Diablo problem please help!!
Okay here's my problem. We have more than one computer hooked up to the Internet, my computer is the only one that has diablo on it and I am the only one using it. I can connect to battlenet no problem but if someone is on the other computer while I am playing diablo on mine is where I get the problem. You know when you exit a game on bnet, for a sec there is a please wait box that popes up, then goes away, but for some reason when someone is using the Internet on our other computer the please wait box stays up then will go back to the login screen and sit there on connecting to fastest sever. When I check my Internet connection it's working fine. Also when the other computer is shut off I have no problems at all. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and fixed it somehow thanks. This never fails only messes up when we have our other computers being used
Okay here's my problem. We have more than one computer hooked up to the Internet, my computer is the only one that has diablo on it and I am the only one using it. I can connect to battlenet no problem but if someone is on the other computer while I am playing diablo on mine is where I get the problem. You know when you exit a game on bnet, for a sec there is a please wait box that popes up, then goes away, but for some reason when someone is using the Internet on our other computer the please wait box stays up then will go back to the login screen and sit there on connecting to fastest sever. When I check my Internet connection it's working fine. Also when the other computer is shut off I have no problems at all. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and fixed it somehow thanks. This never fails only messes up when we have our other computers being used