Lol congratz mate, my first d clone (I'll post the screenie if you want) Was a RANDOM one I was gathering stuff for my LLD and I didn't have a clue he would walk... One soj message "Meh I get that all the time". Two soj messages "Ok... Just wait..." I stay inside Rouge Encampment. Third soj message Diablo walks the Earth I freak out and start spamming /f m D Clone walks! Yeah! %$£! yeah! I freak out I'm sort of shakey, I think, where would a sutible and easy to reach place to spawn him be... I check my waypoints, I see Stoney Field and think what the heck, I run to the Tistram portal (Not tele) with my merc dragging behind, my computer freezes about 3 teleports away from the portal... about 5 seconds later I see this BIG black thing coming at me I freak out and start spamming lightning with my finger ready on Full Rejuvinition Potion (Slot 1 in my belt) even though my merc is tanking him well. After my merc dies Diablo runs for me and casts Armageddon (And dam that hurts!) I'm rapidly using Full Rejuvination Potions EVERY time I get hit, after about 1 minute of fighting, it's over, I see the charm grab it and imediatly ID it, 19-19-9. A job well done and now I don't have to worry about fighting him anymore. The experience told me everything.
Anyway that's my story (With little detail to me but probably alot to some people) If you want the screen shots of the soj messages and me freaking out on Friends chat then the shot of Diablo dead ask me ^^. Sorry I don't have any of fighting him, I freaked out. :-D