Suppose I put 4 low DIE facets in a shield, 6 on my sword and 4 on my armor. Then play in public games until someone comes and PKs me. Will the facets explode and take the PKr with me ?
if its tppk they'll be in town anyways.
AzaZaz said:but you might attract a tppk in which case die facets won't do anything for you
Exactly... by the time you're high enough lvl to wear Facets, nearly all attempts on your life will be via TPPK, not legit PK.
and no, most likely not. there have been attempts in SC to develop something similar with a mercenary, and the damage caused by those things suffers quite a lot from the PvP penalty. If you did manage to get the PK to a suitable low level of life you might succeed, but unless you're a fully decked out dueller that is unlikely, and if your're a fulyl decked out dueller you're not wearing all those facets.