Ethereal grail status tables


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2019
Originally posted by Sir Lister of Smeg - first post on the 16th of February 2005, with last status table posted on the 18th of February 2020 by jjscud

~~~ First post summary ~~~
Ethereal grail status table original post
Historical post on final numbers
Ioupainmax's template for Flavie report
The tables' status at the repost date on this forum


Ethereal grail status table

Just another crazy idea, how big is your ethereal collection? Do something with those ethereal items you're not going to use, and count them.
Since a number of items can not be ethereal, they're not included here. The only items which can be ethereal are armours and melee (and throwing) weapons, set items can not be ethereal, so are not included here. Some items (all elite) always spawn ethereal:
Ethereal Edge (silver-edged axe)
Ghostflame (legend spike)
Shadow Killer (battle cestus)
Wraith Flight (ghost glaive)
the first column contains the normal ethereal items remaining, the second the exceptional, the third the elite, the fourth class-specific, the fifth items that always spawn ethereal, and the sixth the total. To help you determining the numbers, after subtracting bows, crossbows, and always ethereal items were necessary, there are 105 normal items, 107 exceptional items, 77 elite items, 24 class-specific items, and 4 items that always spawn ethereal, for a total of 317 items. These numbers apply to 1.10, I don't know how much they change for other versions. If you post here, please preview to see you get the columns aligned.


Two days later, calculation had been corrected on real numbers. Here's an extract of the original post:
Sir Lister of Smeg said:
Found two more, hawkmail and carin shard, I've yet to find a real version of the latter.

                 Self-found Ethereal Grail
Name               nor  exc  eli  cls  alw  total
[i]total number       104  105  064  024  004    301[/i]
ricrestoni         073  086  060  024  002    245
Sir Lister of Smeg 077  095  064  023  002    261

Edit: just thought about the fact that the azurewrath crystal sword might somehow compromise the numbers, and it does indeed, the total number of normal unique items which can be ethereal in 1.10 is 104, not 105.


Ioupainmax's template for Flavie report

Because he created a template to handle Flavie's report, here's a quote from ioupainmax post - link is valid as of now:
ioupainmax said:
Here is a link to a template: Link

What I do is simply copy and paste blocks from my Flavie report into the appropriate sections of this Excel template so that it matches the table structure.

EDIT: @maxicek I should also add that I have a modified DAT file so that Flavie report for my Eth Grail project from within GoMule only shows relevant info.


Tables' status on the 21st of March 2020

Self-found Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total

total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Grape                010 014 024 006 000  54
jjscud               012 022 021 004 000  59
PhineasB             013 024 017 007 000  61
Tigereye             012 019 033 012 000  76
Grisu                018 022 028 010 000  78
Hrus                 016 026 036 014 000  92
dune6836             017 024 036 014 001  92
ioupainmax           016 022 040 014 000  92
Timinator            019 032 043 015 000 109
sequana              027 043 032 014 000 116
NanoMist             049 049 022 016 000 136
elevenlang           048 059 044 014 000 162
factory              052 057 047 015 000 171
2xcess               048 065 047 019 000 179
Neksja               049 070 045 017 001 182
TreeOfSmoke          056 067 045 020 000 188
XpucTo               049 069 052 020 001 191
phatbrava            042 067 059 023 001 192
EasyGijs             057 072 050 020 000 199
nebux                056 064 057 022 002 201
potter               050 079 050 021 001 201
purplelocust         068 073 052 012 000 205
jrlafrance           055 074 054 022 000 205
T72on1               059 075 051 021 000 206
Sir Lister of Smeg   050 081 060 020 002 213
crazymatt1           059 075 055 022 002 213
ricrestoni           059 078 057 022 001 217
adeadrat             070 083 057 022 001 233
MadsRJ               082 089 057 019 001 248
TenYearsGone         078 092 057 023 001 251
Quickdeath           071 095 060 022 003 251
Greebo               060 083 061 024 001 253
telloran             076 094 059 023 001 253
Darkoooo & Antonio   082 095 059 064 002 262
SevenArkZ            080 093 064 023 002 262
Billybgame           083 099 064 024 004 274
SuperSavage          100 104 053 023 000 280
Humphrey             098 104 064 024 003 292
Shadow Druid         100 104 064 024 004 296
Billybgame-HC        101 102 064 024 004 296
SourImplant          103 105 064 024 004 300

Traded Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total
