decisions decisions


New member
Mar 13, 2009
decisions decisions

Heya barb players, with the release of 1.13 I've decided to build my first ever barb toon. xp
I've narrowed my choice to either a WW or frenzy, which one is more fun to play?
Ima be making a mf toon also, so this barb is strictly for fun playing with the friends, and using whatever gear I find (obviously because of the reset that will happen haha).

So, any opinions are welcome.
Re: decisions decisions

fenzy is nice cuz you dont need to be so concerned with speeds, as it will enhance your ias. ww is good, it can be slow at low lvls and itys very dangerous as im hurts.

i heard a rumor that im has been removed from the OK population but arreatsummit dosent mention this change.
Re: decisions decisions

ya IMs gone
unless they change that bettween now and reset...

and you can try both builds since you can respece now
Re: decisions decisions

Frenzy is great if you want speed and killing power; WW gives you more flexibility and more points to play with; you might want to max Berserk or Shout, for example. For WW to be a real killer in PvM I'd either wear 2 weapons or a big 2-handed such as a mace or polearm. Keep a shield handy for Nihlathak (Stormshield or Gerke's) and you should be fine. :)
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