Best place to buy a +3 RS/+3 SM Bone wand

Theio Vrefos

New member
Sep 7, 2008
Best place to buy a +3 RS/+3 SM Bone wand

I read that the place is drognan, with a level 13 character. I'm playing untwinked and just want a wand to toughen my skeletons up a bit :)
I'm currently using a +3 RS/+2 SM/+2 AD i got from akara. A white wand with +3 RS/+7 SM would be better, that's why i want a bone wand :)
Re: Best place to buy a +3 RS/+3 SM Bone wand

The info you have been given is spot on. Clvl 13 is just high enough to see Bone Wands for sale (they are qlvl 18, and shopped items have ilvl=clvl+5) and no vendor in act 1 can sell them, so Drognan is your target. At clvl 14, the base tier for the staffmods will be one higher than at clvl 13, and the 'level 1 skills staffmods' is 3 times as rare in that case.

It can also be a good idea to collect any low quality Bone/Grim Wands (and their exceptional/elite versions) you find in the field and 'normalize' them with the 'chippie + eld' recipe. This sets the ilvl to 1, making the level 1 skills by far the most common staffmods.
Re: Best place to buy a +3 RS/+3 SM Bone wand

The info you have been given is spot on. Clvl 13 is just high enough to see Bone Wands for sale (they are qlvl 18, and shopped items have ilvl=clvl+5) and no vendor in act 1 can sell them, so Drognan is your target. At clvl 14, the base tier for the staffmods will be one higher than at clvl 13, and the 'level 1 skills staffmods' is 3 times as rare in that case.

It can also be a good idea to collect any low quality Bone/Grim Wands (and their exceptional/elite versions) you find in the field and 'normalize' them with the 'chippie + eld' recipe. This sets the ilvl to 1, making the level 1 skills by far the most common staffmods.

Aha, thanks for the info :D

Re: Best place to buy a +3 RS/+3 SM Bone wand

RS and SM are on the lowest staffmod tier, so the best way to get a wand with +3 on both is passing 60k gold to a L1 character, to go shopping with him.

The tougher part is a necro head like that :azn:

Edit: Oh, you need it in a bone wand. That makes things a lot tougher because it needs a higher level character then and a lot of other skill bonuses from higher tiers are possible in that case.
Re: Best place to buy a +3 RS/+3 SM Bone wand

The tougher part is a necro head like that :azn:

Tell me about it. It's difficult to drop them in the first place. I did 10 or so runs (tristram and countess - according to atma) and got only 2 or 3 heads. Hopefully one of them was a +3 skeleton mastery, lazruk punched two holes into it and now i'm enjoying my splendor head.

However, i must say, i haven't had that much fun with diablo in a long time.

Estimated market value