total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Lemming              012 018 026 013 000 069
Last edited:
Just putting a copy of the tables in a separate post for easier quoting ;)

Self-found Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total

total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Grape                010 014 024 006 000  54
jjscud               012 022 021 004 000  59
PhineasB             013 024 017 007 000  61
Tigereye             012 019 033 012 000  76
Grisu                018 022 028 010 000  78
Hrus                 016 026 036 014 000  92
dune6836             017 024 036 014 001  92
ioupainmax           016 022 040 014 000  92
Timinator            019 032 043 015 000 109
sequana              027 043 032 014 000 116
NanoMist             049 049 022 016 000 136
elevenlang           048 059 044 014 000 162
factory              052 057 047 015 000 171
2xcess               048 065 047 019 000 179
Neksja               049 070 045 017 001 182
TreeOfSmoke          056 067 045 020 000 188
XpucTo               049 069 052 020 001 191
phatbrava            042 067 059 023 001 192
EasyGijs             057 072 050 020 000 199
nebux                056 064 057 022 002 201
potter               050 079 050 021 001 201
purplelocust         068 073 052 012 000 205
jrlafrance           055 074 054 022 000 205
T72on1               059 075 051 021 000 206
Sir Lister of Smeg   050 081 060 020 002 213
crazymatt1           059 075 055 022 002 213
ricrestoni           059 078 057 022 001 217
adeadrat             070 083 057 022 001 233
MadsRJ               082 089 057 019 001 248
TenYearsGone         078 092 057 023 001 251
Quickdeath           071 095 060 022 003 251
Greebo               060 083 061 024 001 253
telloran             076 094 059 023 001 253
Darkoooo & Antonio   082 095 059 064 002 262
SevenArkZ            080 093 064 023 002 262
Billybgame           083 099 064 024 004 274
SuperSavage          100 104 053 023 000 280
Humphrey             098 104 064 024 003 292
Shadow Druid         100 104 064 024 004 296
Billybgame-HC        101 102 064 024 004 296
SourImplant          103 105 064 024 004 300

Traded Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total
total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Lemming              012 018 026 013 000 069
Found quite a few more eth grail items - updating my status here :)

Self-found Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total

total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Grape                010 014 024 006 000  54
jjscud               012 022 021 004 000  59
PhineasB             013 024 017 007 000  61
Tigereye             012 019 033 012 000  76
Grisu                018 022 028 010 000  78
Hrus                 016 026 036 014 000  92
dune6836             017 024 036 014 001  92
ioupainmax           016 022 040 014 000  92
Timinator            019 032 043 015 000 109
sequana              027 043 032 014 000 116
NanoMist             049 049 022 016 000 136
elevenlang           048 059 044 014 000 162
factory              052 057 047 015 000 171
MadsRJ               050 060 049 018 000 177
2xcess               048 065 047 019 000 179
Neksja               049 070 045 017 001 182
TreeOfSmoke          056 067 045 020 000 188
XpucTo               049 069 052 020 001 191
phatbrava            042 067 059 023 001 192
EasyGijs             057 072 050 020 000 199
nebux                056 064 057 022 002 201
potter               050 079 050 021 001 201
purplelocust         068 073 052 012 000 205
jrlafrance           055 074 054 022 000 205
T72on1               059 075 051 021 000 206
Sir Lister of Smeg   050 081 060 020 002 213
crazymatt1           059 075 055 022 002 213
ricrestoni           059 078 057 022 001 217
adeadrat             070 083 057 022 001 233
TenYearsGone         078 092 057 023 001 251
Quickdeath           071 095 060 022 003 251
Greebo               060 083 061 024 001 253
telloran             076 094 059 023 001 253
Darkoooo & Antonio   082 095 059 064 002 262
SevenArkZ            080 093 064 023 002 262
Billybgame           083 099 064 024 004 274
SuperSavage          100 104 053 023 000 280
Humphrey             098 104 064 024 003 292
Shadow Druid         100 104 064 024 004 296
Billybgame-HC        101 102 064 024 004 296
SourImplant          103 105 064 024 004 300

Traded Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total
total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Lemming              012 018 026 013 000 069
  • Like
Reactions: Silvio415
Updating after untwinked 99er Barb's improvement of, apparently, six items. Only two non-TC3 normal (Goldskin and Fechmar Axe) and six non-TC87 elites (Fleshripper, Arach, Spirit Ward, Stormlash, Soul Drainer, Reaper's :mad:). Confirmed and we're now up to 84 Reaper's without eth, 77 in SC and 7 in HC.

