Does anyone know when new Ladder will start..?

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Nov 9, 2004
Does anyone know when new Ladder will start..?

Does anyone know when new Ladder will start..?

Tired of making trades for runes.. and having them Poof

Dupers.. Copiers.. Cheaters.. Hackers..Suck.. with the price of HR less the price of a Hel Rune(imo)

Not worth making any trades.. HRs go for Mal now or less..

Pathetic how people mess(trust me mess is not what I want to say) up the game

Disgusted:sad2: :largeannoyed: :largesad:

Heh, been away for more than a year and we still have the same old threads popping up? :evil:
Yeah, and I love how it pops up directly under the stickied Ladder FAQ, which includes a description of how no one knows when the ladder will be reset.

- Noodle
No one knows, and thanks for reading any of the other 13,245,929 posts about someone asking when the ladder reset will be. Funny, cuz all the responses in those threads are exactly like this...

Think about it man, how are we supposed to know when the ladder will be reset? Are we blizzard?
If only it wasn't against the rules, I'd say we keep bumping this - it's funny to see this topic right under the ladder sticky.
It's the 39678546th time this question has been asked, and no, nobody has a clue, although I do agree with you. It would be so great if the ladder would reset, as this would probably spring a new patch and new life to d2 - perhaps even inspire ppl to play their chars and PvM to get to the actual ladder :laugh:

I don't really care all that much if the economy is twisted, I've never had any high end RWs anyway. The only problem I see is when ppl stop playing PvM and make those boring godly chars that have become ridicilously cheap, and then just PvP.

In most cases ppl don't even play the game anymore, they just hoard high end stuff and trade. That is the downfall imo, and it's just disgusting to see some ammy or charm go for 200 hrs - yeah sure, *all legit* :rolleyes:

Edit: Snow, that's why we call it "masked bumping" or "stealth". Disguise your bump so they mods can't accuse you ;)
If only it wasn't against the rules, I'd say we keep bumping this - it's funny to see this topic right under the ladder sticky.
actualy it is against the rules for him to post. But I believe it is ok for us to remind him to read the stickies on top of the forum. So my reply is not a bump. Its a reminder :laugh: . and now I'll move out of the way so that dredd or Gorny can lock the thread lol

Edit: Snow, that's why we call it "masked bumping" or "stealth". Disguise your bump so they mods can't accuse you ;)
And what do you think I was - and am - doing? :wink2:


hmm, sphinxman should know this already ... there must be a deaper purpose of posting this ...I bet he also wanted it under the ladder faq ... maybe he's taking screenshoots as we speak :wink2:

And to be on topic :laugh: nope, none outside blizzard knows.

edit: Or maybe he just wanted to rant a bit because he has lost quite some hrs ...
Right after Duke Nukem Forever is released.
I can understand people's frustration. I've been (im)patiently waiting for a reset for a long time now.
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