Best TC78 target?

Tubba Blubba

New member
Jul 24, 2008
Best TC78 target?

I'm hunting a couple of TC78:s (Doombringer, Arkaine's, HHG, among others), and I was thinking about which the best target for that TC is? Mephisto has pretty lousy odds for it. Baal has got pretty good odds, but takes forever to run. Is it best to stick with champions/uniques? Pindle, perhaps? Plus, being able to get 81+ is a nice bonus (Tomb Reaver, c'mere!)
Re: Best TC78 target?

For just TC78s I'd say easy to reach superuniques like Eldritch would be good targets, but the most treasured TC 78s (Stormlash; Azurewrath) require higher qlvl than those monsters. Tomb Reaver, likewise. Baal, Diablo (if you have a suitable runner), Pindle and alvl 85 areas are probably your best bets. That said TC78 is one of those annoying ones that lots of people have holes from and just doesn't seem like it has a good specific target (similar to TC51).
Re: Best TC78 target?

Hmmm... Diablo might be interesting. What's best for running him? Diablo himself is a pushover, but de Seis and Infector might pose some problems.
Re: Best TC78 target?

I find out in ATMA dropcalc that diablo is really best for TC 78 according time running you need for that
but also true is that only few chars are able to do serious diablo runs and most of them require enigma so better will be wait for TC78 from somethink easier as meph or baal if you have char for baalrunning which is not easy too :)

@jdkerr: even with complete imba gear enigmadin is not easy way how to do MF :)
Re: Best TC78 target?

Best for running Diablo is something that doesn't worry about IM. Most sorcs are out because they need Insight, but a cold/light sorc should be able to deal with it as long as you can keep up with the mana requirements (1.07 MaeK rings would be gg for the task). Hammerdins are the staple, but bowazons seem to do well, also (Nagisa recently made a CS running 'zon). Fishymancers can do it, though slowly. Berserker, also. Any melee barb that has berserk should be able to do it, though you can't promise speed or MF there. Trapper can probably do the run fairly well, but Diablo himself may be a chore.

Just keep in mind that the seal bosses and Diablo have their TC capped at 84 (which is a plus for you if you only want TC78s).
Re: Best TC78 target?

Even with the lowered chance of TC78 from Meph, he drops so many more items each run (of a consistently higher quantity) that I can't really see how Pindle would beat him. Of course, with Meph you're much less likely to find top-end items, while with Pindle there's always the chance you'll get something like a Death's Web while hunting for your Doombringer.

So, although I'd probably choose Pindle (or level85 areas) just because of the higher chance of top stuff, I think Meph would really be the most efficient choice.

Edit: From ATMA's drop calc:

(the difference is closer than I expected, so I'd almost definitely choose Pindle)
/players1, 400 MF

1 : 12526	Doombringer - {qlvl 75}	Nihlathak's Temple - {mlvl 86}
1 : 7858	Doombringer - {qlvl 75}	Durance of Hate Level 3 - {mlvl 87}

I assume these odds are per-item, as opposed to per-run.
Since Meph drops more items per run, I think that would skew the advantage
for Meph higher, but the numbers may not reflect that.

Anyone know for sure which number these odds represent?

Edit: Thanks for the thoughts & confirmation Doppel & Silo.
Re: Best TC78 target?

Even with the lowered chance of TC78 from Meph, he drops so many more items each run (of a consistently higher quantity) that I can't really see how Pindle would beat him. Of course, with Meph you're much less likely to find top-end items, while with Pindle there's always the chance you'll get something like a Death's Web while hunting for your Doombringer.

So although I'd probably choose Pindle (or level85 areas) just because of the higher chance of top stuff, I think Meph would really be the most efficient choice.

Edit: From ATMA's drop calc:

(the difference is closer than I expected, so I'd almost definitely choose Pindle)
/players1, 400 MF

1 : 12526	Doombringer - {qlvl 75}	Nihlathak's Temple - {mlvl 86}
1 : 7858	Doombringer - {qlvl 75}	Durance of Hate Level 3 - {mlvl 87}

I assume these odds are per-item, as opposed to per-run.
Since Meph drops more items per run, I think that would skew the advantage
for Meph higher, but the numbers may not reflect that.

Anyone know for sure which number these odds represent?

Seeing that player settings up the chance i'd say per run, but that's just a guess. (Maybe that's why there's not much change from p3 to p8, as in p8 doesn't drop that many more items on average? Dunno)
Also, there are a lot of other targets, but i haven't really gone into them, eldrich and shenk are obvious, it might be fun to go over each and every superunique in Atma and then roll a good map to run them. (For example, i always wanted to run Hephasto, mainly because he seems to have a super high chance to drop a zod compared to other monsters, think its 1 in just over 2 mil on highest setting compared to a more usual just under 6 mil from others), or Treshsocket, just to spice things up)

Re: Best TC78 target?

