AGHH i got scammed!

Like SuggestiveName said, this is not a rule but an observation: people who trade here tend to behave. I guess people don't like to be banned. Of course, it is safer to drop trade expensive items only with confirmed members.

X'Nedra said:
I actually didn't drop the item we agreed on, which were steelrends 54%, instead went for ik gloves :D (well agrees made on are usually worth nothing anyway, as he scammed me too)
So you're actually telling us that you tried to scam him, right? Nice... :grrr:
well, only trade with accounts you are familiar with, seen many times.... There are people who are knowledgeable who make new account to scam pple and later act innocent. they dont dare to scam with their frequently used accounts as they want to maintain themselves as honest.
On the contrary, I don't fear the loss of my honest reputation. I feel morally obligated not to steal other people's stuff, which is why I don't do it. I couldn't give a white crap whether you all trust me or not :)
Estimated market value