Good progress available to be made in Exceptional and Class Specific categories still, plus the remaining non-TC3 and TC87 items. I'm hoping twinked playthroughs that I have planned contribute, especially because I load up on MF in Normal before shifting to faster progress in NM.

* * *

Self-found Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total

total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Grape                010 014 024 006 000  54
PhineasB             011 020 017 007 000  55
jjscud               012 022 021 004 000  59
Tigereye             012 019 033 012 000  76
Grisu                018 022 028 010 000  78
Hrus                 016 026 036 014 000  92
dune6836             017 024 036 014 001  92
ioupainmax           016 022 040 014 000  92
Timinator            019 032 043 015 000 109
sequana              027 043 032 014 000 116
NanoMist             049 049 022 016 000 136
elevenlang           048 059 044 014 000 162
factory              052 057 047 015 000 171
MadsRJ               050 060 049 018 000 177
2xcess               048 065 047 019 000 179
Neksja               049 070 045 017 001 182
TreeOfSmoke          056 067 045 020 000 188
XpucTo               049 069 052 020 001 191
phatbrava            042 067 059 023 001 192
EasyGijs             057 072 050 020 000 199
nebux                056 064 057 022 002 201
potter               050 079 050 021 001 201
purplelocust         068 073 052 012 000 205
jrlafrance           055 074 054 022 000 205
T72on1               059 075 051 021 000 206
Sir Lister of Smeg   050 081 060 020 002 213
crazymatt1           059 075 055 022 002 213
ricrestoni           059 078 057 022 001 217
adeadrat             070 083 057 022 001 233
TenYearsGone         078 092 057 023 001 251
Quickdeath           071 095 060 022 003 251
Greebo               060 083 061 024 001 253
telloran             076 094 059 023 001 253
Darkoooo & Antonio   082 095 059 064 002 262
SevenArkZ            080 093 064 023 002 262
Billybgame           083 099 064 024 004 274
SuperSavage          100 104 053 023 000 280
Humphrey             098 104 064 024 003 292
Shadow Druid         100 104 064 024 004 296
Billybgame-HC        101 102 064 024 004 296
SourImplant          103 105 064 024 004 300

Traded Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total
total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Lemming              012 018 026 013 000 069
  • Like
Reactions: saracen85
Joining in.

Surprised that other than TC3s, I don't have Stormguild and Grim Reaper for Normal uniques.

* * *

Self-found Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total

total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Grape                010 014 024 006 000  54
PhineasB             011 020 017 007 000  55
jjscud               012 022 021 004 000  59
zarirazz/saracen85   013 013 028 013 000  67
Tigereye             012 019 033 012 000  76
Grisu                018 022 028 010 000  78
Hrus                 016 026 036 014 000  92
dune6836             017 024 036 014 001  92
ioupainmax           016 022 040 014 000  92
Timinator            019 032 043 015 000 109
sequana              027 043 032 014 000 116
NanoMist             049 049 022 016 000 136
elevenlang           048 059 044 014 000 162
factory              052 057 047 015 000 171
MadsRJ               050 060 049 018 000 177
2xcess               048 065 047 019 000 179
Neksja               049 070 045 017 001 182
TreeOfSmoke          056 067 045 020 000 188
XpucTo               049 069 052 020 001 191
phatbrava            042 067 059 023 001 192
EasyGijs             057 072 050 020 000 199
nebux                056 064 057 022 002 201
