Baal Killer; Do I have my bases covered?


New member
Jul 20, 2004
Baal Killer; Do I have my bases covered?

Just thought I would check in here to see if anyone sees a glaring omission I might not have thought of. Here is where my Concentrate Barb is sitting right now @ Level 82;

Howl (1), Taunt (1), Battle Cry (1)
Shout (20), Battle Orders (20), Battle Command (1)

Combat Masteries
Sword Mastery (20), Stamina/Speed/Skin/Resistances (All 1 pointers)

Combat Skills
Bash (1), Stun (1), Concentrate (20), Berserk (1)
Double Swing (1) - I like seeing 2 swords going when I make the switch to the Ali Baba's.

My thought was that once I finish the build (I think I am done), all my points would go towards Bash. I have 1 point now at level 82 and was about to place it when I thought I should come here to those more experienced. I am hoping I didn't overlook something like if Iron Skin or something is better etc...

I built this barb more as an offensive barb. I have no resistances problems, I can run the Pit @ players 8 using my Shaeld Doombringer. I plan to use the Azurewrath when I hit level 85 and then proceed to take on Baal as a full time occupation for this barb. That is if this barb has been built like I hope and can tackle Baal in about a 15 minute job each time. Be cool if he can do it in less than 15 minutes, but I would be happy at 15 minute runs.

For an offensive concentrate barb who has a primary goal of killing Baal, do I have my skill points setup correctly and that the remaining points should go to Bash?

My understanding that I will get 5% more damage per level which would be 25% more damage going from 82 to 86. I don't know how the 25% addition is added to my overall damage, but it still seems like the thing to do.

In Hal's guide (Concentrate Barb) it is suggested that putting points into Bash is not going to do much good if your weapon is only doing 150-200 max damage, but my Doombringer is about 261 I think. However, I plan to put on the Azurewrath which I believe is lower at about 120 max damage. I use this Azurewrath on my main barb and I just like it, whether or not I should keep the Doombringer instead for this current build, I am not sure.

Any comments on direction for the remaining points as I get them?


EDIT: Figured a question may be brought up about my gear. The gear is quality gear; Arreats, Highlords, COH, Stormshield, Doombringer, Verdungo's, Dracul's, Gore Rider boots; and I think 2 Raven Frosts as I haven't found/traded for a Bul-Kathos ring yet. Haven't messed with adding charms yet as I am not sure what charms would be best to carry.
Go with Ironskin; the bash synergy isn't going to give you hardly any damage with Doombringer and no damage charms. To give you some idea: with a perfec 415% BotD berserker axe (the best one-hander in the game) and 39 3 max charms, 20 points in bash adds around 700 damage.

20 points in bash is only going to add whatever your weapon damage is plus whatever additional damage you get from gear/charms (which in your case will be 0), as it just adds 100% ed.

Halciet said:
Go with Ironskin; the bash synergy isn't going to give you hardly any damage with Doombringer and no damage charms.
Good thing I asked before I put the points in Bash.

Which brings up the next question then if Iron Skin seems to be the next best choice. I only have 1 point in Iron Skin, yet when I go into game I have 6 because of skills. Upon pumping up I then have 7 points in all the 1-point wonders. I thought anything above 5 or so was uneccesary.

Is there real benefit in still adding to Iron Skin when in game pumped up I am already at 7 points?

Since I am not concerned with Find Item tree, or other attack trees, or masteries; it seems as though there are not many choices left to put the points from here (Level 82) on up to whatever I get to. Highest Barb I have now I think is level 87. That is at least 6 more skill points I am sure I will probably get and need to find a home for.

So, is Iron Skill the logical choice?

Ironskin isn't really a one-point wonder. It's a skill that deserves at least one point, but it's a nice sink for any leftovers later, since it has no diminishing returns and is thus a safe bet. The other skills marked as one-point wonders are labeled as such because they either suffer horrid diminishing returns (natural resist, find item, increased speed), offer a huge bonus for the initial point making them worth the investment (battle cry), offer no real bonus for more points (battle command), or are a global skill that all builds need and receive hefty boost from synergies (namely berserk).

I was a big supporter of bash when the patch came out, but it's really hard to get the most out of the synergy; ironskin is a much more viable alternative that the greater majority of players can benefit from. As a side note, you might want to think about a point or so of warcry, as it can be a nice help when going up against enemies that ignore defense or for use when you're using berserk.

Halciet said:
Ironskin isn't really a one-point wonder. It's a skill that deserves at least one point, but it's a nice sink for any leftovers later, since it has no diminishing returns and is thus a safe bet.

As a side note, you might want to think about a point or so of warcry, as it can be a nice help when going up against enemies that ignore defense or for use when you're using berserk.
Thank you Hal for your comments. I will review Iron Skin and Warcry again to determine how to spend the next/last few points in this build.

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