FC Druid Question

od yard

Aug 18, 2009
FC Druid Question

Hello fellow incgamers community I need to know something about an fc druid. I would like to know what my ar would be if i used the following setup:

Helm-Jalal's (5/5 fire facet)
Weapon-6os pb (6 shael's)
Armor-Coh Archon
Shield-Stormshield (5/5 fire facet)
Belt-40 Verdungo
Boots-65 Waterwalks
Ring 1-20 Dex Raven Frost
Ring 2-BK
Charms-20/xx d torch, 20/xx anni, 9 shaft shift lifers, 10 20 life scs

If I went for enough dex to reach max block with this gear, what would my ar be without angelics combo while in bear form?
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Re: FC Druid Question

Going off my FC bear's AR (Although I Use a different setup) I'd say you'll see anywhere from 10k-low 12k with that.
Re: FC Druid Question

Going off my FC bear's AR (Although I Use a different setup) I'd say you'll see anywhere from 10k-low 12k with that.

This, and in wolf form it should be around 15-17k. If you're really concerned about high def characters try using angelic amulet/1x angelic ring and a high (+4 SS 110%+ AR) Cerebus Bite helm (open wounds helps considerably with a 4/5 frame attack speed and high ar).

Re: FC Druid Question

And Wolf Form >.>
Estimated market value