Another find for the Double Swinger


New member
Apr 25, 2006
Another find for the Double Swinger

I have been running pits as I mentioned before in my Double Swinger Pat thread. Today I found "Death Cleaver". Not sure how it matches up with Sacred charge, but it seems for character built more on life leach it might be pretty good.

How does it stand up to the Uniques? Seems pretty strong, though lacking CB. I commited to swords after I respecced, but wondering if there are good axe combos using the uniques. It looks like this, and maybe Rune Master are the best, Not sure the best swords dont look better.


PS. I realize the Rune words are better, but one I have not installed RWM, and two I dont have any of the needed runes for what is considered even the lower tier words.
Re: Another find for the Double Swinger

After looking at Headstriker and Cold Steel Eye which I have read about as a good combo, it looks like if they are upped, they may be the match, or superior to Death Clever.
Re: Another find for the Double Swinger

For the Colsteel Eye, most melee builds appreciate Life Leech much more than Mana Leech (once I got even moderately-strong items, the only melee build I played where I remember worrying about mana leech was an Avenger... not so for life leech). And -target defense will be better than 30% slow & hit-blinds-target most of the time too.

The Headstriker is an interesting option too. The biggest difference I can see is the lack of IAS on it vs. the 40 IAS on the Death Cleaver. Sometimes that difference can be quite big, as it might end up making the axe 20-30% faster to attack with. And also, there's still the -target defense on the Death Cleaver.

Finally, the requirements for an axe are generally lower than swords too (once upgraded, this holds true for both of your suggestions).

So I'd still lean towards the Death Cleaver over an upgraded Coldsteel Eye or upgraded Headstriker. But I agree they're relatively comparable in results & performance - and if you've already invested in Sword Mastery then yeah, they'd be close enough to the DC for me. But I'd be skeptical to hear someone claim they're a superior choice.

Edit: By the way, you can edit your posts instead of posting a 2nd time. ;)
Re: Another find for the Double Swinger

They'll never be superior to Death Cleaver though. It has better base damage, and assuming you have standard melee gear (aka Gore Rider/Guillame's Face/Highlord's Wrath), Death Cleaver will always win out, and even more so once you consider the -33% TD.
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