Even with the lowered chance of TC78 from Meph, he drops so many more items each run (of a consistently higher quantity) that I can't really see how Pindle would beat him. Of course, with Meph you're much less likely to find top-end items, while with Pindle there's always the chance you'll get something like a Death's Web while hunting for your Doombringer.

So although I'd probably choose Pindle (or level85 areas) just because of the higher chance of top stuff, I think Meph would really be the most efficient choice.

Edit: From ATMA's drop calc:

(the difference is closer than I expected, so I'd almost definitely choose Pindle)
/players1, 400 MF

1 : 12526	Doombringer - {qlvl 75}	Nihlathak's Temple - {mlvl 86}
1 : 7858	Doombringer - {qlvl 75}	Durance of Hate Level 3 - {mlvl 87}

I assume these odds are per-item, as opposed to per-run.
Since Meph drops more items per run, I think that would skew the advantage
for Meph higher, but the numbers may not reflect that.

Anyone know for sure which number these odds represent?

That'd be probability per kill (ie probability per run), which is why the odds are skewed in Meph's favour (as he drops more items per run).

Say, anyone interested in a FAQ on behind the scenes of a dropcalculator, like how the math actually works, rather than an outline like the existing guides?

Re: Best TC78 target?

Running Pindle is an awful lot easier, too. I mean, bombarding Mephisto with Frozen Orbs work, but Blizzspamming Pindle is a lot easier.
Re: Best TC78 target?

Say, anyone interested in a FAQ on behind the scenes of a dropcalculator, like how the math actually works, rather than an outline like the existing guides?

I would be, definitely.

@Doppel: If you want to run a target that has higher chances for high runes, you should look into Nihltathak. Much better than usual odds for runes Vex+, and he can drop 41+ life skillers, +2 class skill amulets and all S/Us. Hephasto is mlvl 88, but his TC is capped at 84.

Re: Best TC78 target?

You are right, his chances for a zod are still slightly less then Hephasto though. :p, but with some mf you have 1 in a mil chance to drop Tyraels, which is also nice. :D
Re: Best TC78 target?

Just keep in mind that the seal bosses and Diablo have their TC capped at 84 (which is a plus for you if you only want TC78s).
Really? Hell Diablo has a capped TC? I was under the impression that he could drop everything, as the Chaos Sanctuary is aLvl 85. I was hoping to do chaos sanctuary runs since there's the three seal guards and Diablo (in addition to normal boss packs), but I guess Blizzard saw that and capped it. Dang. Thanks for the info!

On that note, does anyone know if the rest of the enemies in the Chaos Sanctuary are capped or not? I'd hate to use the area as a target if it's capped.

Edit: Thanks Kimppi.

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Re: Best TC78 target?

@Tubba bubba: running meph is very easy same as pindle
and pindle really can not beat meph in this TC78
I never will run pindle anymore beacuse pindle is totally useless and boring target when you are able to run area85 beacuse in areas you can do that items faster if you just have skill and you can do even tyrael. And for lower TC are better target like meph.
Re: Best TC78 target?

@Tubba bubba: running meph is very easy same as pindle
and pindle really can not beat meph in this TC78
I never will run pindle anymore beacuse pindle is totally useless and boring target when you are able to run area85 beacuse in areas you can do that items faster if you just have skill and you can do even tyrael. And for lower TC are better target like meph.

Yeah, You are probably right there bass, but in HC is AT teleporting/Bosskilling madness too dangerous to my taste...Sorcs are too fragile in other words, at least for me :p

Re: Best TC78 target?

Yeah, You are probably right there bass, but in HC is AT teleporting/Bosskilling madness too dangerous to my taste...Sorcs are too fragile in other words, at least for me :p

ofc, I have nothing againist pindle runners beacuse I know that players are different and many players considering pindle as fun same as many players are hunting runes in LK but I like to play AT and other areas so I prefer MFing there :)

Re: Best TC78 target?

@Tubba bubba: running meph is very easy same as pindle
and pindle really can not beat meph in this TC78
I never will run pindle anymore beacuse pindle is totally useless and boring target when you are able to run area85 beacuse in areas you can do that items faster if you just have skill and you can do even tyrael. And for lower TC are better target like meph.

I can do Pindle in about 15 seconds with my Blizzsorc with nearly 100% success. There is no way I will match that with Ancient Tunnels. I've tried. I've already got Arachnid Mesh and Azurewrath (Great roll, too) and I honestly don't give a flying crap about Tyrael's Might.

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