Crush And Blow Help
I vaguely remembered that it had a cap in hell mode?
What is the lowest that cb can take down a monster's life? 10%?
(game info so confuzzled in my brain, my bad)
I am starting a SP necro, and I read the nightfish guide. I find the idea of 4 eth + cb very intriguing
(since so far, even in p8 normal, norm D destroyed 4 teams of 20/14 skeles before dead, and those skeles can't even dent Lister with amp, so I figure if I can CB to help my skeles out...)
I see the best gear right now is probably goblin toes, but of course... I have to FIND it. (Which totally sucks) so I might do the CB crafted glove formula (since pruby is much easier to find/transmute)
assuming I hit everytime, and a 10% cb roll... so 1/10 hits will take it down... how much again? cb takes 10% everytime or 25%?
(either way, if 10%... theoratically 100 hits to take down a boss monster right? and I read that amp dmg effect cb... in that the effect doubles? how does it work?)
I vaguely remembered that it had a cap in hell mode?
What is the lowest that cb can take down a monster's life? 10%?
(game info so confuzzled in my brain, my bad)
I am starting a SP necro, and I read the nightfish guide. I find the idea of 4 eth + cb very intriguing
(since so far, even in p8 normal, norm D destroyed 4 teams of 20/14 skeles before dead, and those skeles can't even dent Lister with amp, so I figure if I can CB to help my skeles out...)
I see the best gear right now is probably goblin toes, but of course... I have to FIND it. (Which totally sucks) so I might do the CB crafted glove formula (since pruby is much easier to find/transmute)
assuming I hit everytime, and a 10% cb roll... so 1/10 hits will take it down... how much again? cb takes 10% everytime or 25%?
(either way, if 10%... theoratically 100 hits to take down a boss monster right? and I read that amp dmg effect cb... in that the effect doubles? how does it work?)