Base Dex for my Barb


New member
Nov 4, 2004
Base Dex for my Barb

I read somewhere that its recommended to get your strength up to around 165 and let your charms or gear boost you the rest of the way so you don't waste points. Thats a great idea now i'd like to know what would be a good base dex to leave it at. I have a WW Barb and i do use and intend to keep using a shield. I'm only lvl 50 and would like one of those Storm Shields but there dex rq i believe is 222. Thats pretty high.

At what point should I stop putting points in Dex and let my items do the rest( up to the req. for SS anyway.)?

All responses welcome.
Well, nowadays you can get by with base-81 or so strength, with gear taking you the rest of the way. There'd be no reason to go higher than 156 base on a stormshield barb.

As for dex, you can go as low as 112-162, depending on your gear. For 112, you'd need arreat's, a 20 stat annihilus, breath of the dying, and two 20 dex ravens. 162 is assuming you don't have an annihilus or the two ravens, but you're using BotD, Arreat's, and the angelic set jewelry for 10 dex.

Halciet said:
Well, nowadays you can get by with base-81 or so strength, with gear taking you the rest of the way. There'd be no reason to go higher than 156 base on a stormshield barb.

As for dex, you can go as low as 112-162, depending on your gear. For 112, you'd need arreat's, a 20 stat annihilus, breath of the dying, and two 20 dex ravens. 162 is assuming you don't have an annihilus or the two ravens, but you're using BotD, Arreat's, and the angelic set jewelry for 10 dex.


But why the hell would anyone use two Ravenfrosts.
Is cold damage that much of a problem.
There are other good rings that fit that spot much better.
Exactly, the dex and the ar. 20 dex = 20 points you can put in vit = 80 base life = 160+ BO life, along with the AR on the ring and the extra cold absorbs and damage. That's hard to beat, heh heh.

Hal heres my point spread.

As I write this I'm in Act1 NM. Now lvl 51. I don't know whether to get Str to 165 then stop and raise Dex or to raise Dex then Str. Hal, what am I more likely to come across a SS which might need a higher dex sooner? or an Arreats which needs Str? Since I'm in NM what do you think I'll come across first or are they both Hell Difficulty items only?
Are you playing single player? If not you can always trade for stormshield and arreat's fairly easily.

I wouldn't put any more in strength myself; I don't understand why you're insistent on getting it to 165. As I mentioned before, the highest you'd EVER need it with stormshield is 156, and that's usually over-investment, since you can take into account +str gear. Perhaps you're just reversing the 5 and the 6 when you type it out? You've already got more than enough for arreat's (118), and if you get anything like BotD or enigma, it'll rocket up even more.

Anyways: stormshield can't be equipped until level 73, requiring 156 strength between all your gear. To have max block with it at 73, you need 168 dex between point investments and gear, so aim to have that much by that level. After that, it will need 2-3 dex per level to maintain max block, with the other 2-3 points going to vitality.

You can find either of the items in nightmare or hell.

Thanx Hal. Yeah I had gotten the 5 & 6 switched. 156 Strength it is then. I'll also go to 168 Dex too.

Its strange not exactly SP; because I play on but primarily soloing to finish the quests. Sometimes I'll party with others if I see they're asking for help on a quest I've already completed but otherwise I'm alone.

Thanx again everyone.
gmcbroom said:
Thanx Hal. Yeah I had gotten the 5 & 6 switched. 156 Strength it is then. I'll also go to 168 Dex too.

That is a HUGE waste of stat points that could be put into Vitality. My barb only has base 73 str, ~110 dex at level 77. You should depend on +str and +dex from items to get them to your standards to have more points for vit which = more life.
Estimated market value