Advice on Possible v1.13 Chaos/Ball Runner

a brick

New member
Jul 14, 2006
Advice on Possible v1.13 Chaos/Ball Runner


With the release of 1.13, the Hammerdin will no longer be able to do baal runs because the act2 pack, the mummies, will be immune to magic, making the runs take too long if there is no help for the hammerdin.
Also, CE is getting a huge damage bump, with the amount of damage increasing to 70%-120% of the monster's life. Also, poison is getting a damage increase by 15%! So I thought, "Hey, what about a CE/Nova build to do chaos/baal runs?"

I was wondering how feasible it was, though... The build would be a CE/Nova/golem with some summons who uses nova to initially kill the first monster and have CE take care of the rest. However, the only goal of this build would be to do chaos/baal runs, so if it would take a lot of time to kill monsters then there would be no point in building this. Feasibility, in this case, is determined by whether this build can complete a chaos/baal run quickly. If not, then it's not feasible.

But here goes,

20 Posion Nova
20 Poison Explosion
20 Poison Dagger
1 Corpse Explosion
1 Clay Golem (The slow I think is important, aura covered in gear)
10 Golem Mastery (I just prefer a good tank)
1 Summon Resist (I believe the golem will be immune to elemental attacks)
1 Bone Armor
1+ Raise Skeleton
1+ Lower Resist
1 IM, Life Tap, Decrepify, etc.. any curses you want
1 All pre-reqs

*numbered options match with each other, meaning 1 goes with 1, not 1 with 2.

Helm(debateable): 'Dream' Demonhead - A source of damage, coupled with conviction and lower resist, it can do some pretty sizeable damage. res and fhr are also good mods.
Armor: 'Enigma' - doesn't need an explanation
Belt: Arachnid's Mesh - 1 skills, 20fcr. Need to get
Gloves: Trang's Gloves - 20fcr and 25% poison damage increase
Boots: War Travs - Stats, mf. Need some mf to do baal and diablo runs.
Ammy: 1. Mara's - +2 skills, res, stats. Hard to argue with
2. 2 nec/15+fcr ammy
Ring1: 10fcr/stat/life rare ring - need the 10fcr to reach bp.
Ring2: 1. BK/SOJ/rare mf ring - +skills or mf if you want.
2. 10fcr/stat/life rare ring - need the 10fcr to reach bp.
Weapon: 1. Blackhand Key Grave Wand - +2nec, +1curses, 30 fcr. Best wand for this build imo if you can't get a 2/15+ ammy.
2. Death's Web - +2skills, +2pnb, +psn dmg. Probably best wand for psn necro in general but no fcr.
Shield: Humunculus - +2 necro skills, +2 curses, res, block, no much else you can ask for.

Inventory: x pnb gcs, torch, anni, and choice of scs: 7mf, 20life, 5res.

Merc: It can't be a holy freeze merc because you need the monsters to not burst into ice chunks. So might merc is the next best thing I think.
'Infinity' in choice of polearm
Eth Fort
Eth Vamp gaze

Explanation: There are probably a lot of questions and things I've overlooked but I think I should explain some things to make this build more feasible.

The only problem with this build is killing the first monster to being with. Hopefully, lower resist and conviction will break poison immunes and cut the resistances significantly. Poison nova gets a 15% damage increase but even without the increase, a fully synergized nova does 6875-7046 poison dmg over 2 seconds. That has some potential you have to admit because that is not including the +25% poison damage from trangs or death's web. The only question is whether conviction and lower resist can break poison immunes...

Once the monsters are dead, CE should easily take care of them. After nova/golem/dream kills off one monster, CE will do 70-120% of monster's life when 1.13 is released. Half of the damage is physical, and the other half is fire. That fire damage will be greatly increased with lower resist and conviction. If the monster is fire immune, poison and the physical damage should make up the difference. Essentially, CE is nearly unresistable.

So what do you think?

