charm statistics?


New member
Aug 30, 2009
charm statistics?

I was wondering if there were any guides around that would list the statistics of rolling certain types of charms. I've been looking all over for one and can't find one. Like I know 100 pdamage sc's are incredibly rare, and 175 is even more rare, but just how rare exactly? If I pick up a random charm what are the odds of it being that?
Re: charm statistics?

100 poison damage SCs can probably drop everywhere in hell mode, but those with 175 poison damage can only be dropped by hell Baal, Nihlathak and Diablo or rolled up from their SCs with the 3 pgem recipe. Regarding SCs with a poison prefix and suffix (which leads to seemingly weird amounts of poison damage), there should be a thread about the issue in this forum, I just noticed one here a few days ago.

Edit: OK, I didn't read your posting properly. See Poops' link to the affix calculator for the missing part ;)
Re: charm statistics?

It's not as stats-based as what you described, but iirc some of the odds for more-desirable charms are mentioned in the charm guide.

Also, the affix calculator (link) can provide odds for charms too.
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