Re: Beating Ancients as a Bowazon
I seem to be at a huge block here that I can't solo ancients at all. Since I refuse to Pub through this encounter, is there anything I can do to beat them?
Easy to way to do those:
Lots of running speed (harmony bow, good boots)
Slow items (clegclaw gloves, riphook bow at switch)
Release barbs, shoots them with Riphook. Run a lot until you just one of those barbs are following you. Kill it. Rince are reapeat for other two.
Its little faster with good merc and valkyrie, but bowa can do alone too.
If you have very low life, like 400 or less, change some items before fight, use shako, shaftstop, aldurs boots etc... and change some damage charms to life charms.
Those help so that thrower can't kill you with just one throw, those other two barbs are easy for bowa, they never hit you.
Keep distance when you kill them, so that explosion after dead don't kill you, especially in nmare.
And use guided arrows, at start you can use multi to slow them all at once.
Use magical arrow if one is PI, or if you run out of arrows. It's quite easy task, if you don't panic there.
Lvl 62 (shako lvl) bowa can do hell anciets quite easily, but some extra lvls don't hurt either.
Drink couple (5 each) thawnings and antidote pots in town before fight, those extra resist never hurt.
I have killed hell ancients over 20 times with bowas, for strong bowas (end of ladder) its 15-30 seconds job, for weak bowas (start of ladder) its 3-5min job.
Have fun, its one of the funniest quests in game.