Re: Advice on Possible v1.13 Chaos/Ball Runner

Hammerdins will still be faster. High lvl Concentration + EInsight/CoH/Guillaume's merc = freakish high physical damage for the 4-5 mummies.

And Light sorcs will still be faster than Hammerdins.

CE scales real bad to more players.
Re: Advice on Possible v1.13 Chaos/Ball Runner

Hammerdins will still be faster. High lvl Concentration + EInsight/CoH/Guillaume's merc = freakish high physical damage for the 4-5 mummies.

And Light sorcs will still be faster than Hammerdins.

CE scales real bad to more players.

Indeed. But he CE damage will be increased as well as the poison nova damage. I think it will be potentiall good. Not a top tier at baalrunning, but good!

I would skip the 10+ golem mastery. 1+pt is enough, skeletons are better meat shields, and can KILL too, will greatly help killing baal. Just resummon the clay golem, that will have uber life and have good slow anyways - if he dies.

Re: Advice on Possible v1.13 Chaos/Ball Runner

Poisonmancers are very bad boss killers, so you really don't want to run Baal with them. A Bonemancer won't really work either because they are bad at killing groups (though CE is pretty good at that).

I agree with others; Hdins are probably still best, perhaps with Zeal as secondary attack or soemthing.
Re: Advice on Possible v1.13 Chaos/Ball Runner

Although if you would still use this build, it is quite flawed.

Ce must be maxed. Baalruns will be repeated over and over. All you want to think about is aggression and speed. Max ce. Get 125% fcr and death's web. Those are required for the necromancer to even have a chance compared to other classes. Also have an infinity merc, for boosting ce damage
Re: Advice on Possible v1.13 Chaos/Ball Runner

CE isn't all that great in games with more than 3-4 players.
Re: Advice on Possible v1.13 Chaos/Ball Runner

Thanks for the advice guys! I didn't have much hope for the build, It was a long shot but it had some promise. It looks like a hdin hybrid will still be better than this. Perhaps someday I'd like to try the build with some minor tweaking but not right away.


Re: Advice on Possible v1.13 Chaos/Ball Runner

Ce must be maxed.

Second that, good CE is nice.

Testing huge CE (lvl45) and its works great in chaos. Only problem is that amp has radius 12 yards while CE has radius 17.3 yards.
Amp should be way larger to get good chain reaction going on. Need to do good CE-build in 1.13 (for area runs while soloing).

Mine is boner(4k spear,lvl50) with max CE. Bosses and getting 1st corpse is easy at least while soloing.

Re: Advice on Possible v1.13 Chaos/Ball Runner

My poison necro runs hell chaos runs in 8 player games :)

nothing takes more than 2 nova's to kill (only the venom lords or unique monsters)

he does them pretty damn fast.

i've tested and for pvm using 3 piece trang (golves, shield, belt) + death web, 3pnb/20fcr/2 os with 2x 5/-5 psn facets work WONDERS.

the most damage you can do.

my setup is:

bp enigma
3/20/2 circlet with psn facets
3pnb / 10 fcr amulet
2x sojs
trang shield with 5/-5 psn facet. and you can block with this shield :D
trang belt
death web with 5/-5 psn facet
rare boots with fhr (use treks if you don't have these)
enough pnb skillers to reach 86 fhr (or mix and match with scs)
life / res small charms

he does 12k poison nova with -157% enemy poison resist. kills diablo solo in 2 novas :) he is also max block

the -157 percent comes from:

-62% from lower resist (you can max it to reach -67% i believe... but what a waste)
-55% from death web
-10% from helmet
-30% from shield (-25 with set bonus + -5% from facet)

does some serious damage.

however i do realize i'm only at the 48 fcr breakpoint.. but it's fine for me for pvm

i make a few switches for pvp :D

my damage might be 13k, i can't remember

but don't give up! poisonmancers are really fun :D
Re: Advice on Possible v1.13 Chaos/Ball Runner

If you were running solo, it would be *decent*. But an actual Baal Run with 8 players... no way.
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