Differences between PvP and PvM Bone


New member
Sep 30, 2003
Differences between PvP and PvM Bone

Hey guys, I started a new Bone Necromancer the other day, and now he's up to 42.....just one question. Thus far, I've been following Soulesschild's PvP Bone guide, and I'm wondering if there're any differences between what I should account for (skills, equipment, and stats wise) between using his guide and wanting to make a decent PvM Necro. Any thoughts?
Tyrsig said:
Hey guys, I started a new Bone Necromancer the other day, and now he's up to 42.....just one question. Thus far, I've been following Soulesschild's PvP Bone guide, and I'm wondering if there're any differences between what I should account for (skills, equipment, and stats wise) between using his guide and wanting to make a decent PvM Necro. Any thoughts?

I use my PvP bone nec for PvM and it works really good so just follow his guide. But for PvM you can mess around with ur curses and maybe get skeles for meat walls.

For PvM, you might want curses like DV and Decrepify. Or you might consider a point in clay golem, golem mastery and summon resist. You might even consider giving up marrowwalks and maxing Bone Prison so you can use it for crowd control.
i use revives on mine. I also use confuse alot. I use bone wall more than prison.
Tyrsig said:
Hey guys, I started a new Bone Necromancer the other day, and now he's up to 42.....just one question. Thus far, I've been following Soulesschild's PvP Bone guide, and I'm wondering if there're any differences between what I should account for (skills, equipment, and stats wise) between using his guide and wanting to make a decent PvM Necro. Any thoughts?

I use my PvP Necro for PvM.

Works just as well.

PvM necros might not necessarily work for PvP tho :)
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