hello all, i just recently remade my hardcore trap/kicker becuase i had a little more strength than i wanted( p.s. im one of those people who love more STR usually for kickers but this is HC so dont bite my head off on this
.Anyway, my main reason for this post is what ias is necessary for fastest initial kick or whatever its called/hopefully fastest trap laying speed, using LW. is it 50%?
anyway heres my gear setup n skill layout. im confidant on pretty much everything except the stupid ias i am so unsure of, but i love criticism so lemme have it.
HELM: COA ( its a 25/15 2 socket and i put 15/15 (res/ias) X2 in it.(i <3 guillames but with LW i dont see ne helm that comes close to beatin this for my assn.
Armor: DUSK COH ( i love coh over enigma.. might be willing to change this but doubt it.)
SHEILD : Stormsheild ( i cham this, this frees up an extra skill/life/LL from DUAL bks. (imo, i really like this idea, i dont see alot using this sheild/ring combo , maby theres a reason y? but i like it.)
AMULET: Maras ( i like high dmg traps, and i like stacked resists... might be willing to change or is this a good idea?)
RINGS: bk ring x2 (again high trap dmg, life, and i dont need ravenfrost IMO becuase i cham my SS.
BELT : TGODS ( this is why i remade, originally i used SWS so i didnt account for extra strength but i wont be changeing fromt his belt becuase of HC and BAAL and its just not smart to go without .)
GLOVES: im stuck here, i used to use draculs before i used LW, but draculs r obsolete now, and also i hear i need 20% gloves here no matter what. is this true? if it is, i was thinkin rare 20 ias with 10+stats( more vit) but then i started thinking realistically i dont wanna spend alot on these gloves so most stats ill be gettin is 10-15 which is like 40-45 life in the long run so isnt sander set gloves just as good (20 ias /40 life?)
BOOTS: upped gores, wont change this for any reason
iso advice and a definitive answer do i only need 50%ias or is it less? ty
hello all, i just recently remade my hardcore trap/kicker becuase i had a little more strength than i wanted( p.s. im one of those people who love more STR usually for kickers but this is HC so dont bite my head off on this
anyway heres my gear setup n skill layout. im confidant on pretty much everything except the stupid ias i am so unsure of, but i love criticism so lemme have it.
HELM: COA ( its a 25/15 2 socket and i put 15/15 (res/ias) X2 in it.(i <3 guillames but with LW i dont see ne helm that comes close to beatin this for my assn.
Armor: DUSK COH ( i love coh over enigma.. might be willing to change this but doubt it.)
SHEILD : Stormsheild ( i cham this, this frees up an extra skill/life/LL from DUAL bks. (imo, i really like this idea, i dont see alot using this sheild/ring combo , maby theres a reason y? but i like it.)
AMULET: Maras ( i like high dmg traps, and i like stacked resists... might be willing to change or is this a good idea?)
RINGS: bk ring x2 (again high trap dmg, life, and i dont need ravenfrost IMO becuase i cham my SS.
BELT : TGODS ( this is why i remade, originally i used SWS so i didnt account for extra strength but i wont be changeing fromt his belt becuase of HC and BAAL and its just not smart to go without .)
GLOVES: im stuck here, i used to use draculs before i used LW, but draculs r obsolete now, and also i hear i need 20% gloves here no matter what. is this true? if it is, i was thinkin rare 20 ias with 10+stats( more vit) but then i started thinking realistically i dont wanna spend alot on these gloves so most stats ill be gettin is 10-15 which is like 40-45 life in the long run so isnt sander set gloves just as good (20 ias /40 life?)
BOOTS: upped gores, wont change this for any reason
iso advice and a definitive answer do i only need 50%ias or is it less? ty