potter               050 079 050 021 001 201
purplelocust         068 073 052 012 000 205
jrlafrance           055 074 054 022 000 205
T72on1               059 075 051 021 000 206
Sir Lister of Smeg   050 081 060 020 002 213
crazymatt1           059 075 055 022 002 213
ricrestoni           059 078 057 022 001 217
adeadrat             070 083 057 022 001 233
TenYearsGone         078 092 057 023 001 251
Quickdeath           071 095 060 022 003 251
Greebo               060 083 061 024 001 253
telloran             076 094 059 023 001 253
Darkoooo & Antonio   082 095 059 064 002 262
SevenArkZ            080 093 064 023 002 262
Billybgame           083 099 064 024 004 274
SuperSavage          100 104 053 023 000 280
Humphrey             098 104 064 024 003 292
Shadow Druid         100 104 064 024 004 296
Billybgame-HC        101 102 064 024 004 296
SourImplant          103 105 064 024 004 300

Traded Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total
total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Lemming              012 018 026 013 000 069
  • Like
Reactions: Silvio415
Updating after Jule's 99 success :)

* * *

Self-found Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total

total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Grape                010 014 024 006 000  54
PhineasB             011 020 017 007 000  55
jjscud               012 022 021 004 000  59
zarirazz/saracen85   013 013 028 013 000  67
Tigereye             012 019 033 012 000  76
Grisu                018 022 028 010 000  78
Hrus                 016 026 036 014 000  92
dune6836             017 024 036 014 001  92
ioupainmax           016 022 040 014 000  92
Timinator            019 032 043 015 000 109
sequana              027 043 032 014 000 116
NanoMist             049 049 022 016 000 136
MadsRJ               036 048 045 015 000 144
elevenlang           048 059 044 014 000 162
factory              052 057 047 015 000 171
2xcess               048 065 047 019 000 179
Neksja               049 070 045 017 001 182
TreeOfSmoke          056 067 045 020 000 188
XpucTo               049 069 052 020 001 191
phatbrava            042 067 059 023 001 192
EasyGijs             057 072 050 020 000 199
nebux                056 064 057 022 002 201
potter               050 079 050 021 001 201
purplelocust         068 073 052 012 000 205
jrlafrance           055 074 054 022 000 205
T72on1               059 075 051 021 000 206
Sir Lister of Smeg   050 081 060 020 002 213
crazymatt1           059 075 055 022 002 213
ricrestoni           059 078 057 022 001 217
adeadrat             070 083 057 022 001 233
TenYearsGone         078 092 057 023 001 251
Quickdeath           071 095 060 022 003 251
Greebo               060 083 061 024 001 253
telloran             076 094 059 023 001 253
Darkoooo & Antonio   082 095 059 064 002 262
SevenArkZ            080 093 064 023 002 262
Billybgame           083 099 064 024 004 274
SuperSavage          100 104 053 023 000 280
Humphrey             098 104 064 024 003 292
Shadow Druid         100 104 064 024 004 296
Billybgame-HC        101 102 064 024 004 296
SourImplant          103 105 064 024 004 300

Traded Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total
total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Lemming              012 018 026 013 000 069
  • Like
Reactions: Silvio415 and Grisu
Getting there..

No idea how to clear all the TC3s though (all remaining Normal items)

EDIT 05/06/21: Two more down. Eth Waterwalks and Swordguard.

EDIT 25/06/21: Razorswitch.
EDIT 27/06/21: Torch Of Iro.
EDIT 23/07/21: Warpspear
EDIT 07/08/21: Warshrike!
EDIT 26/10/21: Titans! Blinkbats.
