Aura stacking and sorbing


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Aura stacking and sorbing

After encountering aura stacking paladins in duel pubs I became curious if it's possible to absorb both of their auras that they stack, holy shock and holy fire. From what I've seen you can only sorb one element at a time effectively, is this true? If you absorbed only lightning wouldn't their holy fire kill you or would you get healed enough from the lightning absorb that it wouldn't?

What about stacked resists, how does that come into play? Is it impossible or close to it to fully absorb a dual aura stacking paladin?
Re: Aura stacking and sorbing

Wear a Tgod belt, Hotpsur boots, Wisp ring, Dwarf star ring, Rising sun ammy...

The integer absorb on tgod and rising sun absorb damage from each "stack" and reduce damage significantly... If they stacked 40 times, your Tgod will sorb 1600 total light damage from each aura pulse... 20 light from each of the 80 Shock auras is sorbed... >>>> "Reduce Magic Damage" on Dwarf Star also applies to each stack of fire and lightning... A 15 MDR Dwarf provides 2400 damage reduced, per pulse, based on 40 stacks <<< ... Wear 2 Dwarf Stars if you dont have a wisp ring, it's quite effective ... Hotspurs or infernostride boots minimize fire damage even more, hotspurs have stronger resists and higher max.... Wisp is the final nail in the stacker's coffin...

More focus goes on fire because the retarded stacker's sword ,Hand of Justice, has an additional -20 enemy resist and the lvl 16 Holy Fire has longer range...

Raising resists helps alot because the conviction is - 150 to your resists... Stack resists 150 over your 75% max... Run Salvation if you're a Pally...

P.s. Blackhorns helm and Hellmouth gloves can also work if you don't have Tgod or Rising sun... or you can use all four of the integer sorb items if you feel like carrying them... Just make sure you use at least 1 Dwarf Star to negate alot of the damage...
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Re: Aura stacking and sorbing

It's possible to absorb both to the point that he won't be able to do much to you, if you wear nothing but absorb gear. But depending on what you're using, that may not always be an option because you might be limiting your offensive capabilities.

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