Countess Test!


Sep 1, 2004
Countess Test!

Hi! :howdy:

Just got a Countess runner up running, on the realms. Now you may think: 0m5 tihs is d4 sp f0rüm n00b. So what does a character want on the realms? Simple enough: I want to confirm if its easier to find runes in SP, or is it easier on Interested?

This is what we do:

1) I do 100 Countess runs on, and (if) you (decide to join) do 100
Countess runs in SP.

2) You must write down, what runes you find.

3) The runs are done with "players 1"

This way we can confirm, which is better! I know you need like 1000's of runs, to get a good picture, but 1000 is quite a huge number. Even 100 runs should give us an idea.

Anyway, if you think this is a good idea, sign up!


Have a look at this thread. It has some SP Countess run results.
I don't think the results in drops between realm and SP will be different, but the time/run will be. In SP you always have the same map, so you can find a good map and save a lot of time TPing.

Happy runehunting
In terms of rune finding it's all about pure luck, i would think.
The odds seem the same to me. :p

What could make some diference it's the time it takes to find and kill the countess.

With similar chars it would be much quicker to do it in SP as the stairs are always in the same place.

Unless of course you're using MH or anyother of those assorted applications people use on B.Net (maybe you could use it just for test purposes).

But go ahead and do it.

edit: oops too slow :p
@tweety: I'll check it out.. (but I need a bath right now!)

@Tom_S: No MH here.. BTW, try checking this thread out.. Starts with an innocent questions, ends up with the thread being closed.. (prolly because I asked if ATMA were a h4cK!)

In the light of these new discoverings, Ive decided I'll just do 100 Countess runs myself, and then compare them to others result!


yah, tweety linked to my thread with my countess runs in it, feel free to use the data, i might be doing more soon, cause i wanna finally finish my CtA :p
I'm all for empirical testing, but it is extraordinarily unlikely that there is any difference at all between item drops on the realms and SP, apart from the obvious (things that can't drop on non-ladder realms).

The effort they would have to go to to maintain two different code bases far outweighs any (if there is any?) reason to make them different.

I'd be more than happy to let you know if you have found anything statistically interesting though.
Ive not started the test yet, but I have done quite a few allready. Best so far was a Fal + IK Helm (the Fal was also the highest rune, ever found from Countess!). Looking forward to do this.. Did you know that the 2nd rarest item Countess can drop.. is a minor mana potion.. Jesus christ! :lol: (only passed by Lo :uhhuh: )

Anyway, thx for the replies. I'll post in this thread when Ive done a 100 runs!


I was reading the link posted above and saw some talking about cubing the runes and eventually ending up with ist/um/etc.
Well why is it I can only cube up to a thul?? And I'm on 1.10.
In 1.10 you can cube all the way up to Zod, but you have to add specific gems after Thul. I don't have a handy linky at the moment, but with a search you should be able to find it.
Courtesy of the Britton Robins Horadric Cube .pdf (taken from the Blizz site) ...

Rune Upgrades:
3 Runes of the Same Type (Runes 1-9) = 1 Higher Level Rune This only works for Runes El-Ort and not on any
higher Runes
3 El Runes = 1 Eld Rune
3 Eld Runes = 1 Tir Rune
3 Tir Runes = 1 Nef Rune
3 Nef Runes = 1 Eth Rune
3 Eth Runes = 1 Ith Rune
3 Ith Runes = 1 Tal Rune
3 Tal Runes = 1 Ral Rune
3 Ral Runes = 1 Ort Rune
3 Ort Runes = 1 Thul Rune
1.10 only These next Rune upgrades also require specific types of gems:
3 Thul Runes + 1 Chipped Topaz = 1 Amn Rune
3 Amn Runes + 1 Chipped Amethyst = 1 Sol Rune
3 Sol Runes + 1 Chipped Sapphire = 1 Shael Rune
3 Shael Runes + 1 Chipped Ruby = 1 Dol Rune
1.10 only The following Rune upgrade formulae will only work for Single-Player, Open, or Ladder Characters. They
will not work for Normal Characters on the Realms.
3 Dol Runes + 1 Chipped Emerald = 1 Hel Rune
3 Hel Runes + 1 Chipped Diamond = 1 Io Rune
3 Io Runes + 1 Flawed Topaz = 1 Lum Rune
3 Lum Runes + 1 Flawed Amethyst = 1 Ko Rune
3 Ko Runes + 1 Flawed Sapphire = 1 Fal Rune
3 Fal Runes + 1 Flawed Ruby = 1 Lem Rune
3 Lem Runes + 1 Flawed Emerald = 1 Pul Rune
2 Pul Runes + 1 Flawed Diamond = 1 Um Rune
2 Um Runes + 1 Topaz = 1 Mal Rune
2 Mal Runes + 1 Amethyst = 1 Ist Rune
2 Ist Runes + 1 Sapphire = 1 Gul Rune
2 Gul Runes + 1 Ruby = 1 Vex Rune
2 Vex Runes + 1 Emerald = 1 Ohm Rune
2 Ohm Runes + 1 Diamond = 1 Lo Rune
2 Lo Runes + 1 Flawless Topaz = 1 Sur Rune
2 Sur Runes + 1 Flawless Amethyst = 1 Ber Rune
2 Ber Runes + 1 Flawless Sapphire = 1 Jah Rune
2 Jah Runes + 1 Flawless Ruby = 1 Cham Rune
2 Cham Runes + 1 Flawless Emerald = 1 Zod Rune
6 of 6 Document ver. 1.10.09 2004-05-15
Mr_Addict said:
Hi! :howdy:

