Best MF Character?


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Best MF Character?

Just starting out again, and i was wondering which character would be best for finding items? Thanks :)
Re: Best MF Character?

I agree that a sorceress with Tal-Rasha's set is a great MF'er. It's not too likely to have that available right away, though.

A Blizzard sorc is one of the best options for farming Mephisto for items. She also handles Pindle and Ancient Tunnels
really well.

Another great starter character is a lightning fury amazon.

She is not really great against Mephisto if you're playing online, since you'll be lacking teleport.
If you play single player (static maps) she can be every bit as good as a sorceress. You just need an item with teleport charges to cross the moat.

You can check the sorc forum for build guides. Alternatively you can check the single player forum's Mat/Pat/Guardian compendium (stickied) for builds.
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Re: Best MF Character?

For starting, I would prefer skeleton necro, since its less equipment dependant than a sorc. Not as fast for running bosses, it works far better at clearing whole areas like the pit and such. Really, it would depend on how much equipment you have and can afford. The best results, of course, come from bosses, and I'd use a sorc for that (full tal if possible)
Re: Best MF Character?

depends on how you would like to MF really. for killing act bosses yeah sorc can tele without enigma good fcr breakpoints and good damage. then there are some who like to kill in mass(cow lvl, CS, etc) then a javazon would arguably be better. and more variants to mf such as eldrich pindleskin both do not require teleport, and trav best done by a barb who can get items and mass gold.
Re: Best MF Character?

as a sorc fun, i d recommend getting a sorc. any kind, just a sorc.

but why no one suggested assassin?
Re: Best MF Character?

Almost impossible to top the meteorb for all around mfing for a new player.
Re: Best MF Character?

If you're on PTR I'd say fishy nec, just because you can get to 99 and gamble some starting MF gear, then hit TC85 areas. Sorc's going to take a little longer to get going because you'll have to gear up and you wont be able to twink or trade as easily for stuff, and it probably wont be around long enough for you to find a full Tal's set or such.
Re: Best MF Character?

If you're on PTR I'd say fishy nec, just because you can get to 99 and gamble some starting MF gear, then hit TC85 areas. Sorc's going to take a little longer to get going because you'll have to gear up and you wont be able to twink or trade as easily for stuff, and it probably wont be around long enough for you to find a full Tal's set or such.

sorc can obtain her items pretty fast.

Spirit sword: nm countess ( when she was a problem to level 99 sorc? )
Rhyme: nm countess
gambled blet
Rings: both fcr
amulet: sorc and fcr are welcome, but should hit 63 fcr then look at +skills ( gambling )
boots: gamble ofc -_-
gloves: any will do ( mage would be nice, but in mean while "free spot" for any mf/res gloves )
armour: gambling gambling gambling. you might find something decent.
helmet: fcr + res circlet. i gambled 20 fcr 30 all res circlet ( magic ) not expecting everybody else to get do same, just saying :)

shouldn't take longer then outfitting necro in my eyes.

also: get max tp, tk, orb and rest should go into ES and CM. solid boss runner.

Re: Best MF Character?

sorc can obtain her items pretty fast.

Spirit sword: nm countess ( when she was a problem to level 99 sorc? )
Rhyme: nm countess
gambled blet
Rings: both fcr
amulet: sorc and fcr are welcome, but should hit 63 fcr then look at +skills ( gambling )
boots: gamble ofc -_-
gloves: any will do ( mage would be nice, but in mean while "free spot" for any mf/res gloves )
armour: gambling gambling gambling. you might find something decent.
helmet: fcr + res circlet. i gambled 20 fcr 30 all res circlet ( magic ) not expecting everybody else to get do same, just saying :)

shouldn't take longer then outfitting necro in my eyes.

also: get max tp, tk, orb and rest should go into ES and CM. solid boss runner.

Well thats exactly what I meant. With that setup you'll have 25 MF from your shield and maybe ~30 from your boots and ~20 in gloves.

Necro can go full on MF gambled - gloves, boots, rings, amulet, circlet - since he doesnt have to worry about FCR and isnt quite as beholden to +skills as a comparable sorc. Then you can add things like Rhyme and Wealth and Tarnhelm as they become available, without sacrificing very much killing power.

Sorcs will excel at MF once they've landed some rarer gear (Tals, MF+skills circ/amulet, tarnhelm, etc.), and of course endgame sorcs make a killing at bossrunning, but straight out of the box - with level and gold cheats - I think nec hits the ground running the fastest.

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