End Gear for Blizzer and WWer


New member
Nov 10, 2007
End Gear for Blizzer and WWer

What type of end gear should I be looking for?

Right now my Blizz sorc is wearing the basic twitch + iratha + shard stuff.
Should I be looking to eventually replacing the iratha set with something else?

Also with the WW barb, should I be looking to replace angelic 3 piece combo and using elite rare jewelery and pumping dex?
Re: End Gear for Blizzer and WWer

Just a few more questions.

1. What are the ideal FCR/FHR breakpoints for a blizz sorc that rushes and chaoses?

2. Is angelic 3 piece combo > 3 elite rare jewelery on barbs + pump dex?

3. Why do sorcs not use Frost burns + 40% extra mana, and use rare gloves with str/dex instead? I imagine if you had access to SOJ, frost burn won't be needed but 40% mana does sound appealling.

4. Been having trouble getting resist on a WW barb using a rare martel. Is gold skin really the only option, or is there some ornate plate with high res I can use?

Re: End Gear for Blizzer and WWer

Yo there...

My answer to question 2 is the following :
For what i have tested, the attack rating given by the angelic combo is not a priority for a pvm baba.
The sigon combo gives a LOT more.
The bonuses given by helm and gloves are, to my sense, a true jewel, even for a high level baba :
- Enough attack rating for killing monsters (efficient enough even if you put nothing in dex).
- Enough life leach which avoids drinking life potions too often (of course if you use a not so stinky martel).
- A not so bad ias bonus which will help to kill oblivion knights with a level 1 berserk a bit more faster, especially with a no-ias martel and especially when you are frozen.
- The possibility to wear a powerfull yellow amulet which, trust me, makes a FAT efficiency difference. Focus mainly on @skills and resistances there.
- More free affixes selection on rings. Focus mainly on mana leach and resistances there (yellow stuff). 2 Sojs would be of course optimal but you need to already have enough mana leach and resistances on other gear, which is not impossible.

I personnaly use the sigon combo with my level 90 baba and he does a really nice hell cs job.
So, i would say sigon helm+gloves are as usefull for pvm babas as shard is for sosos.

cu =]

*the_mad_joob, europe/ladder/classic/softcore
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Re: End Gear for Blizzer and WWer

Yo there...

My answer to question 2 is the following :
For what i have tested, the attack rating given by the angelic combo is not a priority for a pvm baba.
The sigon combo gives a LOT more.
The bonuses given by helm and gloves are, to my sense, a true jewel, even for a high level baba :
- Enough attack rating for killing monsters (efficient enough even if you put nothing in dex).
- Enough life leach which avoids drinking life potions too often (of course if you use a not so stinky martel).
- A not so bad ias bonus which will help to kill oblivion knights with a level 1 berserk a bit more faster, especially with a no-ias martel and especially when you are frozen.
- The possibility to wear a powerfull yellow amulet which, trust me, makes a FAT efficiency difference. Focus mainly on @skills and resistances there.
- More free affixes selection on rings. Focus mainly on mana leach and resistances there (yellow stuff). 2 Sojs would be of course optimal but you need to already have enough mana leach and resistances on other gear, which is not impossible.

I personnaly use the sigon combo with my level 90 baba and he does a really nice hell cs job.
So, i would say sigon helm+gloves are as usefull for pvm babas as shard is for sosos.

cu =]

*the_mad_joob, europe/ladder/classic/softcore

Thanks for the reply.

So I assuming, your barb is Vitality build, with zero points in dex, relying on sigons for Attack Rating?

I don't know about sigons, the bonuses are nice, but its just so god damn ugly. I was thinking about using Dual leech rings + AR + dex/str. And using gold find specific gear for other areas.

What armor is your barb wearing? It seems most are wearing gold skin.

Re: End Gear for Blizzer and WWer

it sounds like you want to lean towards a gf/mf barb setup.

My gf/mf barbs the last couple seasons have been exactly that. All rare/unique setup with ~100 dex or more, can't remember now.

The problem is getting gear that matches together to give decent AR/resists

I used Tarn, Goldskin, Chances and rest of the gear was rares.
Re: End Gear for Blizzer and WWer

Thanks for the reply.

So I assuming, your barb is Vitality build, with zero points in dex, relying on sigons for Attack Rating?

I don't know about sigons, the bonuses are nice, but its just so god damn ugly. I was thinking about using Dual leech rings + AR + dex/str. And using gold find specific gear for other areas.

What armor is your barb wearing? It seems most are wearing gold skin.


As you were asking :

Sigon is totally ugly, you are right, but style should be a secondary parameter if you look for efficiency.
About dual leach rings, it looks to me that they are not so commonly dropped (maybe i am simply unlucky)...
About my build, it is pvm-cs orientated, so i put enough strengh to be able to wear all types of armor pieces, which is actually 170 (because those godly ornates with high defense & req-30% are not so commonly dropped too).
All the rest goes to vitality.
I wear a high defense yellow ornate with low resistances on it (because i always considered that defense is the prior stat on body armors for babas).
It goes like this :
total life leach : 10% (sigon)
total mana leach : 5% (3+2 on yellow rings, with not so bad resistances)
It is not so high as you can see but it is ok with a 150% martel.
My resistances after battle command in hell are :
fire : 70
cold : 59
light : 68
poison : -1
By the way, it is not at all a mf build.

Cu =]

*the_mad_joob, europe/ladder/classic/softcore

Re: End Gear for Blizzer and WWer

Just a few more questions.

1. What are the ideal FCR/FHR breakpoints for a blizz sorc that rushes and chaoses?

I never really rushed with a blizzard sorc, but Id say that rushing without 70fcr is a pain

2. Is angelic 3 piece combo > 3 elite rare jewelery on barbs + pump dex?

Depends on the purpose of the barb.
For my goldfind barb I found that good rares are enough.

3. Why do sorcs not use Frost burns + 40% extra mana, and use rare gloves with str/dex instead? I imagine if you had access to SOJ, frost burn won't be needed but 40% mana does sound appealling.

You need to spend 60 strenght to wear frostburns; the 40% bonus is calculated only from the mana you got (not the mana from items), and many sorcs go pure vitality.
Frostburns doesnt have str/dex/resistances; in general it doesnt help so much.
Also, you can "just drink".

4. Been having trouble getting resist on a WW barb using a rare martel. Is gold skin really the only option, or is there some ornate plate with high res I can use?

There is no rare armor with better resists than goldskin, but technically you could get a 3 resists orante with other useful mods. The chance is very low.
Most barbs who MF, try to goldfind too, so goldskin is the best answer

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