Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST der=


New member
Dec 12, 2004
Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

*** [highlight]CTA round #5 runs Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 from 11:59am-10pm EST[/highlight] ***

A [highlight]Call To Arms[/highlight] for those daring to play in a cooperative, reset-style group environment, untwinked, from Act 1 Normal to Hell Baal, hardcore, without hacks of any kind, in one sitting. Original thread. CTA Round #1 thread. CTA Round #2 thread. CTA Round #3 thread. Team CTA Ladder Rush 2008 Domination. CTA Round #4 Part 2. Reliable regulars are guaranteed spots. The Call to Arms is an exercise in teamwork, cooperation, and sleep deprivation. There's no tangible/transferable profit to be made, save for the glory and pride of contributing to one of the most noble online-game-related-thingies out there. It's simple: CTA members value their comrades more than the ITAMZ splattering around them.

TIME: 11:59AM - 10PM Eastern Standard Time. Group will finish within 8-12 hours. Round #1 was anti-summon/teleport. Round #2 was cookie factory. Round #3 was proximity synergy. Round #4 is omgstaticchantressforthewinyo.

VENUE: Public Test Realm. Ventrilo shall be the soup du jour; please have the latest client installed and be with headset/speakers, if possible!!! (server will also be announced day of)

TEAM: Built to maximize the ultra-efficient Static Enchantress, cutting normal runtime as per prior CTA learnings.

[highlight]DO[/highlight] NOT [highlight]ADD YOURSELF UNLESS YOU ARE[/highlight] 100%[highlight] SURE YOU WILL BE THERE FOR THE[/highlight] ENTIRE [highlight]11:59am–10pm EST SESSION ON Saturday, January 2nd.[/highlight] No-shows blacklisted etc.

    Suggested build lineup (assignments decided day-of)
1.  Static Chantress Sorceress  
2.  Cold Teleporter Sorceress
3.  Cold Teleporter Sorceress (Blizzard?)
4.  Lightning DS Trap Assassin
5.  Lightning Javelin Amazon
6.  Superfast BO Barbarian
7.  Zealvictor Paladin
8.  Supersummon Necromancer
Sign up fast! Spots are incredibly limited (8, plus a few reserves, because there are ALWAYS noshows)!!!

*** [highlight] Team selection is rigged in favor of CTA reserves, friends, veterans, and those who've contributed significant time/knowledge to the forums.[/highlight] ***

Please [highlight]DO NOT[/highlight] sign up if you:
- [highlight]can't commit to the entire session[/highlight]
- have an unstable internet connection
- lack maturity and a good attitude
- are unfamiliar with [highlight]teamwork and sharing[/highlight]
- are inexperienced with hardcore untwinked play
- lack [highlight]dedication[/highlight], because this is all or nothing, baby

This run will take place on the Public Test Realm. This will allow us to test builds for the upcoming reset and establish team rapport. Of course, there will be no tolerance for gold or level adjustment during the run. The point of this run is fun, and that should be kept foremost in your mind. Beyond that, guidelines for the run can be found through prior links as can build suggestions. If we have 12+ people able to sign up and show we will form two teams and compete.

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Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

It seems I really need to get my internet up by the 2nd now.

This Sunday, Hmm, rather not. Next Saturday works best. Any woes from the day before should be gone, ha. Next Sunday could work too, but would prefer the 2nd.

JUST in case, calling the Orb/TK :p

Hmm, idea, do you want a separate new discussion thread for the run like thoughts on thing like respecing? Or just chucked in here?

Ready for awesomeness
Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

i will try to attend this show ( 11.59 am in est should be 6 am UK ( GMT +0 ) right? ) 27th December with fire trapper, then in nm/hell swap to lighting traps + DS. ( just before CS, or i can go with lighting traps all along and be next to useless :D )
Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

I am definitely interested, but can't commit 100% yet. I probably won't know until a day or two before the event.

