Crossing Streams

Aug 2, 2009
I wish I was that witty! Got the idea from a local morning show down here.... when it was on the air. Figured this was a PERFECT time to start it since most of us have free time, lol.

What shows are you streaming? How would you rate them (figured we could keep it similar to the old Movie Review thread)? What shows should we stay away from?

I am rotating through a lot of stuff right now.

The OC (2003-2007). On Hulu until Tuesday, March 31, 2020. Rating: 8/10. It's a typical teen soap. This was on air when I was in high school but I never saw it until a couple years I graduated and it was on that one cable channel that has all the soaps... Soap Net? 🤷 If you're into rich, American teenagers and their rich people problems, go for it. I give it a high rating because of nostalgia.

Schitt's Creek. On Netflix. Rating: 10/10. I'm only on the second season but omg it's great so far! Another show about rich people and their problems, but with a slight twist: This rich family loses everything in the first episode and they have to move to a town the dad (played by Eugene Levy) bought long time ago and they have to figure out how to live as commoners. It's a bit absurd and dry. From what I have heard, it gets even better and more heartfelt. I'm looking forward to it!

Cheers. On Netflix. Rating: 9.5/10. I've never seen Cheers. This is my first run-thru. Zokar actually got me onto this show because it's one of his top two shows. The humor is sharp and I really like that. There are a few things that are.... Well, if I was a super PC SJW I'd be TRIGGERED by a couple of things I've seen so far. I take it as seeing how things were different back then and how certain situations were handled. I'm still enjoying it though. NORM!

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. On Netflix. Rating: 7/10. I finished TNG at the end of last year and it was great! (10/10, btw) I decided to give DS9 a go as well. An ex of mine would watch this and when I would visit, he'd sometimes have this on and I just couldn't get into it. Well, Zokar got me to watch TNG and now I'm just progressing to other parts of the Star Trek universe. I'm not that far along, still on season 1. DS9 IS growing on me, but it's taking its time. It's a good show to have on while I play my 3DS. When I want a sci-fi fix, this quenches it.

Shows to Avoid: Another Life. Bad sci-fi, lol. Like, I'm not a sci-fi geek but JESUS this show is bad. If you like awful shitty sci-fi, then this show might be for you!
I want you all to pause here and take a moment.

Remember - I'm the guy who loves Christopher Morris' Jam, I've watched A Serbian Film - twice ... I consider The Road to be lightweight fluff and I cheered when Old Yeller got what was coming to him ...

I have been watching Good Witch on Netflix. This is a somewhat harrowing series - for instance, I watched a young learner driver not see the car in front of her stop and so she had to emergency brake, with mere feet to spare ... my heart was in my mouth, I can tell you ... worse, I am utterly convinced that not a single character in the whole series has genitalia ... sorry forgot where I was going with this.

Oh yeah, Good Witch. Why in the actual eff am I watching this? I am genuinely mystified.

Shows to Avoid: Another Life. Bad sci-fi, lol. Like, I'm not a sci-fi geek but JESUS this show is bad. If you like awful shitty sci-fi, then this show might be for you!

Listen to Ms Leo here, she knows stuff. Another Life is pants.
Re-watching all of Letterkenny on Hulu.

It’s a hard life picking stones and pullin’ teats, but as sure as God’s got sandals, it beats fightin’ dudes with treasure trails.
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Doctor Who 6.5/10
Drifted away from the series during Matt Smith's run so I've been catching up. Currently almost finished with the Peter Capaldi series. I absolutely love his Doctor though the writing seems off. Michelle Gomez as Missy may be the best thing I've ever seen out of Nu-Who.

"I once built a gun out of leaves."

Classic Doctor Who 10/10
Been binging on the classic series as well and I love it just as much today as I did when I was a kid. Not really watching the serials in any particular order. A little Troughton here, some Tom Baker there, etc.

Star Trek: Discovery 2/10
Absolute trash and I can't even recommend it to die-hard fans. Couldn't even manage to force myself to watch an entire season.

Star Trek: Picard F--- off/10.
Unlike DISCO, I did make it through the first season but I won't be coming back for a second. Discovery is garbage but this series somehow manages to be worse. Nice to see Jeri Ryan again - she's still gorgeous and honestly the only reason I suffered through this dumpster fire. Patrick Stewart should be ashamed.

I also recently discovered that the entire series of Blake's 7 has been hiding out on youtube for years. I've only ever caught bits and pieces, never the whole series so I can't wait to dig in!

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. On Netflix. Rating: 7/10. I finished TNG at the end of last year and it was great! (10/10, btw) I decided to give DS9 a go as well. An ex of mine would watch this and when I would visit, he'd sometimes have this on and I just couldn't get into it. Well, Zokar got me to watch TNG and now I'm just progressing to other parts of the Star Trek universe. I'm not that far along, still on season 1. DS9 IS growing on me, but it's taking its time. It's a good show to have on while I play my 3DS. When I want a sci-fi fix, this quenches it.

My favorite series but I agree, it takes time to warm up. You'll love it when the Dominion War ramps up. Keep an eye out for an episode called "In the Pale Moonlight". Might be the single best hour of Star Trek in the history of the franchise.
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Nothing. I don't have time to "stream".

