Fishymancer killing question


New member
Dec 25, 2009
Fishymancer killing question

Lately I made a fishymancer max CE,RS,SM. But Yet I don't know how to use it to kill meph. He kills all 10 of my skeles and fire golem and I'm useless against him on my own. What did I do wrong?
Re: Fishymancer killing question

Lately I made a fishymancer max CE,RS,SM. But Yet I don't know how to use it to kill meph. He kills all 10 of my skeles and fire golem and I'm useless against him on my own. What did I do wrong?

I started a fishman untwinked in single player. I haven't tackles hell yet, but I completed normal and nm no problem.

Main thing is decrep and keep throwing golems at him. he will kill any golem with one or 2 hits, but that's okay. better that than your skeles. (use clay if you want, smaller mana cost)

I beat him in p1 mode... but based on the rate of me losing skeles (lost 3 or 4 of 9... which is fine), I have no doubt I can beat him in p8 with just 1 more additional team. just repeat strategy... golem decrep decrep... rinse and repeat.

also, some people will suggest stacking crushING blow on your merc or get a team of urdars (from revive) both great suggestions
for me, the problem of reviving urdars are too troublesome, and i haven't found any cb items yet. if you have access to both, go ahead and take advantage, but just know that the basic strat of decrep golem should work fine.

Re: Fishymancer killing question

As razen said, decrep+gumby should work fine. I use clay golem since it slows him. One thing you can try to keep your skellies alive is to use life tap, but the killing will be slow.

Is this hell or NM?

If this is hell, you can run the Countess until you get runes to make Obedience for the merc (40% CB). In NM, this may work:

2 Socket Melee Weapons
Amn + Tir
35% Enhanced Damage
25% Chance Of Crushing Blow
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+20 To Strength
+10 To Vitality
Re: Fishymancer killing question

oh I play nm at the moment, but I didn't have any points on decrip. But I'll take the advice of getting Obedience. Is it okay to max decrip?
Re: Fishymancer killing question

Just put one point in decreipify. You will only use the spell against act bosses and some of the nastiest uniques bosses in hell. You have nothing else to do against bosses than cast decreipify anyways, so the extra duration from more skill points won`t help you much.

In case you didt know: Max Raise Skeleton, Skeleton Mastery and Corpse Explosion in that order. 1 point in summon resist and decreipify + prereqs. The rest of the skill points can be spent everywhere, just finish that build first.

Kudos to you for beating Duriel and Diablo in Normal without decreipify!
Re: Fishymancer killing question

oh I play nm at the moment, but I didn't have any points on decrip. But I'll take the advice of getting Obedience. Is it okay to max decrip?

You'll have a hard time finding Fal and Ko in NM. The countess drops neither Ko nor Fal in her special rune drop.

In hell, it isn't so hard since you can just run the countess.

You'll probably have to use Strength unless you get very lucky running NM trav many, many times.

Re: Fishymancer killing question

A good way to train is also press Enter when in game and use /players 8 to increase the difficulty by 8x. You get a LOT more experience this way, but the game is marginably harder. I do this from the very beginning of a new character, and I level up on just a few Zombies in the blood more... I usually leave the Moor at level 7. I get to Normal Diablo at level ~30-40. But I also use Amp Damage, not Decrip... But seeing as how I'm about to come up versus Hell Diablo with /players 1, I bet it still won't be an easy task at level 75 without decrip. So I agree, go with Decrip with at least one point.
Re: Fishymancer killing question

I still have trouble killing the monsters in Hell mode right now, I can't even kil the low level monsters out of town from A1 in hell, how can I raise my skeles?
Re: Fishymancer killing question

I still have trouble killing the monsters in Hell mode right now, I can't even kil the low level monsters out of town from A1 in hell, how can I raise my skeles?

are you using amp damage on monsters? also, get a act2 merc from nightmare mode, it will give you might aura, further enhancing your skele damage

(also, it's also very hard to play untwinked in muti player mode, usually good fishymancer than walk around 8 player hell mode like no man's land have really good gears already setup. are you playing in those games? maybe you can try just solo games where CE is way more effective)

Re: Fishymancer killing question

well I did use damage amp with my nightmare a2 merc with nude, and hes dying in hell.
Re: Fishymancer killing question

well I did use damage amp with my nightmare a2 merc with nude, and hes dying in hell.

what are you using exactly? and how are you dying? ARe you dying because your team kept getting destroyed?

your merc, at the very minimal, need a weapon that deals around 200 damage with life leech

you can shop +3 skele/mastery wand in act1 normal, that helps tremendously too

Re: Fishymancer killing question

yeah my army keeps dying, the merc and the golem. But I'll consider on buying the weap. But how do you suppose I buy that 200+ dmg weapon?
Re: Fishymancer killing question

I had the same prob when I first entered hell too. You just need to level up some and you'll be going through hell like nightmare. I cant remember exactly, but I think I was around 84-ish when hell became a cakewalk for my fishy.
But really, leveling up to past 84 will help A LOT. You'll notice the difference.
Re: Fishymancer killing question

yeah my army keeps dying, the merc and the golem. But I'll consider on buying the weap. But how do you suppose I buy that 200+ dmg weapon?

Go to Gheed or whomever you gamble from, and start gambling for Pike-class weapons. If you're lucky, you can get a high-powered Lance or War Pike. Try even the Poleaxe weapons, as in hell mode the Cryptic Axe are very nice.

I got lucky once and my SP Nec's merc is using a cruel Pike... And that's pretty good in hell mode. I'm still looking for a cruel Lance, but a 51-2xx standard Pike works well.

Re: Fishymancer killing question

I had an Ariochs(?) Needle on my merc for foooooorever, they're cheap/easy to find and pretty decent.
Re: Fishymancer killing question

I still can't kill andy, I did decrip but she won't die in hell. I have the 51-400 dmg polearm
Re: Fishymancer killing question

Her poison in hell is that of a snakes venom versus an infant. You really need a lot of Poison resist to defend against it. I had no problem when I played her with my untwinked, SP fishymancer, but then again I used the /players 8 trick until hell mode... I would run a bunch of NIghtmare cows to level up some.
Re: Fishymancer killing question

You'll have a hard time finding Fal and Ko in NM. The countess drops neither Ko nor Fal in her special rune drop.

In hell, it isn't so hard since you can just run the countess.

You'll probably have to use Strength unless you get very lucky running NM trav many, many times.

NM Mephy can drop the Hone Sundan - big CB and sockets for Amns.

A strength 2 socket spear or polearm should do until then.

About Andy.....

I haven't taken my Fishy very far yet myself, but I have also heard of putting Strength in a dagger, and do a little tanking of your own. Make sure to chug antidote potions before taking her on if you're thinking of doing that. I've also heard that a point (+skillers) into poison dagger helps your attack rating for a tanking Necro.

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