CL or Meteor/Fireball


New member
Aug 23, 2004
CL or Meteor/Fireball

Hey this is my first post on these forums. I've read a guide about a CL/FO sorc which did more damage according to the math. I also read a guide about a Meteorb sorc, which seems like it totally owns. I also see more meteorb sorcs in Hell, doing baal runs. So which one do you think is better? Thanks.
They're both VERY different playstyles. Meteor sorcs are also a bit different in that Meteor isn't their main attack, despite the name. Fireball is where the damage comes from while meteors tend to be used on bosses.

I have both builds and I think the CL is more fun. The fireball is probably easier for people to get used to sorceresses.
If this was me... I would build the CL/FO build, just because you don't see it as much. I think it's more fun as well though, and can be used to clear out masses of things in instants, seeing as both the spells have a huge area of effect. This build also requires less synergies to do nice dmg, which is always a good thing.
Yea that's what I was thinking........fireball and meteor does seem a lot easier, but that's not the point of the game :p
You mostly see Meteorb Sorcs around, because they are easy to build and play. They are effetive, but that doesn't mean they are the mean to all ends in turns of playfun.

I'd choose CL/FO aswell.
Personally, I'd go with CL/FO. Why? Because Fire Immunity is ridiculously common in Hell. Sure it's great when you find something that isn't fire immune as you can rip em apart in the blink of an eye; but if you're going meteorb I think you'll find you'll be using FO, your so called 'backup attack', as your main killing skill for much of Hell.

Besides... lightning is all pretty and stuff.
Liliel said:
Besides... lightning is all pretty and stuff.
For sure a determining factor when choosing a build... looks are everything!

Be pretty, or don't be... :drool:

Yea lightning does look a lot cooler than fire. :thumbsup: Then I can be like PIKACHUUUUU!!!! and zap people. haha
Sartok said:
For sure a determining factor when choosing a build... looks are everything!

Be pretty, or don't be... :drool:


Who ever said it was anything else with a Sorc? I mean what other char can look gorgous with a 2-handed axe and long hair waving in the wind? :drool:
Thats very true... sorc's actually look quite nice with a pretty little ethereal edge or something along those lines. :lady:

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