Best All Around MF Sorc Build


New member
Jun 22, 2003
Best All Around MF Sorc Build

I am looking for a build that will be nothing but mf. I would like to kill fast mostly pits, meph, pindle. What does anyone have for a suggestion for this? Thanks
I'd say meteorb
1) you have a timered ,area affecting,high dmg spell (good for meph)
2)You have a non-timered attack (good for pits etc)
3) you have a wide spread attack (for fire imunes or whiping out arreas)

And she 'll be very viable,even with high amounts of mf
I use a Blizzard sorc with a very strong merc. My solo runs consist of:

Ancient Tunnels

It's fun.
I would say meteorb also because even though it is not as damaging as blizzard, you will be given alot more versatility in what your doing.

Also, with a blizzard sorc you will be depending on your merc a little too much(for my liking anyway). Atleast with meteorb you have 3 different types of attacks where as blizzard or anyother 1 tree build has only two types of attacks. And this is considering you have a merc.
Usufruct said:
I use a Blizzard sorc with a very strong merc. My solo runs consist of:

Ancient Tunnels

It's fun.
Isn't your sorc lvl 96 or something though??? Haha, I agree with you on that, with all the areas you mentioned you should be ok with a pure cold sorc... except countess, which I find can be skipped anyways to save time. A merc is very important though, with any good mf sorc build.
Sartok said:
Isn't your sorc lvl 96 or something though??? Haha, I agree with you on that, with all the areas you mentioned you should be ok with a pure cold sorc... except countess, which I find can be skipped anyways to save time. A merc is very important though, with any good mf sorc build.
Haha, actually she's only 94 :p

I do the countess because she drops the occasional Um or Ist rune, and my merc kills her and each of her cronies in one hit.
Well I think that meteorb would be a great skill to use even if blizzard is more damaging. This is simply because I find Fireball to be such a useful spell, using my meteorb right now, I usually do fireball-fireball-fireball-orb, and it works great in killing monsters, although it costs more mana, it matches the killing speed of a blizzard sorceress.
Act2 Might merc, he uses eth bonehew or eth tomb reaver, depending on my mood :p
I just posted a topic with some blizz questions, would you mind answering them? You got one already....TY. :worship:
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