Just got a Countess runner up running, on the realms. Now you may think: 0m5 tihs is d4 sp f0rüm n00b. So what does a character want on the realms? Simple enough: I want to confirm if its easier to find runes in SP, or is it easier on Interested?

This is what we do:

1) I do 100 Countess runs on, and (if) you (decide to join) do 100
Countess runs in SP.
Hell Countess, I guess?

SP: 15 runs at P1 and P2

P1: 27 runes (SOL, SOL, DOL)
P2: 38 runes ( SOL, LEM)


As for statistics, with the odds so incredibly low on higher runes, you'd better hold on to yer mous and do some 10 000 runs, the least. The only way I could see that happen would be to do some distributed countess running, post a sticky and ask members to submit 100 runs at a time, compile it and hold on to it till you've got a decent number of runs.
Thrugg said:
I'm all for empirical testing, but it is extraordinarily unlikely that there is any difference at all between item drops on the realms and SP, apart from the obvious (things that can't drop on non-ladder realms).

Why, with all the server side patches the code is different on the server as it is on SP. And runes are tuned (among other things) with a txt file (like with a mod) which are not that difficult to change.

Randall said:
Why, with all the server side patches the code is different on the server as it is on SP. And runes are tuned (among other things) with a txt file (like with a mod) which are not that difficult to change.
I can assure that Blizzard does not do such things as much as you would think. Sure, they fix bugs and other supposed features while leaving the SP coding alone, but changing the .txt files is something they simply do not do. This was explained by Ruvanal a year or even longer ago, so I don't remember much details. The point was that such changes increase the lag on Bnet severely, as if there's severe botting going on. :uhhuh:

I didn't say they did it, I just mentioned that when they see/have a reason for it they could do it without to much technical difficulty.

What would be the reason for more lag on BNet (is this open or closed), right now the local files are not used anyway for closed otherwise dropmods would be to easy.

EDIT: Or did they add some check (checksum) to verify if the txt files are oriniginal or not. (and only when not, send over the real txt files)

Randall said:
I didn't say they did it, I just mentioned that when they see/have a reason for it they could do it without to much technical difficulty.
That's the problem, they can't without causing that lag.

What would be the reason for more lag on BNet (is this open or closed), right now the local files are not used anyway for closed otherwise dropmods would be to easy.
Closed bnet. The reason was that if the data wasn't the same on both ends desynch (lots of it) would occur, and more load on the server.

EDIT: Or did they add some check (checksum) to verify if the txt files are oriniginal or not. (and only when not, send over the real txt files)
That has been around since the start AFAIK, on the .mpq files at least. In 1.09 I could still connect with a 1.09b D2Game.dll, while bnet ran 1.09d

Edit: And if they .mpq files aren't original, D2 either tries to install 1.10, or bnet kicks you off with Realm Down..
@RTB: thx for taking the time explaining it to some n00b like me :)

Changing the text files would cause a lot of data to be sended over and hardcoding it would most likely not be that easy and not worth the trouble.

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