EDIT 25/02/22: Stormrider

* * *

Self-found Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total

total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

zarirazz/saracen85   007 004 023 011 000  45
Grape                010 014 024 006 000  54
PhineasB             011 020 017 007 000  55
jjscud               012 022 021 004 000  59
Tigereye             012 019 033 012 000  76
Grisu                018 022 028 010 000  78
Hrus                 016 026 036 014 000  92
dune6836             017 024 036 014 001  92
ioupainmax           016 022 040 014 000  92
Timinator            019 032 043 015 000 109
sequana              027 043 032 014 000 116
NanoMist             049 049 022 016 000 136
MadsRJ               036 048 045 015 000 144
elevenlang           048 059 044 014 000 162
factory              052 057 047 015 000 171
2xcess               048 065 047 019 000 179
Neksja               049 070 045 017 001 182
TreeOfSmoke          056 067 045 020 000 188
XpucTo               049 069 052 020 001 191
phatbrava            042 067 059 023 001 192
EasyGijs             057 072 050 020 000 199
nebux                056 064 057 022 002 201
potter               050 079 050 021 001 201
purplelocust         068 073 052 012 000 205
jrlafrance           055 074 054 022 000 205
T72on1               059 075 051 021 000 206
Sir Lister of Smeg   050 081 060 020 002 213
crazymatt1           059 075 055 022 002 213
ricrestoni           059 078 057 022 001 217
adeadrat             070 083 057 022 001 233
TenYearsGone         078 092 057 023 001 251
Quickdeath           071 095 060 022 003 251
Greebo               060 083 061 024 001 253
telloran             076 094 059 023 001 253
Darkoooo & Antonio   082 095 059 064 002 262
SevenArkZ            080 093 064 023 002 262
Billybgame           083 099 064 024 004 274
SuperSavage          100 104 053 023 000 280
Humphrey             098 104 064 024 003 292
Shadow Druid         100 104 064 024 004 296
Billybgame-HC        101 102 064 024 004 296
SourImplant          103 105 064 024 004 300

Traded Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total
total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Lemming              012 018 026 013 000 069
Last edited:
  • Like
Reactions: PhineasB
Updating to reflect items from my Untwinked 99er Druid. I also picked up an eth DWeb with my HC Sorc that I'd lost track of. We have only 2 non-TC3 Normal items (Axe of Fechmar and Goldskin), and only 7 non-TC87 Elite items. Of course, eth Reapers remains among the latter :rolleyes:

* * *

Self-found Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total

total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

zarirazz/saracen85   007 004 023 011 000  45
PhineasB             011 012 016 006 000  45
Grape                010 014 024 006 000  54
jjscud               012 022 021 004 000  59
Tigereye             012 019 033 012 000  76
Grisu                018 022 028 010 000  78
Hrus                 016 026 036 014 000  92
dune6836             017 024 036 014 001  92
ioupainmax           016 022 040 014 000  92
Timinator            019 032 043 015 000 109
sequana              027 043 032 014 000 116
NanoMist             049 049 022 016 000 136
MadsRJ               036 048 045 015 000 144
elevenlang           048 059 044 014 000 162
factory              052 057 047 015 000 171
2xcess               048 065 047 019 000 179
Neksja               049 070 045 017 001 182
TreeOfSmoke          056 067 045 020 000 188
XpucTo               049 069 052 020 001 191
phatbrava            042 067 059 023 001 192
EasyGijs             057 072 050 020 000 199
nebux                056 064 057 022 002 201
potter               050 079 050 021 001 201
purplelocust         068 073 052 012 000 205
jrlafrance           055 074 054 022 000 205
T72on1               059 075 051 021 000 206
Sir Lister of Smeg   050 081 060 020 002 213
crazymatt1           059 075 055 022 002 213
ricrestoni           059 078 057 022 001 217
adeadrat             070 083 057 022 001 233
TenYearsGone         078 092 057 023 001 251
Quickdeath           071 095 060 022 003 251
Greebo               060 083 061 024 001 253
telloran             076 094 059 023 001 253
Darkoooo & Antonio   082 095 059 064 002 262
SevenArkZ            080 093 064 023 002 262
Billybgame           083 099 064 024 004 274
SuperSavage          100 104 053 023 000 280
Humphrey             098 104 064 024 003 292
Shadow Druid         100 104 064 024 004 296
Billybgame-HC        101 102 064 024 004 296
SourImplant          103 105 064 024 004 300

Traded Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total
total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Lemming              012 018 026 013 000 069
Last edited:
  • Like
Reactions: saracen85
Update is in order after crossing two thresholds: fewer than 40 items remaining, and no normal items except TC3s! I have 6 non-TC87 elites remaining, and of course, eth Reapers remains among the latter (after finding at least another 4 since last posting in March (others are Spirit Ward, Arachnids, Fleshripper, Stormlash, and The Redeemer).

