm in fighting bugs with bugs :p

Everyone to their own opinion though :)
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