Christmas Eve Daily


New member
Sep 13, 2008
Christmas Eve Daily

So here it is, Christmas Eve. Got a foot or so of snow here, but later today I fly to Florida, so no white Christmas for me.

RL: Fly to see the family. Enjoy the holiday. Not work. Maybe play golf, maybe not. Who knows really.

D2: Play for a while longer, then taking some time off for the holiday.

Happy Holidays to the SPF.
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

Merry christmas spfers!

RL: A few hours with my pop and bro (and their romantic interests) some food, maybe some presents.

D2: got to NM meph with my shiny blizz-sorc. A few mf-runs to start off my stash perhaps.
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

RL: Have a nice meal or two with the family, then try to have a relaxing day. Maybe watch something with a "crowning moment of heartwarming". Aria? After Story? *shrug*

D2: I want a Ber + Sur for Christmas, please. :whistling: Probably won't be able to resist LK running.

Good health and happy holidays, SPF'ers, not only to you but also your family and friends.
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

RL: My Chirstmases weren't any fun the last couple of years. My mom doesn't really know how create holiday spirit, and neither do I. I was going to go to my dad and grandmother, like I used to when I was a kid, but I got ill two days ago, and can't go.

I hope I'll get better by new year.

I hope everyone has a happy holiday.

D2: Some cow runs?

OVG: I bought Eufloria for Christmas. I'm starting to see the good side of the commercialization(spelling?) of holidays :D
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

Got a foot or so of snow here.

Ditto. I spent an hour shoveling the driveway Wed. afternoon, and you wouldn't know it now. :p At least I got rid of the the early snow in the first session (it was heavy snow because it was still warm then). Everything that's fallen since that session is light & fluffy & dry, so hopefully Thursday's pass will only take a few minutes... hopefully.

RL: See: Snow, Shoveling.

D2: Trying to motivate to move forward with my off-the-wall assassin. She's in early Hell, and does ok (not great), but I guess I'm more in the mood for cookie-cutters at the moment. I might buckle-down and push her along though.

Re: Christmas Eve Daily

RL: no snow today, some rain actually. I also spent an hour yesterday clearing the drive (again) but this time getting rid of the ice - I'd been lazy after the last snowfall and we had an overnight temperature drop. Still looks clear this morning, thankfully... the drive comes up an incline to the house, so getting the car up can be fun - floor it and hope the tyres catch, then brake before hitting the walls. The joys of FWD ;-)

D2: nope, not today. Family will be taking up all my time.

Happy holidays to all!
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

RL: It's actually quite lonely not being able to spend Christmas with my family this year. I celebrated with a 8oz steak dinner yesterday (by myself), ended up hungry and going to McDonald's, and I'm probably going to celebrate Christmas Eve by ordering something at Red Lobster tonight (by myself again, unless someone wishes to tag alone).

D2: I've already uninstalled all programs in anticipation of my new computer. <3

OVG: Well, since I'm up at bloody 5am once again because of bad dreams (this one involved me stepping in poo bare-foot, ugh), and D2 isn't installed, I might as well play some Eternal Sonata.
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

Bah! Got the old unhandled exception errror so I guess ill have to reinstall and defrag and all that. Means no D2 today =(
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

Merry Christmas everyone!

@omg: I'd tag along, but I doubt they deliver to Germany :crazyeyes:

RL: Visited my mum in hospital again - still not sure whether she is allowed to go home today...snow already melted again - so no white Christmas for me :(

D2: Probably not.
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

RL : Inviting my parents over for dinner.

d2 : only after they left :)

ovg : maybe trackmania ?

I am just happy that i finaly got a few free days. Boy that was a long stretch since august. Happy christmas, all :D
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

Merry Christmas all. Snow have not melted, so for the first time in years it is white Christmas. Kids are getting a bit restless, duck is about to go in the oven, need to cut the lowest ring of the tree to fit it in the living room.

Parents and my sole surviving grandparent is comming over for dinner. In DK, we celebrate Christmas in the evening instead of in the morning. I'm actually looking forward to it more than in several years. We have used to go to my parents, so Christmas at home is going to be really nice. I prolly will not go to church this year, though. I'd rather have a bit more time with the kids.
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

RL:Today is my mother's B-day so we will have a little party. Traditionaly our cousins and family are gathering at our house and aside from mom's birthday we spend Christmas together. (sometimes they get really boring so I'll use my time to sneak out and do whatever I want)
I have still quite a lot work with cleaning my house ect.

D2: When I'll have time perhaps. LK runs with PvP matches later on are only option.

Merry Christmas SPF :yes:
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

RL: Merry Christmas (5 gatherings in 2 days), but it's the first that my daughter will really be able to get after the presents (18 months old) so it's going to be fun. Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the year, as a kid I enjoyed the build up almost more than the gifts, I really can't wait to watch my daughter's reactions to the presents and Santa Claus. I hope everyone's holiday is fun and safe.

D2: Not until Saturday at the earliest.

OVG: Chrono Trigger if I get a chance to game at all.

OT: omg, I hope you are able to find some companionship for the upcoming days, even if it's via the web. Grisu here's to a quick recovery for your mother.

Re: Christmas Eve Daily

RL: Stinking hot down here. Dad was dressed up as Santa at the local shopping centre, so I helped out there. Having a bit of a laid back Christmas this year, we haven't even really got anything planned yet. Had a nap at around mid day, and now it's 12:30am on Christmas Day and I can't get to sleep.

D2: Not much. A few runs here and there, but nothing of note.

Merry Christmas all.
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

Happy Christmas to all our European neighbours who celebrate today.

Turkey - Stuffed.
Pigs in blankets - Wrapped.
Turkey stock - Boiled

Just about there for jobs today, off to collect the in-laws from the airport.

D2: Actually levelled my next 2h Sword character to 77 this morning -- Hell after Christmas.
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

I really can't wait to watch my daughter's reactions to the presents and Santa Claus.
I envy you:) That must be awesome to see as a parent.

I have always been quite the oddball when it comes to the presents. Never liked the idea and probably never will, but I go with the flow nonetheless.

Our relatives from Denmark arrived yesterday, and this is going to be awesome. As usual we will celebrate at my parents farm with lots of other relatives, maybe we will even be too many people this year. The logistics of handing out the presents will be a challenge.

D2: I`m running the pits a little bit right now. That`s how addicts work.

Merry Christmas!

Re: Christmas Eve Daily

Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!

RL: woke up early: meh. Forum surf and coffee for awhile, then fool around and coffee, then go pick up tamales and beer for tomorrow, make a big vat of pico de gallo and check to make sure I have enough supplies for fresh guacamole tomorrow, then nap, then beer and food. Also some light banking maneuvers. Woo.

D2: Maybe.
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

RL: Tiiiiiired....Might have to goto Christmas Eve mass later. I hope not.

D2: Installed Eastern Sun yesterday. Seems pretty interesting and I think I may like it more than Median. Also, played some new 1.07 characters with Ashmer and Smilts until 2:30 AM. It was fun, but I'm paying for it now :D
Re: Christmas Eve Daily

RL: Got some time for D2 which I wasn't going to play, but it's better to play this rather than install a new game which will be more of a distraction. It also means that I won't have to install anything big which is a good thing because my computer is very full!

D2: Might try time travelling if I can get some help about how to set it up (it's confusing and I don't have the brain power right now, my brain function is pretty much "fire bad, tree pretty")
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