First Post... I need temp ban advice


New member
Nov 24, 2009
First Post... I need temp ban advice

Hey all,

I just installed Diablo 2 LoD with a friend in an attempting to play online together.

Installation goes fine, I sign on, make an account, and create a game. All fine. My friend installs fine, however as he tries to log onto battlenet. Blizzard informs him that mddarnel (me) is using his CD key. He read off my LoD cd case and installed under my key... big sigh

I leave the game I am in and get immediately kicked off battlenet. Now I know I have been temporarily banned for a CD key infraction. I can log onto other realms without trouble.

I have lived 3 days now under the ban hammer. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel or should I expect a 30 day ban?

(I want to play on West because our other friend is well entrenched there already, so playing on a different realm is bad advice)

Thanks so much for any insight.
Re: First Post... I need temp ban advice

insight 1: probably not a good idea to say you violate the EULA. Breaking the rules generally isn't approved of here. What do you mean by, CD-key infraction? If you're using hacks, you should stop, they may permanently ban the key.

insight 2: I've read (but it may not be true) that each time you try to log on during a temp ban, it gets extended. So, if you're testing the waters every few hours, you should try waiting a few days.
Re: First Post... I need temp ban advice

Perhaps I was not clear enough.

We each purchased Diablo 2 and the LoD expansion. In the process of installing my friend made a mistake and input the incorrect CD Key, my CD Key.

I assume the ban was because he tried to use the CD key I was currently on.

Im not perma banned so my question was how long will I be banned. Any body have any experience they can share within the rules of the forum?

Re: First Post... I need temp ban advice

I assume the ban was because he tried to use the CD key I was currently on.
That doesn't warrant a ban on it's own, I did that by accident many times. But the Warden's ways are inscrutable...
The maximum ban length is 3 days, so it should end soon.

insight 2: I've read (but it may not be true) that each time you try to log on during a temp ban, it gets extended. So, if you're testing the waters every few hours, you should try waiting a few days.

Was disproven somewhere here (and I cannot imagine anyone implementing such feature for any reason).

Re: First Post... I need temp ban advice

Perhaps I was not clear enough.

We each purchased Diablo 2 and the LoD expansion. In the process of installing my friend made a mistake and input the incorrect CD Key, my CD Key.

I assume the ban was because he tried to use the CD key I was currently on.

Now I see what you meant. I should have gotten that from your first post. But, as Qveasd said, you don't get a temp ban for that.

Bnet has a pretty itchy trigger finger, even just roll your mouse wheel to rapidly change skills a few times will get you a temp ban, so you may have done something you didn't know would cause a ban.

Re: First Post... I need temp ban advice

It has been three days officially with no avail.

How upsetting

I know everyone goes through these problems, but could some take the time to answer one more question?

Im banned, for more then three days. What ever the reason.

Now, how long can a temp ban last?

Again thanks fellas
Re: First Post... I need temp ban advice

If you are banned for more than three days, then you must contact Blizzard Support and have them deal with it. The ban is never suppose to last longer and if it does, Blizzard says to contact their support so you'll have to send them an e-mail and ask them to take it off.
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