Dflight Dueler


New member
Nov 14, 2006
Dflight Dueler

Does a dflight sin have any chance of winning duels? I was thinking of making a dflight sin combined with tiger strike to get a very high amount of damage. What im trying to get is a pretty much one hit and kill. My skills would be

20- dflight
20- tiger strike
20- weapon block
20- venom
10- fade

The equipment i was thinking of is

helm- Gaze for damage reduced just in case i miss and get hit
armor- Fort
gloves- +3 MA 20% ias
boots- upped gores or shadow dancers
belt- dungo for life and damage reduced
ammy- highlords
rings- raven and dual leech str dex ring
weapon- 2 bartucs both shaeled
switch- cta and spirit
buff- 2 +3 shadow claws and trangs glove
inventory- anni, torch and 9 MA gc's
No chance of winning duels unless your opponent is very very bad.

Flight is slow and mostly predictable, any good player will avoid getting hit by it, especially for the duration of the TS charges.
About your gear: I haven't seen any +3 MA, 20% ias gloves... I guess you cant get +3 to martial arts (max is +2) on gloves.

For a DFlight assassin, i'd use a SS and wouldn't spend more than 1 point in weapon block as a requisite... You'd get 35% DR from SS plus the amount you'd got from gaze, making easy to reach the 50% cap... Tiger strike is not a good skill to use in a duel (unless you charge up in monsters around the scenario) yet it is the only chance you could get to win a duel in the first hit... I think its pretty useless to charge up your tiger strike skill hitting another player, since most of strong chars will kill you b4 you can use the charges! Maybe you should use a DFlight for the first hit and then try to hit some DTalons straightforward. (max Dtalon then)

I'd try to get over 100% crushing blow and as many deadly strike i could get for a duel sin like this, wich you'd only achieve by equiping something like a last wish (i'd go for a phase blade) and either Guillaume's Face or Duress armor + upped gore riders.
Forget about the gloves, i just made a search and found that there can be +3 to martial arts gloves (magic only)...
Since you thought about using fort for ed, why not use a phoenix shield??? You're trying to kill in the first hit, right?

Ah, remember to get Ignore target's defense on your weapon (could be a phoenix too, or last wish, or nats claw, ...). That will avoid you from missing too often (have you ever tryed to hit a 25k~35k def pally with DFlight?)
You could even try to DFlight on your opponent and teleport backwards (using enigma, wich will grant you another +2 to skills and some usefull str) to try to avoid being hit....

I never tryed this...

Make sure you have enough mana and fcr for this...
Ah, remember to get Ignore target's defense on your weapon (could be a phoenix too, or last wish, or nats claw, ...). That will avoid you from missing too often (have you ever tryed to hit a 25k~35k def pally with DFlight?)

Have you also noticed that ITD doesn't work in PvP?

dont use tigerstrike to achieve charges, u'll die before you can use a dflight. i would say just max dflight, venom and various other shadow skills, use shadow gcs and try and achieve 102 fcr and 86 fhr bps. use enigma for mobility and to meet str requirements. dont go for max block since this will mainly be used against casters. trang gloves would be a nice choice since ias doesnt matter with df and it will give you 25% psn dmg inc and 20fcr.

also deadly strike doesnt work on kicks i believe and cb does very limited damage in pvp. go for ow to get a better effect. maybe a malice/ fury and bartucs combo would work nicely for your sin with the 65 fcr bp.
Have you also noticed that ITD doesn't work in PvP?
Have you noticed elvenswordman posts a lot of advice before checking it's validity? Like recommending DS when it doesn't work on flight.
Also the recommending 100% cb for using flight is kinda funny.

Anyways back on topic the main issue is hitting opponents. If you are charged up with TS (which is a problem in itself) an opponent will be extra careful to avoid flight. Basically DF is very easy to dodge if a player can predict it coming, that is one of the reasons why it is a skill better mixed into gameplay with other skills being the primary source of damage, flight should only be used to catch opponents off guard or to get in close when an opponent is off guard, not something you should be consistantly trying to hit opponents with.

Yes, i posted lots of info b4 gathering them into 1 post... I rushed myself, and for that i'm sorry.

I can't remember recommending DS tho.... (Does DS states for Death sentry?? I guess so). I said about DR (damage reduced) and about SS (storm shield).
If an opponent is just standing still, it can get blocked pretty easily, you could use malice and dragon flight an opponent then tele around, dragon flight again to apply OW until you get them to very low health and then mindblast...yeah, wouldn't work out very well I don't think.
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