check out this hot rare bow


New member
Jun 7, 2005
check out this hot rare bow

oh how i wish i'd found it.

i was looking at it with my lvl 50 mld bowzon and it has some sex appeal to it when compared directly with my harmony mat. what's eveyone think?
That bow has strafe written all over it. With it's -reqs it would be perfect for a pure dex build. I don't know about pvp, but for pvm it's an end gamer IMO. I like it!
Wow, that's a very nice bow. Serious style.
did you snap the shot in a trade game? what was he asking for it? i agree with yogi...i would build a pure dex strafer for that bow.
I own the bow i was just asking cdm what he thought about it

what are your plans for it? i thought i recognized the name in the trade screen. :smiley:

It really sucks that the market for rares is really... rare, you can have some pretty damn awesome rare weapons/armor. or even on top of that, crafted items get the shaft a lot too.

Take this Blood Templar Plate for instance...

Initial Mods
+ (1-3) Life Per Demon Kill
(1-3)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life

Add the Rare mods...
Titan - +20 str
Colossus - 60 life
Stability - 24% FHR
Simplicity - 30% Lower requirements
Godly - 200% ED
Faithful - Armor per level

Any combination of those mods would rock out loud.

In the end you could end up with...
Hellforge Plate
REQ: 137 STR
DEF: 1590
+80 Life
24% FHR
+20 STR
if anyone wonders what the market for rare bows is like on east ladder blacky got 30 organsets for it. hope you dont mind me telling blacky.
i haven't been following the trade forums as closely as i used to...maybe you can do a conversion for many perfect windforces would that work out to?
what's a windforce? oh wait, that's that big ogre maul thingy right?
It really sucks that the market for rares is really... rare, you can have some pretty damn awesome rare weapons/armor. or even on top of that, crafted items get the shaft a lot too.

Take this Blood Templar Plate for instance...

Initial Mods
+ (1-3) Life Per Demon Kill
(1-3)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life

Add the Rare mods...
Titan - +20 str
Colossus - 60 life
Stability - 24% FHR
Simplicity - 30% Lower requirements
Godly - 200% ED
Faithful - Armor per level

Any combination of those mods would rock out loud.

In the end you could end up with...
Hellforge Plate
REQ: 137 STR
DEF: 1590
+80 Life
24% FHR
+20 STR

I really love crafting. I do a lot of it, even though i wind up selling most of the good things I craft for pgems because of exactly what you are talking about. Hellforge Plate is good, but also take a look at Great Haurberk. Crafted GH can be totally awesome!!! But you can't sell it too anyone, no matter how awesome it is, except *maybe* on these forums. I once had a 1500+ Def GH armor with amazing mods that I showed people on a trade screen for months before someone finally bought it for a Key. In reallity it easily should have been worth a HR or 2.

I really love crafting. I do a lot of it, even though i wind up selling most of the good things I craft for pgems because of exactly what you are talking about. Hellforge Plate is good, but also take a look at Great Haurberk. Crafted GH can be totally awesome!!! But you can't sell it too anyone, no matter how awesome it is, except *maybe* on these forums. I once had a 1500+ Def GH armor with amazing mods that I showed people on a trade screen for months before someone finally bought it for a Key. In reallity it easily should have been worth a HR or 2.

With all the runewords out, the majoity of Bnet doesn't pay attention to the godly rares that sometimes spawn. You get people saying "uh, why don't you use nigma!?" and crap like that. If you find one, put it to use and make a unique build for style factor. haha, wish I would have caught blacky before he sold the bow, I decided to try out a mld zon atfer speaking with cdm about his...then was like oh man....oh well, Harmony makes a prime MLD bow (yes, another runeword :rolleyes: ) :prop:

I'm not saying I never use runewords as the majoity of them are just too good to pass up. Its just nice to use rares if you come across some good ones to avoid the cookie-cutter builds.

sometimes I wonder If i should start a classic account just for fun :cool:

Estimated market value