Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?


New member
Jun 17, 2006
Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

Oh. My. God. OMG! This deserves a thread.

I did something around 50 lk runs today and I got bored (I know, I have no patience) and told myself..."oh well let's kill baal, it will give xp"

I didn't gave XP...well, it did, but it also gave the incredibly rare...*moment of suspense*...Tyraels? Nope. Enigma? No. Then what did you get that deserved a thread? That made you yell so hard everyone in the house came to see if you were okay? :scratchchin:

I got
THE rune. Yep. THE Almighty Zod.

See by yourself : I can't believe it either...


I really can't

What does ATMA has to say about it?
Zod Rune
Can be Inserted into Socketed Items

Weapons: Indestructible
Helms: Indestructible
Armor: Indestructible
Shields: Indestructible

Required Level: 69
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion

Fun fact: I went to click on the portal, then, for a reason I can't really explain, I tele'd away. Then I saw it. So I almost missed the rarest item in D2 :rolleyes:

Now with this comes a question : What should I do with it?

1)Continue on my luck wave and try to find an Eth 3 sockets godly Tomb Reaver?
2)Keep it for Breath Of the Dying ( I'm pretty sure I got 2 gul's somewhere, and I have all the other runes) All I need is an Eth berserker axe.
3)Socket it in a Stormshield? :crazyeyes:
4) Wait and see if 1.13 got runewords that needs that rune?

Or something else? Any advice?
Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?


No seriously... Congrats. It's gotta feel insane to see that on the ground. Just epic luck... :crazyeyes:

As for what to do with it, I'd say either wait for 1.13 and see what that brings, OR if you don't want to wait 2 years, find 2 Ruby Jewels of Fervor (Closest to perfect as possible), and put it into a high %ED Eth Tomb reaver... Those things are almost as godly as getting a zod in the first place.

(Throw it in an eth Quilted Armor if you want to waste it for fun though)
Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?


Make BoD, get lousy roll, make an iron golem out of it ;)

No way, save it and see what 1.13 brings along.

Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

Now with this comes a question : What should I do with it?

2)Keep it for Breath Of the Dying ( I'm pretty sure I got 2 gul's somewhere, and I have all the other runes) All I need is an Eth berserker axe.

Whatever you do don't make BotD in a berserker axe. A two-handed weapon is a must as Grief is miles better than BotD one handed.

I like the Eth Tomb Reaver option better than BotD, but it is only viable if you already have or can trade for the tomby and jewels. You don't want to wait years to find the rest of the gear to make it.

Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

Congratulations. Really nice. I'm not sure I envy you the decision as to what to do with it, so good luck with whatever you choose.

Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

Congrats, but we only really need one item find thr...

... oh, a Zod.

Alright, I'll let you keep your thread, as this is about the only item worthy of a 2nd item find thread, IMO. You should've just started a new IFT though, and I would've locked the old one. ;)

Whatever you do don't make BotD in a berserker axe. A two-handed weapon is a must as Grief is miles better than BotD one handed.

True dat, though maybe he's playing Vanilla. (and I wouldn't say Grief is miles better - it's better, but not by that much)

For a eBotD base I'd either pick a Great Poleaxe (so the merc could enjoy it too) or a Colossus Blade (so I could dual-wield it with a barbarian). Since my current 1.07 map has a CB rack, I think I know which I'd lean towards.

I'm still not certain what I'd do with it though. Waiting on the right Tomby (and getting characters to 84 to use it) probably wouldn't be my choice. I'm not patient enough. Not sure if waiting on 1.13 would work for me either.

Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

In my opinion, make it in a... THUNDER MAUL! From 1.07, of course. I'd like to see what a Berserker would hit with that in his hands.
Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

You should've just started a new IFT though, and I would've locked the old one. ;)

Ah, I wasn't sure, since the other one is not that old, but I'll know it for when I'll find another one :crazyeyes:

And thanks everyone for the congrats

Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

Put it in a CoA. :wink:

Seriously though, congrats, i'd probably save it until i found a near perfect ethereal 3 sox Tomb Reaver or some insane ethereal rare weapon, but just having it is also nice.
Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

I (almost) spit out my Dew when I saw that you almost missed it. Isn't it always like that, that the one time you misclick or kill some random monster you get something great?

