Re: Dual Dream Enchantress
I wouldn't go ES tbh, even though you have the points. At least I wouldn't gear/stat for it. The reason is manaburn: you will have low fcr and be in the middle of the monsters most of the time, which will mean a lot of deaths with ES.
My dream equip (sorry for the pun...) would be as follows:
Dream helm (figure out how much +str you will have and choose the base accordingly)
Dream shield (likewise)
Guardian Angel armor Um'd (you can have gozu res with it, and block with Dream shield without spending 1000 dex. You also block much faster; without this you will go to block lock with Dream shield and die if you slip up)
CoA (yes, you heard me right. It has fhr, res and can be double-Ber'd for up to 31% dr)
Verdungo's belt (for another 15% dr -> you'll hit 50%)
Gloves with ias (could be crafted cb gloves maybe)
Highlords amu (for extra ias; can't remember the bps but you will need it)
Rare Triple-Resistance boots (you will need extra res to hit 95%)
Passion phase blade (for the Zeal)
Raven Frost ring (for ar, dex and cbf)
Godly Rare ring (10% fcr maybe although teleport is really nothing more than a convenience on this char and you should not gear for fcr; 20 str, 15 dex, 60 life, 90 mana)
Anni+Sorc Torch
Life/res charms
Light Skillers w/ life to boost LM
CtA+Lidless on switch (your BO will be very low even with +6 BO CtA, but there's no better use for this slot without ES)
Merc has Infinity in eth Tresher ofc + eth Forti Sacred and Eth Andy's with 30 fres/15 ias jewel. Defiance merc; if your shield, helm and boots are good enough, you can net over 7k def with this aura and a cold armor of your choice, which is nothing to sneeze at (over 40% less chance for enemies to hit). You may think all this safety is overkill, but sorcs are very fragile in melee and since you already got more than enough killing power, why not maximize safety? Apart from Uber Meph who is Light immune, you can take down Ubers with this build if you switch your gloves to Dracul's. Even with Lifetap you won't leech much though; this could be a problem.
Skillwise, this is the basic build:
20 lm
20 fm
20 warmth
20 enchant
Teleport + prereq
You could spend your 20 leftover points to get a weak Orb for non-breakable light immunes, but with your merc's godly physical dmg I wouldn't bother. I'd max Shiver Armor instead for its added defense bonus + the fact that it slows enemies when they start their swing, instead of when they hit you.
As for the dmg, be careful you don't cross the dmg limit! 80k+ something / frame, counted with Infinity I suppose; if you go over this limit, the damage rolls over and starts again from zero, meaning that if you hit for, say, 90k dmg, you only make 10k, which is a very bad thing obviously. Still, it's kinda nice to worry about having too much dmg instead of too little, every once in a while. :scratchchin: :jig: