Frost Zealot Build


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Frost Zealot Build

Sorry if you clicked this thinking I've posted a Frost Zealot build, but the reality is the exact opposite, I'm looking for one. All the build guides I've seen have been for Hammerdins, Smiters, and FoH'ers.

Does anyone know of a good place that has a good Frost Zealot build? I'm mainly confused on which auras other than Holy Freeze I'll need, and when to use them. If you could post some advice or a link to a good build it would be much appreciated.

Re: Frost Zealot Build

Great, I'm pretty new to this site and this uhh.. what/where is a sticky? Got a link?

Thanks in advance
Re: Frost Zealot Build

A sticky is one of the threads at the top of the board, that never go down, even when new threads are made. It's called "paladin guides" or something.
Re: Frost Zealot Build

I'll give you the link to Kitriara's guide, it's the only Frost Zealot guide in the sticky and a little old but should be useful nonetheless.
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