Fallen Paladin attempt


New member
Jun 28, 2003
Fallen Paladin attempt(Input Requested)

Alright, i contemplated making one of these in 1.09 but never got around to it. Now i've gotten bored with cookie-cutter builds so i wanna make something challenging So i really just have three real questions on making one.

1. Auras- In 1.09 this wasn't an issue because auras wouldn't help if you weren't using them. Can you put points in an aura for the synergy bonus and just not use the auras? Or do you only put points in the combat skills tree?

2. Merc- Can you use an Act2 merc that gives you an aura? Or do you have to use one that only can give himself an aura (holy freeze)? Or even worse, do you have to use a different merc?

3- Items- In the unlikely event that this character finds the runes to make one of the aura granting items... should he be able to use them? I seriously doubt he will because he is untwinked, but just incase.

I just wanted to figure that out before i try to start one on either USEast Ladder or SP. If it works out well i'm hoping to make a guide.
gohanthemystic said:
Alright, i contemplated making one of these in 1.09 but never got around to it. Now i've gotten bored with cookie-cutter builds so i wanna make something challenging So i really just have three real questions on making one.

1. Auras- In 1.09 this wasn't an issue because auras wouldn't help if you weren't using them. Can you put points in an aura for the synergy bonus and just not use the auras? Or do you only put points in the combat skills tree?

2. Merc- Can you use an Act2 merc that gives you an aura? Or do you have to use one that only can give himself an aura (holy freeze)? Or even worse, do you have to use a different merc?

3- Items- In the unlikely event that this character finds the runes to make one of the aura granting items... should he be able to use them? I seriously doubt he will because he is untwinked, but just incase.

I just wanted to figure that out before i try to start one on either USEast Ladder or SP. If it works out well i'm hoping to make a guide.

In my oppinion , you just should not use auras itselves , but synergy ... Why not ? And merc - any build afford you to use any merc.
I think auraless avenger must be fun - fully sinergised vengeance should do insane damage even without conviction. And you have point left for holy shield ...

Good Luck anyway !
I would like to read get a guide for Fallen Pally :idea: . Do it , i waiting :thumbsup:

Okay, well.... I'm gonna wait for a few more hours that way some of the vets can maybe get a chance to get on and respond. Until then, i guess i will work on leveling him. Btw. Would it be better for me to test out his viability on USEast or in SP?
there are no set rules for a fallen paly but regarding the merc try and attempt using a bow or act3 merc. dont use act2 because it will benifit you which is like the same thing as having an aura active. put points into auras for synergies but just dont use it. just stay away from auras as much as possible, that is what makes the falen pally so difficult :) i have tried one myself and failed because i wasnt motivated enough. since if untwinked try it on sp and try to solo the acts. tell us how it goes.

don't think you can use Holy Sheild either because of the word "holy"

There is no existing guide or build plan. The only time I ever saw a paladin without an aura was a level 9 or 12 guy I dueled once. He beat me soundly, but i have no doubt that he would have been even more effective with just one point in Might.

I wonder if max Smite without HS would be useful just for the stunning effect.
Thanks for the feedback guys... I've got four build sets planned out.

Fallen Paladin 1:
Sacrifice 20
Zeal 20
Smite 20
Charge 20
Vengence 20

Fallen Paladin 2:
Sacrifice 10
Zeal 10
Smite 20
Holy shield 20
Defiance 10
Blessed Aim 10
Blessed Hammer 20

Fallen Paladin 3:
Vengence 20
Resist Fire 20
Resist Cold 20
Resist Lightning 20
Salvation 10
Blessed Aim 10

Fallen Paladin 4:
Holy Bolt 20
Blessed Hammer 20
FOH 20
Holy Shield 20
Holy Shock 10
Defiance 10

Those are my Four options i'm considering. The first one is strictly fallen, no auras or any thing regarding holy... or heavens.. the middle two aren't as restrictive as the first ... and the last is based on a fact that somethings aren't only generated by faith in a god, but faith in oneself. In all builds the aura's are merely used for synergy purposes.

On a second note: Does anyone have an opinion on the aura items?
With the merc: I'm gonna try to go with an act 1 merc. If not i'll do the Act2 Holy Freeze Merc.
just to warn you, I have the most terrible time leveling act1 mercs in normal, the normal one will be better but you might want to wait until nightmare.

I say go ahead and use aura items if you can. If the Heavens let those items fall into your hands then that's their problem.
I never made one of these but I would go with built number one. I wouldn't plan on 100 skill points though, that's quite a bit with the prerequistes. I don't know if I would not use holy shield instead of smite since smite is pretty much useless without holy shield and an aura. If you think that holy shield does not fit the concept I would maybe go for blessed aime then. I think holy shield should be allowed to give you a break but that's up to you.

For some efficiency I would pack as much crusing blow as possible it's pretty much a must. To play the concept I wouldn't use aura granting items as well as act-2 mercenary.

Speedy weapon is pretty important. I would use items with slow target and ignore target's defense. Maybe an item with hit blind target could be useful. Pack elemental charms as well as poison charms.

I am not sure about the merc I would use. I think act-3 cold merc could give you some leeway.

More vita the better.

Well that's about all I can think of for the moment........
Yeah i probally will only have what... eh... 85ish points realistically? I think i probally will go with build one replacing Vengence with holy shield... cuz you're right... i'll need it... right now he is lvl 12 fighting andy getting the crap stomped out of me. Thanks for your input Wurmer! You too prion, dkay, and nal.

Here is my new plan:
Sacrifice 20
Zeal 20
Holy Shield 20
Defiance 15
Blessed Aim 10

I'm going to try to load up with as much cb as i can. I realized even tho the first build had 4 different kinds of attack... it had problems. Charge is buggy plus the damage would be poor without aura. Same problem with damage on smite. I might change my 10 in blessed aim to 10 in smite if i find ar is not a problem for nothing more than the stun. Vengence... well without synergies or conviction... just isn't appealing. Again thanks for the input guys... i'll be up for suggestions for another day or two. I'm gonna have a report on how it's going when i finish up for the night.
you could always cheat and get an exile or beast. Just claim it is the only way you can get auras :D
Okay... well... i just finished normal at level 45 with Act3 lightning merc. I'll possibly post equip and vital stats after i see if my email will come in.
Okay... here are the stats

Str - 115 (125)
Dex- 90 (120)
Vit - 115 (115)
Nrg - 15 (25)

All resists except poison are maxed...

Skills :
Sacrifice 20
Zeal 20
Blessed Aim 1
Defiance 13

This is at level fifty
Only non rare equip is a Ravenfrost and a twitchthroe.
Estimated market value