Advice needed on Grief BA, repair costs


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Advice needed on Grief BA, repair costs

(EDIT: damn, HOW could I post in the wrong section... Sorry, contacting mods)
(EDIT2: Thanks, Sirpoops :thumbup: )

Hello people.

I hope the 1.13 buzz is not taking 99% of the attention and someone knowledgeable might help me. ;)

I am planning to make a Grief Berserker Axe. I have used one of my 4 Lo's to make Fortitude, the other 3x + 2x Mal's and 2x 1.12 Berserker Axe bases are being juggled in my hands for the past days while thinking of Grief.

The question is about the base:
Berserker Axe
One-Hand Damage: 24 to 71
Durability: 26 of 26
Required Dexterity: 59
Required Strength: 138
Required Level: 64
Axe Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 88
Fingerprint: 0xc9c723fe
Socketed (5: 0 used)

I was said, that the repair costs of a Grief made in such a BA are a big issue. But I would like to hear more, possibly from experience, what are the real numbers? I mean, I am not planning a GF character and if the income is at least the same as expenses repairing, I would even be fine with that.

I googled a bit and found this thread on and this little table there:
... The Durability mod provides 3 extra Durability
in exchange for a 4x-21x repair bill ...

... Gold cost per Durability repaired for War/[B][U]Berserker axes[/U][/B]:

non-Superior - 406/473
15% Dur - 1746/8832
15% ED - 1949/9984
15% ED/Dur - 1747/8832 ...

Any knowledge that this is somewhat correct? From what I see there, if I make the Grief in a non-superior base, I am fine I think. If there are more concerns, that I somehow don't see yet, I would be glad to get noted.

There is also the option to go with 1.07 indestructible base theoretically, having no repair costs at all plus +12% higher average damage, but that's too much cheese for my liking for a Grief I think...

About the failed/unfailed probabilities of Grief BA speed, >34ias: (4 failed, 7 good from 11 ias rolls)
[B][U]1 try:[/U][/B]
failed             : 36,36%
good               : 63,64%

[B][U]2 tries:[/U][/B]
both failed        : 13,22%
1 failed, 1 good   : 46,28%
both good          : 40,50%

(At least 1 good   : 86,78%)

[B][U]3 tries:[/U][/B]
all failed         :  4,81%
2 failed, 1 good   : 25,24%
1 failed, 2 good   : 44,18%
all good           : 25,77% 

(At least 1 good   : 95,19%)
(At least 2 good   : 69,95%)

:p That's in theory.

Thanks for any thought on the matter,
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Re: Advice needed on Grief BA, repair costs

I'd consider making a Grief in a Phase Blade if not going the ebug route, as they're indestructible. The range is only 2 though, which is a shame, and the high dex requirement means less stat points for Vitality. Something else to consider, anyway.
Re: Advice needed on Grief BA, repair costs

Once again, sorry fellow members, that I accidentally posted in the SPTF, while I was thinking I was posting in the Strategy section. Hope the mods move this soon.

Fabian, thanks for the knowledge you shared with me through PM yesterday.
Phase Blade is out for me because of the reasons you mentioned, plus looks and axes can have some other nice options in the longer run (like Beast, which we both know). But any idea is welcome, appreciated.
Re: Advice needed on Grief BA, repair costs

orts in the cube? less worry for repair costs..
Re: Advice needed on Grief BA, repair costs

Zarirazz - Thank you. :) I somehow have never used that recipe (yes..), though I kinda knew of it, but forgot every single time. I have 109 Orts at the moment, so sparing some for repairing would be no problem.

A " + " for making Grief in this plain BA base for me.
Re: Advice needed on Grief BA, repair costs

Repair cost for Grief BA is very low. It costs me ~11k to repair my Grief BA and Death Cleaver when both get under 5 durability. If you make it in a superior BA, the costs will be enormous, but it makes no sense to do that. With the damage you'll be talking about on that weapon, the extra 15% of the base damage isn't worth having to use the cube every single time you need to repair it (which will be fairly often - not all the time, but often enough to make repairing in the cube eat up runes faster than you can find them, not to mention the time and hassle involved).

To give you an idea on frequency: I have to repair the axe roughly 1-2 times per 30 minutes of Council running and every 2-3 p7 pit runs. Honestly, if you do any gold finding at all (even the occasional picking up items to sell), the cost of repairing a plain Grief BA shouldn't be an issue.
Re: Advice needed on Grief BA, repair costs

Phase Blade is out for me because of the reasons you mentioned, plus looks

Care to let us in on the reasons?

And, you like the way BAs look?!? I can't stand them. If I ever make a greif axe, it'll probably be a War Spike (doesn't look like turkey leg and it's faster).

Re: Advice needed on Grief BA, repair costs

... It costs me ~11k to repair my Grief BA and Death Cleaver when both get under 5 durability ...
... To give you an idea on frequency: I have to repair the axe roughly 1-2 times per 30 minutes of Council running and every 2-3 p7 pit runs ...

@ Maareek - This is exactly the info I wanted to get, thanks a lot! :) It seems roughly to fit the mentioned 473 gold per durability repaired from that table. Which is completely fine by me. And don't worry, I wasn't considering making it in any superior BA. :)

@ SnickerSnack - :p We have different tastes, I see. Yes, the Berserker Axe may not be the best looking weapon in the game, but for me the Phase Blade feels inappropriately cartoonish for the setting and for the Barbarian. Azurewrath, on the other hand, I see as a unique exception to this, due to the RPG feel, Sanctuary aura, origins.

I have wanted to make a whirling axe barbarian for a while. (planning stage now) The Berserker Axes sure don't look anything uber, but I am ok with that. To me they are like the trustworthy tools of a field soldier, nothing fancy, but they do their work damn good. Deceivingly simple by looks, but the barbarian wielding them always keeps the last word after having chopped hordes of foes and wiping blood off of his face and axes.

:) I am completely fine, that you have the opposite feelings to those weapons. Enjoy what you like.

Re: Advice needed on Grief BA, repair costs

You're quite welcome. Glad to help. Also keep in mind that my experience is based off a fairly low rolled Grief (340; iirc, it was the only <350 rolled Grief BA found in a fairly recent search in the SPF) so there's definitely a chance that if you get a superior roll and still achieve lowest WW breakpoint speed that you may need to repair less often. Even an additional 10 damage (which would be 20 total on the weapon) could make a major difference in final damage.

Good luck with your rolls.
Re: Advice needed on Grief BA, repair costs

I've never had problems with the repair cost of my BAs (no grief though, Death Cleavers and a crafted one are what I use) It's the frequency at which they need repairs that's the problem.

My baalrunning axewhirler needs to repair his axes at least once pr. baalrun. (/p1, 8, 3).
Re: Advice needed on Grief BA, repair costs

@ Nubikoen - hm, thanks for the input. Yes, the 26 durability asks for maintenance somewhat regularly, but I am ok with that.

Well... This morning I did it. Reported.

Estimated market value