Fire tree only! Bad idea?


New member
Nov 28, 2004
Fire tree only! Bad idea?

Hi, i have been looking on most of the guides in this forum, but haven´t found any guide towards a fire only sorceress(FireCannon). I´m building a fire sorc right now and the only skills i will pick from other trees are Static, Tele (& tk) and perhaps some frozen armor if i can´t get from an item.

The idea for the build is :
Fire Ball 20
Fire Bolt 20
Meteor 20
Fire mastery 20
Varmth 1
Static 1
Telekenesis 1
Teleport 1

And using a good NM act2 merc with the holy freeze aura.

Do you guys think this could work?
I mean the damage would be pretty good but flexibility bad. Since I mostly team up when I play this build seems like a good idea to me.
Does anyone allready have a good guide for this build ?
Pure fire Sorceress is quite good. Be that for PvM or PvP doesnt matter, good on both sides. Your damage is simply enourmous and since you play with others mostly you wont have the problem with fire immune monsters.

When playing alone your Merc can help you out and kill the fire immune monsters for you! You can help along with Static Field and Telekinesis.
With a good merc you can go skill points only in the fire tree. I have an hydra enchantress in Hell act 1 that is having minimal problems with immunes since my merc is not strong enough to kill them.

The hardest part of a fire tree (or any sorc tree) is the immunes in Hell if you can figure out how to get a merc or other staffmods to kill your immune then you can survive well in Hell.

Fire tree sorcs are extemely strong they have the highest damage output, maybe only outbeaten by a well planned assassin with an eth BOTD arcane staff using tigerstrike and dragon tail finisher maxed to 40+ slvls.
Uzziah said:
Fire tree sorcs are extemely strong they have the highest damage output, maybe only outbeaten by a well planned assassin with an eth BOTD arcane staff using tigerstrike and dragon tail finisher maxed to 40+ slvls.

A fully equiped hammerdin also put out a bit of kick...
Thanx for the input, now I just have to decide if I shold use block or not.
When you're done with that plan, you can stick the rest into Hydra.

And if you find it too frustrating to play in Hell, you could always make her a NM Andariel runner.
Holyfreeze and Defiance mercs work quite well and for me Im planning on putting the rest of the skill points into Shiver armour.
Viking_raider said:
A fully equiped hammerdin also put out a bit of kick...
Thanx for the input, now I just have to decide if I shold use block or not.

Hammerdins max out at what 14K or so damage.

A pure fire tree meteor sorc can hit upwards of 47K damage.

I have seen assassin tigerstrike kickers hit 27K damage.

As far as overall raw power sorcs kick butt every time, its the fact that hammerdins attacks are basically unblockable, and there are no immunes for it (except 1 rare case). Thats why it is such a powerful build.

My opinion about block is this you either have it or you die to fallen in Hell I would have it, very few builds can handle going shieldless in Hell as for sorcs they should have a shield unless they are a ranged enchantress. I have only known of a few people who have beaten hell wielding just a staff the whole game. I would have a shield even if it blocks 50% of the time you will see a noticable difference in survivablility.
Uzziah said:
maybe only outbeaten by a well planned assassin with an eth BOTD arcane staff using tigerstrike and dragon tail finisher maxed to 40+ slvls.

Do you have a link to a guide with this assassin. I'm not sure why you'd ever use a BotD staff to increase your Dragon Tail damage.
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