Full Tal Rasha Build or Part Tal Build?


New member
Dec 16, 2009
Full Tal Rasha Build or Part Tal Build?

Hello everybody!

I'm building a no-block, full vitality blizzard sorc. I have tal's armor, amulet and belt for the bonuses to fcr and mf.

Should I wear the full Tal's set (orb and helm, high resists, -100% MF), versus just the 3 aforementioned parts and The Oculus + Shako (lower resists, good mf). Purpose is MF in the end, but staying power also matters :)

All the very best,
Re: Full Tal Rasha Build or Part Tal Build?

Hello everybody!

I'm building a no-block, full vitality blizzard sorc. I have tal's armor, amulet and belt for the bonuses to fcr and mf.

Should I wear the full Tal's set (orb and helm, high resists, -100% MF), versus just the 3 aforementioned parts and The Oculus + Shako (lower resists, good mf). Purpose is MF in the end, but staying power also matters :)

All the very best,

If we're talking about Shako + oculus Or Tal orb + Helm. Go for full tal set, it will give you more. Not to mention the irritating teleport from oculus can be a [Insert curse word]. Stick with tal unless you're planning on going full out damage with Fathom / NW and such.

Shako + Oculus :

+2 all skill
+3 sorcerer skill
1-148 Mana / health
Damage reduction 10%
100 MF
20% All resistance
Irritating teleport
30% Fcr
20 Vitality
20 Energy

Tal orb + Helm and set bonus

10% Mana / Health per hit (Won't be used anyway)
15 all resistance
107 mana
267 life
10 energy
20% Fcr
1-2 Cold / Fire / Light Mastery (Depending on how good tal orb)
+4 Sorcerer skills
-15% Enemy fire and light resistance
+15% Cold damage
25% Fhr
50 All resistance
+150 defense.
+50 defense vs missile.

Here you can see the difference. Even though shako + occulus will give you one more + skill. The cold / fire / light skills on the tal orb will give you alot more damage.

So to put that into something easier to understand.

Shako + Occulus = More MF.

Tal orb + helm (And full set) = More damage, Higher survivability and quicker MF runs.

And when you reach 200+ MF, Quicker MF runs -> More MF on gear.

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Re: Full Tal Rasha Build or Part Tal Build?

Thanks to both of you for your welcome tips :) I'll do as you suggested :thumbup:
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