Dflight Dueler
Does a dflight sin have any chance of winning duels? I was thinking of making a dflight sin combined with tiger strike to get a very high amount of damage. What im trying to get is a pretty much one hit and kill. My skills would be
20- dflight
20- tiger strike
20- weapon block
20- venom
10- fade
The equipment i was thinking of is
helm- Gaze for damage reduced just in case i miss and get hit
armor- Fort
gloves- +3 MA 20% ias
boots- upped gores or shadow dancers
belt- dungo for life and damage reduced
ammy- highlords
rings- raven and dual leech str dex ring
weapon- 2 bartucs both shaeled
switch- cta and spirit
buff- 2 +3 shadow claws and trangs glove
inventory- anni, torch and 9 MA gc's
Does a dflight sin have any chance of winning duels? I was thinking of making a dflight sin combined with tiger strike to get a very high amount of damage. What im trying to get is a pretty much one hit and kill. My skills would be
20- dflight
20- tiger strike
20- weapon block
20- venom
10- fade
The equipment i was thinking of is
helm- Gaze for damage reduced just in case i miss and get hit
armor- Fort
gloves- +3 MA 20% ias
boots- upped gores or shadow dancers
belt- dungo for life and damage reduced
ammy- highlords
rings- raven and dual leech str dex ring
weapon- 2 bartucs both shaeled
switch- cta and spirit
buff- 2 +3 shadow claws and trangs glove
inventory- anni, torch and 9 MA gc's