GG on the pwnz r00n, though. I agree with poops, CB or Great Poleaxe, since merc's can use both of them. I'm picturing an Act V merc with that BotDCB and a Fanazealot's aura. *drool*
Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

I (almost) spit out my Dew when I saw that you almost missed it. Isn't it always like that, that the one time you misclick or kill some random monster you get something great?

GG on the pwnz r00n, though. I agree with poops, CB or Great Poleaxe, since merc's can use both of them. I'm picturing an Act V merc with that BotDCB and a Fanazealot's aura. *drool*

No! Thunder Maul! I mean, it'll approach what, 2k weapon damage?

Cryptic Axe and Colossus Voulge hit acceptable damage numbers as well.

Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

That's insane luck. However, what ever you do, DO NOT make BoTD. There are other weapons better than BoTD.

If I were you, I'd wait to see if there are better way to spend it (eg. perfect eth tomb reaver). Or hope there will be new cube formulae to break it to 2 cham, then break to 4 Jah, then break some of them to Ber, then ...
Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

That's insane luck. However, what ever you do, DO NOT make BoTD. There are other weapons better than BoTD.

If I were you, I'd wait to see if there are better way to spend it (eg. perfect eth tomb reaver). Or hope there will be new cube formulae to break it to 2 cham, then break to 4 Jah, then break some of them to Ber, then ...

Few things can match BotD in style points.

Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

Honestly, I fail to see where the "style points" are in a 'Breath of the Dying'.

Here's a thread maxicek made seeking input after he found his Zod rune. I'm not sure how it compares to the advice you're getting here (didn't fully read the thread), but more input is good.

Oh, and congrats on the nice find of course. :).
Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

Insane find......Someone give that man an eth Tomb Reaver. NOW!

I like that "Guide to untwinked, Single-pass, early-game Magic Finding" is in the similar threads below. Does that mean I will find one following that guide?

Babylink, have a beer now and relax:)
Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

Congrats on the amazing find.

If you play Vanilla and have no plans of installing RWM (and don't think 1.13 will make the current ladder only runewords available in SP or think it won't come in the next year or two) then I would make BotD in an ethereal Colossus Blade. If you play with RWM, then I'd only make BotD in a spear/polearm (GPA being the best option, imo) so I'd also have the option of shoving it on the merc. Death and, especially, Grief are just too good and too close to what you'd get from BotD to make it in comparable bases.

There's the possibility 1.13 could add something useful to your situation, so I'd suggest giving it some time (~a month) just to see. It probably won't be out by then, but that's a lot of potential loss if something great is added (like the ability to break runes; though that's highly unlikely) for not very much gain (by which I mean there's nothing you can make with a Zod that you need.) In the meantime, you can install 1.07 and get to work on racking a good base item for your BotD.

Lastly, condolences on finding a Zod instead of something useful. :badteeth:
Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

Congratulations BabyLink! I think I'd sit on it until 1.13 is released (I'm almost sure it'll be one of these years, you know), I agree with Maareek's advice: if you didn't know the moment you saw it drop what did you want it for, chances are there's nothing you need that involves using a Zod.
Re: Early Christmas gift or Insane luck?

I come back home, and I see an 'Enigma' and Zod rune posted. Egads. Something tells me I should have stayed home tonight.

Congrats. I hate you. ;)

I'd wait for 1.13. Like maareek said, there's plenty of heavy damagers more common than 'BoTD' and ethereal Tomby. It's gonna be a few more months before 1.13 comes out, and there's a chance there will be nothing new, but you'll be banging your head on your desk solid if something amazing comes up.
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