Hopefully we'll have enough for two teams! :thumbup:
Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

Due to work i can only make the jan 3rd date. if that's our day of choice i am good to run otherwise have a great time everyone and please fill us in on how it went.
if we decide for jan 3rd i will run whatever is need for the team i am on someone just let me know. my choices would be a trapsin with dt or a ww barb with bo.
Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

I am interested and am pretty sure I can make the date. Any spot will do but I'm only familiar with summon nec and cold sorc.
Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

i will try to attend this show ( 11.59 am in est should be 6 am UK ( GMT +0 ) right? ) 27th December with fire trapper, then in nm/hell swap to lighting traps + DS. ( just before CS, or i can go with lighting traps all along and be next to useless :D )

Don't think so...
11:59am EST (noon) would be 4:59pm GMT (your time).
To participate you'd have to be prepared to be awake and alert until 3am-5am GMT+0.


Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

damn it, why did i think i have to backward my time? was it because you are -6 hours for me? -_-

well.... i am awake now. but living with mum, i might have "some" "unforseen" breaks, like lunch and something like it. i ll keep it to minimal, but can't promise the world. ( might consider some toilet breaks )

if its 4pm i am up for it :)

btw, you might want to include windy dudu with maxed oak instead of 2 cold sorc.

and i hope you are aware that conviction zealor with lower cures can not break cold immunity :)

also, it should take us THAT long. if all of us are skilled ( who else playing hc? ) we should be VERY fast ( also if we got gg teleporting sorc, who are not afraid to die in cause of greater good )

see you on sunday then, and Merry Christmas ( its 2.41 here, so it is xmas here )
Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

btw, you might want to include windy dudu with maxed oak instead of 2 cold sorc.

Funny I was just playing a lvl 80 windy druid and i was like wow we really should include this in our cta run i mean why not. it's got good damage and the only problem hurricane has is on the cold immunity's but your till got tornado for that along with everyone else in the party..... seems like a useful one to have IMO

Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

Couple of quick things:

1.) Yes we know that conviction and lower resistance cannot break cold immunity. The major damage sources in our party are Fire/Lightning and most of the cold immunes we will encounter (OKs, Wave 2 skels etc.) aren't exactly high on life, hence why you can rely on merc to telestomp them.

2.) Since we will always have conviction and lower resist running there is no real point to having more than a lvl 1 base Cold Mastery on the Blizzard Sorceress as the resistances will be taken care of easily with 19 saved points (added synergies or possibly ES/TK if need of second teleporter)

3.) People keep suggesting a Wind druid for the team but I don't think anyone ever gives it any thought. Yes, it gives you Oak Sage for times when the party is together, but with the whole team together you don't need the added life. Level 26 Sage (doable) gives a 155% bonus on base life (doesn't count BO) which is nice, but when you think about the amount of tanks we will have (skels/mercs/valk/shadow/revives - not counting Barbarian and Zealot) and the speed with which crowds will die the bonus becomes a bit superfluous.
Also, the life bonus from Oak Sage doesn't carry over to teleporting. This may not be a huge factor but I'm personally not a huge fan of having less life when teleporting than I do when testing my characters limits during normal play, it messes with my estimation of safety and gets me in trouble. Of course that's just me, but the point remains that it is a situational life bonus.
More importantly, the Druid gains no benefits from the team. Level 26 Hurricane puts out like 1400 damage which is meaningless compared to the rest of our team (our chant will add 1200+ per hit and Glacial Spike will hit for 1000+ before CM) and Tornado gains no bonus from Chant or Conviction.
So, we would be losing our primary source of Cold Damage and our backup teleporter in exchange for a life bonus during the safest parts of the game (when our team is together) and some physical damage. I'm not a huge fan.

That being said, I could see a case being made for a melee druid on the team. Fireclaws could be especially good in conjunction with Conviction and Enchant and would still grant the Oak Sage bonus, which does have merit if team members wander off (a tactic that killed several of our members last run).

In order to make up for the loss of cold damage I would focus on Orb rather than Firewall with the Enchanter, as Fireclaws and the additional source of Enchant would make up for the lost damage. This would also give the Chanter a bit of crowd control she sorely lacks. Honestly though, cold damage is not as important in Hell as our Conviction and Lower Resistance will make LI/FI doable so it's more a matter of safety and speed.

Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

[highlight]I'm Socialism and I approve this message.[/highlight]

Pretty sure we know what I'll be playing. Hint hint, wink wink, say no more, say no more.

...should probably repost the 'learnings' page from old CTAs. -_-
Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

January 2nd will be the date.

A second thread will be posted for build discussion and CTA guidelines. Let's try to keep this to signups and such.
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Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

Also, the life bonus from Oak Sage doesn't carry over to teleporting. This may not be a huge factor but I'm personally not a huge fan of having less life when teleporting than I do when testing my characters limits during normal play, it messes with my estimation of safety and gets me in trouble....

100% agree with the above statement.
I don't remember anyone dieing last run when the whole team was together. People pretty much only died when they were trying to be heroes (read: idiots), and Oak Sage is never around when you are trying to be a hero (though I have nothing personal against Oak sage itself).

As for signing up...
I can make the date, but I don't think I can sign up.
My Desktop PC is in really rough shape, it hangs for about 2-5 seconds every 2 minutes or so, which causes serious lag and de-sync during play. (if anyone knows what causes this, feel free to let me know!) I'd be easily killed via a video lag death before we made it to NM.

I could play on my laptop, but the distance between keys is different, and I find it disorienting. You wouldn't have Colin in top form (not that I'm anything special to start with). I'm afraid you'd have Colin that flubs a key at a life or death moment because the keyboard was funny shaped... and then there are those damned touch sensitive 'media' keys across the top of the keyboard to worry about...

Earlier, when talk of this thing really became serious, I honestly did consider purchasing a new PC. But that's such a foolish idea, it was rejected right away.

I've successfully gamed on my laptop before, and I will do a little testing this weekend to see how I feel. But probably, as far as the skilled player requirement goes, I will fail, and should sit this one out.


Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

Have you tried the Glide wrapper yet? Assuming it's a video problem... Otherwise, that sounds crappy, dude. :(

Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

Well well, a day that I can finally attend. Sounds like fun so I will submit a claim for the spot of the Blizzard Sorc or the Summonmancer..


edit - as for the video issues Sauce. Have you taken your fan off your video card and cleaned it within the past 6 months or so ? I find doing this once or twice a year will help. Also a general can of air spray to the insides of the mother board helps as well ..
Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

i thought we gonna to kill all this sunday :( oh well, gonna have to wait till next sunday. i am in for defo :D

and shaper could have wolverine to help skellies attack faster and harder ( no increase in hp, so you won't have nasty surprises :D )
Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

I would like to be a part of this too. I know for sure that I will be able to attend the full run. I've been playing d2 on and off since day 1, but I've managed to miss all of these so far, so really looking forward to playing! How do I know which build I will be piloting (if there's still room)?

Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

Well, depending on total signups we will possibly be creating two teams. I am putting up a second thread for build discussion and suggestions, was just way too exhausted to do it last night. There will be something in the range of 8-10 suggested "viable" synergized team builds, but most things are options depending on what the team decides.

Of course, respecs change the whole dynamic so a lot of new things may be viable, hence the whole thread.

Hp, no specific suggestions but we would love to have you with us. Outside of a couple of builds I can't see much of an issue at the later stages of the game. Hopefully one of the aforementioned things will work, but if not we'll do our damnedest to work something out.

Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

Wish i could come but im outta state right now till like the day after this and dont really feel like dling d2 cause who im staying with would bother me every few minutes if i was playing this.
My stepmother sees this game as the devil therefore i cant play it when im staying at my fathers house without constantly being bothered
Re: Call To Arms - Round #5: January 2nd, 2010, ~11:59am-10pm EST

I could play on my laptop, but the distance between keys is different, and I find it disorienting. You wouldn't have Colin in top form (not that I'm anything special to start with). I'm afraid you'd have Colin that flubs a key at a life or death moment because the keyboard was funny shaped... and then there are those damned touch sensitive 'media' keys across the top of the keyboard to worry about...

Colin. Easy fixes.

1: Defrag, scan disk, clean harddrive, kill antivirus/spyware software.

2: Remove keyboard from desktop, attach to laptop.

There's no good reason not to do this if you want to. PFft. Excuses.

Where the hell is Sara?

Estimated market value