(Actually being kinda honest, which some of you may find unusual)

I *was* thinking of starting to watch Westworld if I have any spare cycles.
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Will be starting Ozark series 3, the other 2 series were excellent. Also got Picard and Schitts Creek to watch. Avenue 5 is pretty funny as well and worth a look. Just watched a 3 part documentary on George Washington which was really good as well. There's a load to get through!

Criminal Minds, Rating 9/10. (currently) If I was not watching it for a third time I'd probably give it a full 10/10. By far one of the best FBI/Police whatever tv series out there. Re-watch value is not as high since it can't keep you in suspense when you know whats about to happen.

How I Met Your Mother, Rating 10/10. (currently) Laidback and laugh. I loved all of the seasons. Definitely my favorite comedy series.

Undercover / Pod Prikritie, Rating 10/10. (finished a month ago) A Bulgarian crime thriller series based on real events. I'm not sure how it would be perceived by people not from around here since it's quite specific but it's definitely a 10/10 for me.

You can probably tell I like to re-watch series a lot more then starting new ones. I already have the next 2 series lined up - Fringe and Supernatural :p
Never cross the streams. It's bad. Like real bad. Like all life as you know it ending and your molecules exploding at the speed of light bad.

I suggest The Witcher for Geralt saying " ****" in interesting ways, and clone wars season 7.

Or watch Arrow all over again.
Never cross the streams. It's bad. Like real bad. Like all life as you know it ending and your molecules exploding at the speed of light bad.
I hope "Afterlife" is 'in the can' already & that it won't be delayed for a summer distribution...

EDIT - stupid, Stupid, STUPID! I don't think I really jinxed it though.
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Read an article about how the pandemic has affected camstreams. Gist of the article was that there are more new models signing up and more people spending $ but the models have to put in twice the time to make the same $ they did before the pandemic because there is more competition.

One of the models interviewed was named "somethingLOLI" I forget the first part of the name. Maybe change your name. I'd be like "I ain't clicking on that".
So I tried watching Stranger Things 3 with the fambly. Made it to the beginning of the third episode.

Ugh. So many SJW tropes, so little... anything resembling plot.
Been watching Reno 911 the last week or so. A fantastic documentary on perhaps this country's finest law enforcement operation.
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Been watching Reno 911 the last week or so. A fantastic documentary on perhaps this country's finest law enforcement operation.
The "madam" in some of those episodes, "Rachel Sterling" (AKA "Angel Veil") is one of the most beautiful women alive, IMNSHO.
Pity she's a wretched, bigoted, hateful person inside.
Doctor Who 6.5/10
Drifted away from the series during Matt Smith's run so I've been catching up. Currently almost finished with the Peter Capaldi series. I absolutely love his Doctor though the writing seems off. Michelle Gomez as Missy may be the best thing I've ever seen out of Nu-Who.

"I once built a gun out of leaves."

Classic Doctor Who 10/10
Been binging on the classic series as well and I love it just as much today as I did when I was a kid. Not really watching the serials in any particular order. A little Troughton here, some Tom Baker there, etc.

Star Trek: Discovery 2/10
Absolute trash and I can't even recommend it to die-hard fans. Couldn't even manage to force myself to watch an entire season.

Star Trek: Picard F--- off/10.
Unlike DISCO, I did make it through the first season but I won't be coming back for a second. Discovery is garbage but this series somehow manages to be worse. Nice to see Jeri Ryan again - she's still gorgeous and honestly the only reason I suffered through this dumpster fire. Patrick Stewart should be ashamed.

I also recently discovered that the entire series of Blake's 7 has been hiding out on youtube for years. I've only ever caught bits and pieces, never the whole series so I can't wait to dig in!

My favorite series but I agree, it takes time to warm up. You'll love it when the Dominion War ramps up. Keep an eye out for an episode called "In the Pale Moonlight". Might be the single best hour of Star Trek in the history of the franchise.

Im surprised you don;t like ST: Picard, I did not agree with some of the things they did, but I'd put Discovery below Picard.

The Mandalorian and The Witcher were better.
Just finished Cursed on NF. I loved it! 9/10.

I'm rewatching Yu Yu Hakusho on Hulu. Man, I've forgotten quite a bit but it's fun to rewatch all over again. The baby likes the intro too, lol. 9/10.

I fully expect to get lambasted for this one, but I've been binging on some Beverly Hills 90210. :LOL: I missed it the first time and if it's such an "iconic" teenage soap drama, I need to check it out. For social science research. :p
Oh, just as a PSA - if you haven't seen Chernobyl by HBO, you're in the wrong. Get right.

I'm not just saying this as a "systems & organizational behavior" dude, nor as a slathering hater of Communism. It's truly excellent work, labeled by some rating group as the best miniseries of all time. I don't know if the proper name is "fact-ion" or "historical fiction" or what have you; it's a historical event put in movie form with some artistic license used for continuity. The most blatant non-truth (untruth?) is that the woman physicist character is actually a composite, like Obama's imaginary girlfriend.

The thing that truly impressed me, alongside the acting & writing, is that it really does explain in layman's terms how the accident occurred.

Another great HBO "fact-ion" offering, though it's pretty old now, is Citizen X. Makes Silence of the Lambs look tame, yet I remember reading about Citizen Chikatilo at the time...
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Watching the 2010 iteration of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency on Hulu. It holds it's own against the 2016 series. Bart and Ken needed a spinoff. I could watch entire episodes of them just travelling the country killing off random people.

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