Bows, where to look


New member
Oct 26, 2006
Bows, where to look

Hi all!

Where do you recomend I look for amazon spesific bows? I have trouble finding them :(

Lvl 84 stafazon now.

As with almost all other unique/rare/set items, the best way is to kill as many monsters as fast as possible. If you want socketables, for making runewords, cowlevel with Java w/low mf is a good place to go.
every single grand matron bow and matriarical bow ive ever found has dropped in the three levels of the worldstone.

so i'd try there.

cows has never given me good drops when it comes to bows. mostly hydra bows, ceremonials and stag bows.
All the areas mentioned above. I think you will find stuff/charms/grand charms to trade for your elite bow long before you actually see one drop. For the amazon specific bows pick up the non socketed gran matron and matri. Use the cube recipe to put sockets in them. Granted there is a chance you will not get 4 sockets, but when you do....this is how I was able to make several faith and ice bows. Good hunting.
All the areas mentioned above. I think you will find stuff/charms/grand charms to trade for your elite bow long before you actually see one drop. For the amazon specific bows pick up the non socketed gran matron and matri. Use the cube recipe to put sockets in them. Granted there is a chance you will not get 4 sockets, but when you do....this is how I was able to make several faith and ice bows. Good hunting.

Thanks for good advice!

I actuall just found a superior matriarcal bow with +3 skill level and + 2 to attack rating. Had no sockets but I was going to use the cube recipe to try to put sockets in it. Just want to be sure, one can put runewords in superior weapons, right?


Yes you can RW superiors, unfortunatly you can't socket sups using the cube and Larzuk will give you 5 sockets.:sad2:
Estimated market value