Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes continued

Beer is a good idea, I didn't have any since Christmas Eve... only wine.
It's so new and shiny in here. The bar is perfect. I'm not even scared to sit on the couch!
*defiles couch with dubious fluids* *coffs*

Oh, hi all! I'll order a round of Corona for everyone :D
Wait - is this the real bar? Or only the double? Or is the old one now the double and this the real one? Also, if durf never registers, who will pay the bills? :eek:
First person to cough gets tossed into the streets by the bouncer.
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I told everyone all the drinks are on Elly. That is how I got them to register.
I haven't been here for some time. Has the site name changed? I had a few problems to find the login info and succeeded with what I wrote down under

That reminds me to finally start getting my passwords in order. I have a piece of paper with up to 15 years old logins/passwords. It's completely filled, it must be a hundred.

Wait - is this the real bar? Or only the double? Or is the old one now the double and this the real one?
It's a kind of quantum entanglement thing.
Also, if durf never registers, who will pay the bills? :eek:
The drinks aren't really on Elly. We are on credit and as soon as certain people register (Durf is probably one of them), they will receive the bill.
Yay! Krischan! When will we start another nitpicking war? It's been too long :D
Yay! Krischan! When will we start another nitpicking war? It's been too long :D
I made a posting in the other single player forum, about whether it's possible that a failed sacred armor would have been Tyrael's.
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