* * *

Self-found Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total

total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

PhineasB             009 009 015 006 000  39
zarirazz/saracen85   007 004 023 011 000  45
Grape                010 014 024 006 000  54
jjscud               012 022 021 004 000  59
Tigereye             012 019 033 012 000  76
Grisu                018 022 028 010 000  78
Hrus                 016 026 036 014 000  92
dune6836             017 024 036 014 001  92
ioupainmax           016 022 040 014 000  92
Timinator            019 032 043 015 000 109
sequana              027 043 032 014 000 116
NanoMist             049 049 022 016 000 136
MadsRJ               036 048 045 015 000 144
elevenlang           048 059 044 014 000 162
factory              052 057 047 015 000 171
2xcess               048 065 047 019 000 179
Neksja               049 070 045 017 001 182
TreeOfSmoke          056 067 045 020 000 188
XpucTo               049 069 052 020 001 191
phatbrava            042 067 059 023 001 192
EasyGijs             057 072 050 020 000 199
nebux                056 064 057 022 002 201
potter               050 079 050 021 001 201
purplelocust         068 073 052 012 000 205
jrlafrance           055 074 054 022 000 205
T72on1               059 075 051 021 000 206
Sir Lister of Smeg   050 081 060 020 002 213
crazymatt1           059 075 055 022 002 213
ricrestoni           059 078 057 022 001 217
adeadrat             070 083 057 022 001 233
TenYearsGone         078 092 057 023 001 251
Quickdeath           071 095 060 022 003 251
Greebo               060 083 061 024 001 253
telloran             076 094 059 023 001 253
Darkoooo & Antonio   082 095 059 064 002 262
SevenArkZ            080 093 064 023 002 262
Billybgame           083 099 064 024 004 274
SuperSavage          100 104 053 023 000 280
Humphrey             098 104 064 024 003 292
Shadow Druid         100 104 064 024 004 296
Billybgame-HC        101 102 064 024 004 296
SourImplant          103 105 064 024 004 300

Traded Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total
total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Lemming              012 018 026 013 000 069
Figured I should get on the board here, given that this is one of my long-term projects.

* * *

Self-found Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total

total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

PhineasB             009 009 015 006 000  39
zarirazz/saracen85   007 004 023 011 000  45
Grape                010 014 024 006 000  54
jjscud               012 022 021 004 000  59
Tigereye             012 019 033 012 000  76
Grisu                018 022 028 010 000  78
Hrus                 016 026 036 014 000  92
dune6836             017 024 036 014 001  92
ioupainmax           016 022 040 014 000  92
Silvio415            018 024 034 017 000  93
Timinator            019 032 043 015 000 109
sequana              027 043 032 014 000 116
NanoMist             049 049 022 016 000 136
MadsRJ               036 048 045 015 000 144
elevenlang           048 059 044 014 000 162
factory              052 057 047 015 000 171
2xcess               048 065 047 019 000 179
Neksja               049 070 045 017 001 182
TreeOfSmoke          056 067 045 020 000 188
XpucTo               049 069 052 020 001 191
phatbrava            042 067 059 023 001 192
EasyGijs             057 072 050 020 000 199
nebux                056 064 057 022 002 201
potter               050 079 050 021 001 201
purplelocust         068 073 052 012 000 205
jrlafrance           055 074 054 022 000 205
T72on1               059 075 051 021 000 206
Sir Lister of Smeg   050 081 060 020 002 213
crazymatt1           059 075 055 022 002 213
ricrestoni           059 078 057 022 001 217
adeadrat             070 083 057 022 001 233
TenYearsGone         078 092 057 023 001 251
Quickdeath           071 095 060 022 003 251
Greebo               060 083 061 024 001 253
telloran             076 094 059 023 001 253
Darkoooo & Antonio   082 095 059 064 002 262
SevenArkZ            080 093 064 023 002 262
Billybgame           083 099 064 024 004 274
SuperSavage          100 104 053 023 000 280
Humphrey             098 104 064 024 003 292
Shadow Druid         100 104 064 024 004 296
Billybgame-HC        101 102 064 024 004 296
SourImplant          103 105 064 024 004 300

Traded Ethereal Grail Table
Rich (BB code):
Name                 nor exc eli cls alw total
total number         104 105 064 024 004 301

Lemming              012 018 026 013 000 069
Estimated market value