Anya bug fixed.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Anya bug fixed.

Yay. No more save and exit / rejoining 100s of times for characters hard pressed with resistances.
Re: Anya bug fixed.

Can you give some supporting evidence? Not calling you out, but I think a lot of us are skeptical.
Re: Anya bug fixed.

Can you give some supporting evidence? Not calling you out, but I think a lot of us are skeptical.

My sorceress died twice, in Hell Travi and other time in Hell Durance 2, and well she retrieved her body without rejoining, and poison res was still 55 in both cases. Also fire should have been less but was still at 75. I had to count all the resistances as I use 50% rare items with mixed resistances.

Yes, its strange because they didnt mention it in the patch notes.

I also found a shield, rare, with the light suffix from Diablo:

On Arreat Summit, it is not listed as spawnable on shields.

+ Light Radius
Available on
Light +1 to Light Radius, +15 To Attack Rating Amulets(1-5)[+10 AR](6)[15], Body Armor(6)[15], Rings(1-5)[+10 AR](6)[15], Rods(6)[15]

Here it is:


Re: Anya bug fixed.

LCS shows the incorrect amount. No change.

Wasnt the amount of resistance 'lost' also deducted from the character screen? I could have sworn ...

Anyway, unless the AS is incorrect, that shield suffix is new (for shields, that is).

Re: Anya bug fixed.

Wasnt the amount of resistance 'lost' also deducted from the character screen? I could have sworn ...


Anyway, unless the AS is incorrect, that shield suffix is new (for shields, that is).

Sorry, it has always been a prefix:

+ Light Radius
Available on
Glimmering +1 to Light Radius Amulets(1), Armor(1), Orbs(1), Rings(1), Staves(1), Wands(1)
Glowing +2 to Light Radius Amulets(6), Armor(6), Orbs(6), Rings(6), Staves(6), Wands(6)

Re: Anya bug fixed.


Sorry, it has always been a prefix:

+ Light Radius
Available on
Glimmering +1 to Light Radius Amulets(1), Armor(1), Orbs(1), Rings(1), Staves(1), Wands(1)
Glowing +2 to Light Radius Amulets(6), Armor(6), Orbs(6), Rings(6), Staves(6), Wands(6)

It is not Glimmering, because there is enhanced defense, fire resist,
light radius and AR. 4 prefixes?

Also, if that 1 socket is a prefix, it would make sense for both AR + LR to be a single suffix, in the form of 'of the Light' mod.

I dont know, either AS is wrong (just like it is with 20fcr on scepters for example), or its new for shields, or just a glitch.

Edit: AR also doesnt spawn on shields, so it is the LR/AR suffix as I stated, and also notice the level 20 requirement, must be 2 prefixes (ed and res) and 2 suffixes (life and LR/AR) + an 'automatic' (ie non-affix) socket. But the AR/LRadius mod wasnt listed on shields before. No big deal as such, cuz no one really cares much for it lol. I just like technicalities.

Re: Anya bug fixed.

It is not Glimmering, because there is enhanced defense, fire resist,
light radius and AR. 4 prefixes?

You've got me there.

Also, if that 1 socket is a prefix, it would make sense for both AR + LR to be a single suffix, in the form of 'of the Light' mod.

I dont know, either AS is wrong (just like it is with 20fcr on scepters for example), or its new for shields, or just a glitch.

I'm guessing it's just a mistake on the AS.

I looked through my stashes (all 1.12a) to see if I could find a shield with that mod, but I don't really keep rare/magic shields, so I only have one rare shield with +light radius, but it doesn't have the mod you have.

Estimated market value