Another zealot thread .... sorry


New member
Jun 28, 2003
Another zealot thread .... sorry

Okay I am currently planning my zealot and I wanted to use a lot of 'different' gear but i think using lance guard AND 5 os eth tomb reaver might be biting off more than I can handle. So this is my not quite finished gear set ups.

Shako (chamed)
eth razors edge
angelic rings + ammy
gore riders
up'ed lance guard
blood fists
xx/15 dungos

Here is where I am lost .. i need dr but what would be better up'ed shaft or a 25 dr lev. Both would get me max dr.

Also ... should i potentially change my gear around to use 2 x 20 dex ravens to help me save stats on getting my block rate up ... or will the life from angelics more than make up for that dex.

On a side note here is my rune master set up ... not sure if do-able.

zod + shael + 3 x Lo runes
lance guard ( 15 ias)
andys visage w/ ias jewel
up'ed shaft( 15 ias)
xx/15 dungos
Gore riders
angelic ring and ammy

again ... raven frost needed, I think shaft is needed here to complete the dr. Any suggestions?
for the first setup, you still need 10 IAS to reach 4fpa (maybe a jewel in the shield?)
Angelics gives 115 life and dual ravens (20/20) 120, but you loose a ton of AR, I'd say it's not worth it.

The second setup is missing some IAS too, I only see lvl 22 fanat, you'll need slvl 23 for 85 IAS. You already have that amount, so I think a captain's GC is OK here.

oh, and shaft has lower reqs, and adds life, while levi adds strenght for damage and has higher reqs.
with shaft: more life, less damage
with levi: less life, more damage
The really good thing about Levis isn't the negligible 50 Str. Its the added defense. Upgraded Shaftstops can get horrendous rolls. Still, I would go with the Shaft if you can find a good one.
yeah i rolled an uppd shaft to 12xx def i was furious. if you can get one that is 15xx it will beat the pants off the levi (and you look like a badass wearing shaft)
HMMM I got a 220 on ladder .. im gonna roll it .. wish me luck
edit: rolled it got 1388 :rant:

edit2: which set up do you think would do better?
i think the rm would work better, and i also think you should sell me the eth razor, and lance guard, for my new concept build im trying
um leave my concept alone !!!!! i want to be original !!! and my eth razors is only 220 ....
Interesting setup voice. Let me know how it turns out.

Why do you choose lance + shako + shaft over guilg + storm/negra + shaft/stone, etc, etc?

Garbad_the_Weak said:
Interesting setup voice. Let me know how it turns out.

Why do you choose lance + shako + shaft over guilg + storm/negra + shaft/stone, etc, etc?


No real reason ... I think I might be losing some stats in my setup but I really dont read guides to do my builds. I like to try to incorperate a lot of oringal gear in my builds, and I like to do different builds from the norm. I know to do this build I'm really gonna have to pre-buff my holy shield to get my defence to 25k+. I really want to use the razors, but i get originality points with the rune master so I might go that way ... but I own both so might as well experiment with both of them eh?

Also it was brought to my attention that an up'ed near perfect CoT might be better than shako ... any thoughts on this? It would give me a lot of life and a save me 25 points in dex. I would have to ber it though. hmmmm

:xgift: :xdrunk: :xgift:
Voice said:
um leave my concept alone !!!!! i want to be original !!! and my eth razors is only 220 ....
i know for a fact im thinking of somehting different than you
Ph3NoM said:
i know for a fact im thinking of somehting different than you

I was just kidding :lol:

Okay I was looking around ... If I can get dr elsewhere .... I might be able to use an up'ed ga for more block rate.

15 dr from dungos
31 from CoA
ber'ed ga

Any thoughts on this idea?
:xgift: :xgift:
I was thinkin an eld ... but Im really not sure how much dex i would need to reach max block at lvl 89 ish .... I need to do the math doh. :xgift: How much dex is to much to put on a zealot? :xgift:

edit: okay i just did the math ... i think. 50% chance to block on shield. add 37 w/ a lvl 27 (prebuff) hs. 87% chance to block.

Dex necessary would be 169 for max block.
20 stat annih ... 149
up'ed CoT's 124
duel angelics ... 104.

That is w/o eld ... hmmmm maybe I wont need eld or raven ... assuming i did my math right.

yeah, only 10, but 114 is pretty standard, you wouldnt need eld or raven in this matter, you could stick with the angelics. are you changing stats up a little on youre build as well?
Estimated market value