Best weapon for a MF barb?


New member
Apr 28, 2005
Best weapon for a MF barb?

Barring Ali Baba, I'm just debating what to work with. One hand, two hand, dual, etc?
Re: Best weapon for a MF barb?

Dual wield Frenzy, so you can mix and match weapons - example, Aldur's Rhythm + Fleshrender gives you IAS and dual leech from Aldur's, and CB from Fleshrender. I would use a big 2H on weapon switch for Berserk (incorporatind the speed from Frenzy) until you get something big enough in a 1H to dual wield with Ali Baba or Gull for the Berzerk kill.
Re: Best weapon for a MF barb?

Breath of the Dying, Great Poleaxe

Because it covers leech and ar (-def) allowing you to wear more mf items.

The best dual-wield combo might be BotD Colosssus Blade + Grief Zweihander

Frenzy has less damage output and leaves you with less skills for find item/increased speed/natural resistances/shout
Re: Best weapon for a MF barb?


2x ebotd collosus blades

on weapon switch

2x ali babas.

sword mastery is clearly the best to go with because it also helps your alibabas when you are finishing off a boss.
Re: Best weapon for a MF barb?

ebotd + lastwish (life tap + cb + fade + MF)
Re: Best weapon for a MF barb?

Last Wish + Grief. Or Dual Last Wish for MFies.

Re: Best weapon for a MF barb?

ali babas only if you 2ist them both, if not 6 ist swords on switch for the hoarking.
i use bothDemblade and lwpb... greif is nice but it dont leach like botd and thats what yer going to need most.
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